Court in the case of Mikhail Efremova: a decision, news, as going on, how ended


Most of the proceedings in Russian courts are not interested in the average man. But the court in the case of Mikhail Efremova, who organized an accident on June 8, 2020, which caused the death of the Courier driver Sergey Zakharov, definitely, it is impossible to attribute to the number of unlucky. Millions of people follow the course of the investigation and litigation.

The latest news about the criminal case of Efremova than the hearing ended and which sentence was put by the actor - in the material 24cm.

Wine recognition

Millions of people have followed what decision will cause a court in the case of Mikhail Efremova. And this attitude towards the proceedings around the celebrity is not accidental - from the very beginning, the event unfolded curiously.

So, barely leaving alcohol and drug intoxication (and the investigation first found out that the actor, before sitting behind the wheel of his SUV, was abused not only with alcoholic, but also other "entertaining" substances), Mikhail Efremov hurried to bring Apologies the family of the deceased and even offered all kinds of assistance.

After that, the numerous army of "supporters of the cooling talent" hurried to extract "the mind, honor and conscience" decided to ask for the forgiveness of the artist. However, the new turn in the case showed that the actor's conscientiousness to sing is early, and apologies were obviously brought on the recommendation of a lawyer. After the family of the deceased responded to such moves of the accused side, it was unambiguously negative, Efremov "went into failure."


The first argument in favor of the guilt of Mikhail Efremova called its condition at the time of the crime - otherwise the accident convicted by the Star of the accident cannot be called. During the accident, the famous Russian artist was under the influence of not only alkaloids. The laboratory test of the actor's blood established that it was not in this criminal case and without prohibited substances.

Based on the traces of narcotic substances in the "patient" detected after medical examination, the result was made to "extract" from Mikhail Efremov detailed information about the drug trafficking personality and attract the star as a witness about the sale of prohibited substances.

Separate journalists who followed how the court proceeds in the case of Mikhail Efremov, noted that the attraction of the artist as a witness in the investigation of drug distribution - the likely attempt to "whitewash" the feedback. Representing his business in another way, it turns out to retrain the charge, thus reducing the severity of guilt.

However, either the media were wrong and attempts to "redo the case" was not, or something from the "Obans" did not work. The latter is understandable, given the attention to the criminal case from not only fans, but also the press. But no changes in the status of the accused did not happen.

Failure to recognize guilt

Mikhail Efremov, before that, caught and asking for forgiveness from the family of the deceased Sergey Zakharov, although he did not recognize the direct text of his own guilt, on August 5, he pleased the monitoring of the audience. The artist stated that she absolutely does not remember what happened on June 8, 2020, and therefore cannot recognize that he was guilty of the accident and the death of man.

Following the statement of Efremov, the actor's lawyer supported the client, noting that before making a sentence, it was necessary to understand the details of the case. And also promised the Press, which has the indisputable evidence of innocence of its ward.


1. After Mikhail Efremov said that he does not remember anything about what happened, the lawyer Leonid Olshansky noted that such a strategy allows a lawyer and his prostrate more weigly approach further actions. While the investigation is being conducted, the actor is under house arrest, and therefore it is possible to reduce the term (two days of home arrest are equated by the day of the colony).

2. The Son of the died in the accident Sergey Zakharova decided to present a new claim by Efremov by 6.5 million rubles. It was noted that if in court once again a lie and slander to the family of the deceased man will sound, the amount will increase.

3. On the eve of the new court session on August 11, Mikhail Olegovich was hospitalized with suspicion of stroke. Later, doctors confirmed that the artist was in a state of medium severity. After 3 days, it became known that Efremov was discharged from the hospital.

4. During the next meeting, on August 18, Mikhail Olegovich, the court refused two-hour walks. Also, during this hearing, Efremov extended home arrest until January 2021, while the proceedings are proceeding.

5. The family of the deceased presented the actor three lawsuit on the symbolic ruble, as a moral compensation to his wife, brother and son Sergey Zakharov. They noted that they are not needed dirty money, a man is no longer returned. The family also said that they had no apologies for Efremov, as well as material assistance, which media reported.

6. The media found out that in the hospital diagnosis of Efremov stroke was not confirmed. Thus, they caught in lies of his lawyer Pashayeva.

7. During the court session, Elman Pashaev stated that hackers could be involved in an accident with Mikhail Efremov. He noted that they could capture control or poison the actor. Also, the lawyer proposed to explore such versions of the occurrence as the bell of Efremov with the "unexpected news", blinding the driver with a laser, as well as poisoning through air conditioning or bottling poison in the cabin.

8. The lawyer of the injured party Alexander Dobrovinsky during the court declared that there has a video title of bribing witnesses Pashayev. He asked the judge permission to interrogate a person who is able to confirm this, but in the petition was denied.

9. On August 20, a new witness appeared in Efremov. We have semi-blind (one eye does not see at all, but in the second myopia -3) the man named Alexander Kobets said that after the accident came to the car and noticed two men. Behind the wheel allegedly there was a Slavs aged about 40 years, and Mikhail Olegovich himself was in the rear seat. Responding to Questions of Dobrovinsky, the witness unexpectedly changed the testimony and noted that the unknown driver collected his hands the airbag.

10. Lawyer Efremova demanded to remove the judge Elena Abramov from participating in the process. According to him, the judge deliberately rushing the matter and was not considered that the defender may have other things. Abramova Pets removed.

11. During the next lawsuit, Mikhail Olegovich refused his lawyers - Elman Pashayev and Elizabeth Shargorodskaya. The defender noted that they were annoyed by the judge, because the actor and accepted such a decision. The lawyer of the injured party considered this another attempt to tighten the court proceedings, as in the case of a stroke.

12. Efremov could not find a lawyer in Pashayeva's place, which translated into the status of a consultant, so hired him back.

13. On September 1, it became known that Mikhail Olegovich proposed a family of the deceased 600 thousand rubles. The close Sergey Zakharov, besides his eldest son, did not take this money.

14. On September 3, Mikhail Efremov, during the court hearing, stood up and recognized his guilt in the accident. The eldest son of the deceased demanded that the artist gives at least 8 years in prison, as well as in the future they represented him a report as he was serving a sentence.


On September 8, 2020, Efremov was sentenced. The court recognized the actor guilty and ruled that the artist would have to serve the term in the general regime colony of 8 years. Efremov is also deprived of rights for 3 years and should pay 800 thousand rubles to the eldest son.

Elman Pashaev noted that he would appeal the sentence, until his entry into force, Mikhail Olegovich will remain in one of Moscow's detention centers.

Updo the actor will be able to free only after serving half of the term. In the punishment he was started at the time spent under house arrest. In total, he remains to sit 7 years and 10.5 months.

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