TV series "Chiki" (2020): Release date, actors, roles


In the early summer of 2020, online service offered the attention of his permanent subscribers a new comedy-dramatic series "Chiki". The director of the project, the date of the release of which fell on June 4, spoke by Edward Oganesyan, who became familiar to the Russian viewer by the comedy "Double Trouble" and a multi-sieves retrocessive "Tikhonov investigator". About the plot of a new Dramati associated with the Curious Facts shows, as well as about the actors and their roles - in material 24cm.


The series "Chiki", created by Mars Media and NMG Studios, tells the audience a story that it's never too late to try to change your own life. Even if its monotonous-irreversible flow is more reminiscent of a deep rut, from which it will not be possible to get out of someone else's help.

Three priestesses of sales love, orderly tired of the consistent voyage along the troches of wide tracks, hitting the complete ideas and business plans for an ex-colleague, who returned recently from the capital, decide to begin their own business. However, the girlfriends and imagine could not, as far as a heavy and deprived obstaclence, the path lies in front of them. And the discontent of the pimp in the chain prepared by the fate of them is far from the first place.

Actors and roles

The role of the roles in the series performed the following actors:

Irina Gorbacheva - Jeanne, before and her girlfriend, who earned the life of prostitution in his native town, but later decided to try happiness and go to Moscow. The capital of the country once again proved that the tears still does not intend to believe, and showed the initiative girl cruel ruined megalpolis - it did not work out.

However, allegedly obtained in the capital, the business experience made Zhanna return to his hometown with a bunch of different ideas in the head, which not adopted by Moscow, but not the heroine's hands out of his hands decides to implement. To create an idea in a deaf province's own fitness club and on this to earn a former employee of the sphere of sex services connects its girlfriends.

Alena Mikhailova - Marina, a representative of the profession, which is considered to be classified as ancient, since childhood friendly with Zhanna. Agree to join the implementation of the idea of ​​its old bidders. However, a mother who fell on his head, with which the Marina is far from the warmest relationship, seriously complicates the situation.

Irina Nosov - Svetlana, another sex worker from the company of friends Zhanna, which is not at all aimed to change his own life and permanently end up with a sewer "non-police craft." Moreover, in a short time to take care of Svetlana not only about himself - she is waiting for a child. So now on the shoulders of the future mother there is also the need to ensure a decent future to their own offspring.

Varvara Schmykova - Lyudmila, the third girlfriend Zhanna, whose life, and the genus of activity, was not different until recently from those of the rest of the Trinity: sex for money and the lack of perspectives. So, the proposal of the old friend of Luda perceives with enthusiasm and even ready to ask for the implementation of a business plan for creating a fitness club of money from his own father.

Also in the series were filmed : Stephen Oxner, Victoria Tolstoganova, Sergey Gillev, Anatoly Mateshov, Mikhail Timik, Nikolay Denisov and Anton Lapenko in the role of police officer Yura.

Interesting Facts

1. The series "Chiki" after the show of the first series became the leader in the number of views on the Stringing platform The end of the first season left the open finale, hinting for a quick continuation of the narrative.

2. The authors reported that the second season would not - the Customers did not extend. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that the audience constantly criticized the creators of the series that turned the comedy in Chernukhu with flat jokes, and interest in the show after the release of the fourth series began to rapidly fall.

3. The Soundtrack "Chiki" for the draft director Edward Oganen was made by Ivan Dorn.

4. The TV series "Chiki" was partially filmed in Kabardino-Balkaria, in the city of Cool, which caused discontent inhabitants - people did not like that they would have a movie about prostitutes at home. And in September 2019, the words passed into action - the film of cinematographers fired from the Hunting "Saiga" of the local inhabitant, at the same time trying to get into someone from the film crew dropped from the balcony by watermelon. The defender of the credit of the cool did not get into anyone, but was detained by the police.

TV series "Chiki" - Trailer:

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