Star marriages: Russian, Hollywood, 2020, tried to destroy fans


Celebrities are greedy to nationwide recognition, fame and even adorations from fans, as they help to make motivation to further development. However, this path is not always easy: fans are thinking differently, and therefore some begin to encroach on personal life and individual borders. Star marriages who tried to destroy fans - in the material 24cm.

Elena and Vasily Vakulento

Stellar marriage of Elena and Vasily Vakulento, who holds on trust and love for 11 years, also tried to destroy fans. In the show "Of course, Vasya" the Russian rapper told about one funny case slander: a certain customer sent him a spouse the screen of correspondence in which she asks for a man to "throw this mumper." However, the spouses understood that this provocation, and the correspondence was "linden", so the scandal did not happen.

Ksenia Borodin and Kurban Omarov

In July 2020, the spouses of Ksenia Borodin and Kurban Omarov were in the center of the scandal. On the Internet there were statements by the Serbian model of the sinicue of the vocational school, which argued that she was waiting for a divorce of a rich Russian businessman. The sultry beauty also announced that the proposal of the hand and the heart is about to go, as the ring has already been bought. The duet of Borodina and Omarov did not comment on the brewing scandal. On July 29, Soraya put an end to rumors about the infidelity of Kurban: "Please do not publish false statements. I never made statements on this issue. "

Gosh Kutsenko and Irina Skrinichenko

Star marriage Gooche Kutsenko and Irina Skrinichenko 2 times passed tests by provocations. First, Jan Koshkina accused the Russian actor in harassment, and later - and a tik-tok customer named Alina. The girl stated that Gosh Kutsenko offered her to spend the evening for a cup of tea in a luxury hotel, but received a refusal.

Alina did not name the name of the celebrity, trying to "rolling" to her, and on the screenshots of correspondence in Instagram "smeared" the photo of the interlocutor, giving only a hint that it was Gosh Kutsenko. The actor after a few days interrupted the silence by a brief statement: "I will say one thing: everyone pies as it can."

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendez

In 2014, the star marriage of the Hollywood actress and the two-time laureate of the Satellite Prize became the epicenter of the events: the obsessive fan of Grace Marie del Villar sent ambiguous messages to Raan Gosling. However, the point of non-return was the letter in which the broken journal photograph of Eva Mendez lay with a message that Grace knows the address of the actress. Ryan Gosling filed to an inadequate fan of the court, and now she is forbidden to approach the star house closer than 100 meters.

Elena Temnikov and Dmitry Sergeev

Businessman Dmitry Sergeyev, Spouse Helena Dameman, is a non-public personality, and therefore the thought of the fans, the idea that the performer does not like the father of his daughter Alexandra at all. And in September 2019, a provocative photo with a certain member of the Presidium of the Russian Trade Union of Students Ivan Muscovites appeared in the personal Instagram-Account. In the comments, some fans were caught by Dameman in treason. In addition, the ex-participant of the Serebro group removed the wedding ring, which provoked rumors about the secret divorce of celebrities.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Bible

British media in November 2019 published ambiguous, and therefore provocative images of Justin Timberlake with actress Alisha Wainwright. Tabloid noted, the American performer kept the girl by his hand that he gave rise to a wave of rumors about treasoning the wife Jessica Biel. However, the artist's colleagues on the set (in New Orleans, celebrities met on the filming of the film "Palmer") refuted rumors about the novel.

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