Fidan Gafarov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Creativity 2021



10 days before the new 2020 in Ufa, the annual award ceremony of the awards of the TV channel "Tugan Tel" was honored, where the stars of the Tatar-Bashkir pop. The list of awarded opened Aydar Galimov, Fidan Gafarov, Ilsia Bolddinov and other performers, and in the nomination "Producer of the Year" awarded Rifat Fattakhov, "Raitting" Singers Philus Kagirov and Rishat Torchullina and the Rashid Vagapov Foundation.

Childhood and youth

In mid-October 1947, the 12th, a small village of Novourtayevo, located in the Dürtylinsky district of the Bashkir ASSR, was replenished with a new resident - the son of Gafarov was born the son of Fidan. Translated into Russian, this beautiful male name means "young tree" or "bud" and rewards the owner with inexhaustible optimism, communicability and the ability to be friends.

Bright artistic abilities manifested themselves in the boy still at the time of study at the local school. He actively participated in the amateur, and no concert and no performance were held without it. Therefore, it is not surprising that when the time has come to be determined with further education, the graduate went to Ufa and easily entered the theater department of the Arts School, hitting the wing of Ilshat Yumagulov.

Remembering the Golden Childhood, the celebrity in an interview with journalists touched the touching history of first love:

"The first love love parents, and then comes a feeling that knocks out the earth from under his feet. In childhood, I fell in love with the girl Zulfia from our village, I loved her very much! We met a whole year, I secretly dragged the cologne from the house with her house, but I didn't have enough of the mind of the mind. "

In 1967, two years after the end of the Wui, Gafarov took in the troupe of the Bashkir Academic Theater of the Drama named after the Magita Gafuri drama, where his debut role was Ilgam in the Drama of the Angam Anatabeva "Song of Love".

Personal life

The personal life of the National Artist of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Russia is distinguished by enviable constancy: in February 2017, the Gafarov's wife celebrated the Golden Wedding.

Chosen by Farida, who worked for almost 25 years by the Makeup Makeup in the Bashkir Dramatic Theater and lost health during the tour (now a woman moves only on a wheelchair), gave her husband two children, Aibulat and Azamat. They inherited from the father of the craving for creativity: the firstborn found himself in music, and his brother was implemented as an actor, and as a singer.

Unfortunately, a lot of misfortunes fell into the share of the family: the eldest son left his life, behind him his wife Rufin. The material support of the grandson of the Tagir, which remained round orphans and subsequently adopted by the niece of Farida, took on Fidan.

"When Aibulata did not, I thought I could go crazy. Life seemed to be meaningless and worthless. But, apparently, Allah regretted me and sent her daughter who was born in the same year when she did not become a son. She appeared out of marriage. But I, as a decent person, a girl recognized and recorded on myself, "he honestly told in 2019.

In the same year, on the eve of Victory Day, the girl was 10 years old. A man actively participates in the upbringing of his daughter, invites to his own concerts and evenings, and also allocates funds for the necessary expenses. In addition, he will grow up and two granddaughters, Nargiz and Nurlan.

By the way, the young star of the Bashkir pop, the laureate of numerous song contests Angelina Gafarov as a relationship with the Fidan Safich does not consist, but only supports professional relationships. In the arsenal of performers there are joint "tugan" and "tugan tel Turgilalar".

In 2018, the loves of the public surprised fans with their entry into the party "United Russia". However, according to celebrities, not political beliefs affected such a decision, but the need to have additional living space. First of all, because of the well-being of your beloved wife.

As for the hobby, in a special honor, Gafarov is fishing, it completed it in the past and hunting, and skis trembled to hobbies. The admirers of their talent he advises to be able to relax and find calmness, and also not to abuse with alcohol drinks, because light thoughts come to the sober head.


Creative biography over time enriched with new notable jobs. Gafarov with ease spoke in various amplua, gaining the love of theatrical public. He became Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, put by Shaura Murtazina, reincarnated in Khalila in Galleban Mirheidar Fayzez and in Zulkarnaya in "Naughty youth" Ibrahim Abdulina.

He was also lucky to participate in several productions on the works of Wasting Carima - "Long-Long Childhood", "Country of Aigul", "Pardon", "Salavat", "The Abduction of the Girl" and "Do not throw fire, Prometheus!".

The Olympiad 1980th Fidan touched the Magic World of Cinema, playing Altyndugu Central Character in the Rider's film on the Golden Kone, removed based on Bashkir folk testes. Irina Malysheva, Ilshat Yumagulov, Peter Glebov, Nina Agapova, Tansulpan Babicheva and others were partners in the shooting area.

As Gafarov was recognized later, the film industry is not his path, and his stay in it, except for disappointment, did not leave the memory. In addition, a man does not consider the solution to many directors to bet on special effects and computer graphics, and not on the inner world of heroes and acting game.

On this handling, the artist was not dried up - he also stated himself and as about the talented singer, performing songs and romances in the performances "Justy letters", "Lunar Evenings Aislu", "Galia", etc. In the early 90s, they were A tour of the musical comedy tour was organized, which was found a response and conquered the heart of the numerous audience.

Fidan Gafarov now

Despite the solid age, the legend of the Ufa Theater, on the site of which you can find a photo and a brief biography of Fidana Safich and his son Azamat, continues to give concerts and go to the scene of the native temple of Melpomen.

In the repertoire for 2020, with his participation, the play "The price of happiness", played more than 100 times with the permanent partner of Irsayeva, and the Comedy of Mamuly, put on the play of the Moscow playwright Sergey Belov.


  • 1981 - "Horseman on the Golden Kone"


  • "Galia"
  • "Gallebana"
  • "Long-long childhood"
  • "Mothers are waiting for sons"
  • Mamuly
  • "Do not throw fire, Prometheus!"
  • "Ojustable letters"
  • "Naughty youth"
  • "Song of Love"
  • "Pardon"
  • "Girl's abduction"
  • "Romeo and Juliet"
  • "Country of Aigul"
  • Salavat
  • "The price of happiness"

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