Prince Edward Wessec - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Count 2021



Prince Edward, Count Wessex, belongs to the monarchical genus of Britain and falls by the son of Duke Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth II. He performs a number of duties who have departed from the affairs of the parent and appears at official events along with his beautiful wife.

Childhood and youth

Prince Edward Anthony Richard Louis appeared in London in 1964. The boy was baptized on May 2 in the cozy chapel of Windsor Castle, and those present knew that the baby was intended a brilliant future.

Like its brothers and sisters, Edward received home education, spending the first years of life under the supervision of the nanny in the Buckingham Palace. Then the child was given to the care of professional governess. Weekly boy was deprived of news of father and mother.

Teenager Edward entered the Kensington School in London, and then continued his studies in Berkshire's gymnasium in the south-east of the country. Launching from a mediocre assessment institution, he received admission to university education. Nevertheless, the young man preferred during the year to work abroad, where knowledge was valuable.

In the early 1980s, Edward was enrolled in Cambridge. There, the young man had an interest in national history, as well as to reading books. The heirs of the British throne doubted the qualifications of a relative. But when he received a bachelor's degree, the common language was found.

In 1991, the young prince graduated from additional courses and the Master of Arts added to the mandatory higher education. The royal family in the depths of the soul was delighted by such a turn in the biography, but following the traditions of etiquette, was kept in the manifestation of feelings.

In addition, Philipp Edinburgh agreed with the United Kingdom's marine infantry that the Son after the University will go on a military fleet. Edward tried to undergo training, but soon left this idea, stating his father that there are many other wonderful works in the world.

According to rumors, it led to the scandal between parents and young men, but then the family recognized the right of the prince to independently build their lives. Thus, even in his youth, Edward began a career in the field of art, similar to an eternal holiday and inspired optimism.

Personal life

The personal life of Edward Wesseca has always been interested in journalists, and any girl who had a night with him fell on the media pages. Despite this, the prince met with the actress of the musical ruti Hincell, but the members of the royal family were opposed to the relationships of lovers.

Otherly, Philip and Elizabeth II reacted to Sophie Ris-Jones, a public relations manager. Royal parents approved the engagement of the Son with the subsidiary of the seller of cars and on January 6, 1999 made an official announcement.

In the same summer, solemn marriage in the presence of famous guests took place in the chapel of St. George in the territory of the Windsor Castle. The waste from traditions to hold the ceremony in the London residence of British monarchs became the subject for conversations and the theme of national news.

Edward and Sophie Wessec became the parents of the girl and the boy. James and Louise's names introduced into a genealogical tree and included in the list of applicants for throne. However, children were not named Royal Highters in accordance with the decision taken by Elizabeth and approved by the Buckingham Palace.

Sophie did not upset about this. From the first days, the Countess has established contacts with all members of the Windsor family. Judging by the photo in "Instagram", it became friends with the Duke of Cambridge and, becoming a loved ones of Queen, attracted public attention.


In the late 1980s, Edward came to the entertainment industry and began to cooperate with Andrew Lloyd Webber, the owner of prestigious awards. Working in a British company that created performances and musicals, he soon became a professional assistant in one of the leading theatrical troupe.

Helping in the formulation of the "Ghost Opera" and "Cats", the Prince came to television as a participant in the gaming programs. The Grand Knockout Tournament show has caused mixed feelings of the British, as members of the royal surname joined the star guests.

In 1993, Ardenent Productions was formed, which specialized in the production of documentary and artistic cinema. The media immediately accused Edward in the use of funding links. However, none of the statements of journalists have not been confirmed.

A number of biographical projects of the company had success with British spectators, especially the film about the Duke of Windsor, who worn the name Edward VIII. Nevertheless, the founder did not receive the expected profit and eventually admitted that the idea with show business was failing and empty.

The royal family condescended to the failure of the prince, and he, slightly disappointed, engaged in the public life of the country. Edward accepted the official duties from the Philip's aged and did so that his parent's efforts were appreciated.

Elizabeth II complained to the son of the title of Count Wessek and supported the organization of a charitable foundation, as well as a number of other good deeds. Edward participated in the life of young people, athletes and musicians, and parents, proud of his actions, noted that the son matured.

In the late 1990s, the heir to the British throne was headed by a private royal corporation established the DOFE Prize. He brought it to the international level and as Chairman of the Board of Trustees often traveled to the world, habitual to novelty.

In a short period of time, Edward agreed with 60 countries on cooperation with the Duke of Edinburgh Foundation, which implemented dozens of awards. He developed promising projects for the further development of the organization, the purpose of which was to strengthen the impact and geographically expand coverage.

In the 2000s, the Count Wessexian caused visits to developing countries and dealt with violations of generally accepted human rights. He visited the territories affected by the eruptions of volcanoes, and met with victims of earthquakes, hunger and illegal areas.

As the official representative of Queen, Edward participated in the festive events, which were held at the highest level in a number of foreign countries. Visiting the residence of Sultan Brunei and noting the Independence Day of Sri Lanka, he sincerely sympathized with residents tired of poverty and solarms.

Viscount Severn and Count Porcelain celebrated Prince's activities award-winning and hereditary titles. Thanks to the involvement of Edward to charitable funds and organizations managed to help hundreds of needy, improve life and stop terror.

Edward Wesseksky now

In 2020, Edward and Sophie Wessek was planned to develop a charitable foundation based on advanced ideas. Now the prince with his wife is expanding a list of priority purposes, going beyond the support of young people and gifted children.

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