Evgeny Ponassenkov - biography, personal life, photos, news, books, common sense 2021



The talented Russian Evgeny Ponassenkov mastered a number of creative professions and is now known as a historian writer, TV presenter and director. He was also a director of events for world stars and played in films and serials no worse than any modern actor.

Childhood and youth

Evgeniy Nikolayevich Ponassenkov was born on March 13, 1982 at the Moscow Hospital branch from intellectual parents from good families. The mother worked in the technical industry, and his father received a medical education, because belonged to the dynasty of fairly famous military doctors.

From early childhood, the boy had a writer and narrator's depths of the writer, so the whole surrounding child was gathered around him. Zhenya came up with original games based on fictional plots, and parents were trying to pick it up from the yard until late evening.

For the night, the Father, who was interested in history, read the boy developing books about the fate of the outstanding commander of the time of Napoleonic War. Young Ponazenkov listefully listened attentively and spent the questions from time to time - as soldiers looked in ancient and what they were armed.

Seeing that the child is not developed by year, parents gave him to a special school with a focus on humanitarian objects and foreign languages. Zhenya easily mastered the material and received excellent ratings, because the topics studied were clear and close.

In the free time, the time boy read additional literature about the Patriotic War of 1812 and the emperor, known as Napoleon Bonaparte. He went to the library at the museum dedicated to the Borodino battle, where he was engaged in a careful study of documents, ancient atlases and cards.

In the high school class, Eugene wrote the first scientific and journalistic works that became a good help for admission to the university. In mid-1999, he easily passed the exams and, together with his father and mother, noted enrollment on the historical faculty.

At the Department of Elena, Ivanovna Fedosova Ponassenkov studied Napoleon's era, but in the last year he left the university and eventually did not receive a diploma. It did not prevent a lot in life and lecture on the topics studied, making reports for conferences and engaged in a literary letter.


In 2000, the biography of Ponassenkova began to be interested in journalists, because the young historian became the author of contradictory books. Speaking before the public with the presentation of the work of "True on the war of 1812", a man changed the facts and put his colleagues in a dead end.

Despite the figurative language of the narrative, the society did not accept the point of view of Evgenia, because he considered Napoleon to the victim and the innocent side. Mikhail Kutuzov and Alexander I Publicist accused of negligent attitude to the command of Russian troops and the leadership of the Great Country.

Evgeny Ponacenkov and Oleg Sokolov

In 2017, the writer published another opus, which in a scientific and cultural society called a real scandal. In the "First Scientific History of the War of 1812", Ponessenkov gathered the next facts, presenting them in a slice of their own vision.

The criticism was sprinkled from all sides, and Oleg Sokolov, an eminent historian, began against Evgenia the trial. Despite this, the contradictory book became a kind of bestseller and caused reading interest.


Ponassenkov worked in the media and was a leading range of programs. Articles printed in Russian magazines, newspapers and online publications, he advertised on television and promoted through "Instagram".

Evgeny Ponassenkov and Alexander Nevzorov

True, in the early 2010, Eugene led the cycle "Story Dramaturgia" and made 24 issues dedicated to a wide range of problems. Eurasianism, religion, anthropology, the lives of the greatest Russian commander attended in time programs as discussed topics.

For a full account in the piggy bank, Eugene lacked work in cinema, and he appeared in a number of projects as a performer of secondary roles. "Fight with shadow 3D: the last blow," Boris Godunov "and" on the razor blade "presented a new experience with a man and replenished the ranks of famous friends.

Among the speeches submitted by Eugene were the headings in the programs "This morning", the project "Volnodumtsy" with Alexander Nevzorov and lectures on the channel "Rain". The man acquired fans - lovers of an alternative point of view, but the mass of people of his statements caused a negative.

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Understanding that it is impossible to forever walk along the verge of public opinion, the Ponassenkov switched to culture and became professional entertainer. In addition, he made cinema reviews for the Moscow studio. Trust "and for a while forgot about science and beloved Patriotic War.


Evgeny in the early 2010 was carried away by dramatic and came to the troupe of the center of Vsevolod Meyerhold as a producer of performances and a director. After the premiere of the Piesen "German Saga" based on the work of Yukio Misima, journalists wrote that the author is "strange and odious posture."

Supporting the acquired status, Ponassenkov created the "Mystery" theater and put the play "Line of the sky" on the poetry of Mikhail Buznik and Artur Rambo. There were played by Dani Kogan, a little-known French actress, and the Russian TV presenter Julia Bordovsky, later his debuting in the movies.

Life on stage pushed a new director and writer to come to the public, and it turned out that he had a voice, admiring the auditorium. In solo programs "Famous Aria" and "Alexander Vertinsky's" Songs, Evgenia managed to fully show the vocals.

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The Italian singer Fiorenz Koszotto made a compliment to Ponassenkov, calling him a "beautiful tenor", not tearing in the land of talent. The singer considered it by the leadership to action and in the renewed professional portfolio began to indicate that he is a scientist, writer, director and musician.

During the summer Olympic Games of 2008, Ponassenkov led the music program and supported Russian sport. On the official banquet after improvisation represented by Philip Kirkorov, he sang incendiary Old Foxtrot with Diana Cherry Ballerina.

Eugene told this in the program on a channel of common sense dedicated to the cultic individuals from the world of politics and arts. By the time the audience relaxed to the author's person and absorbed information without experiencing negative feelings.


The writer seeks to ensure that there was adequacy and common sense around him, as well as confident: he manages to successfully fight with state propaganda in the field of history, and with so-called obscurants. And he exposes them on his youthub-channel, called "Communication Channel: Blog Evgeny Ponacenkova."

This resource historian who received the nickname of Maestro, mastered back in 2013. Since then, he regularly exhibits new video with his participation (TV shows and performances), as well as with reflections on topical issues in the world.

Often, his posts become sources of memes. In one of the issues about the army of Napoleon, the blogger said the following phrase:

"Do you think that with a person who is exactly exploring the topic to such an extent, can you argue? Do you think I will not replay you that I will not destroy you? I will destroy you. "

This fragment gave rise to one of the most famous memes with Eugene, and after he served as the cause of mini-conflict between him and Alexey Navalny. The last posting on my resource photo of the Greta Tunberg with the words of Ponassenkova. The famous oppositionist in response to the writer's claims about the plagiarism stated that the reference to the author of this phrase is not needed: everyone also knows who it belongs.

Personal life

In his youth, Evgeny Ponassenkov had no time to think about her personal life, because he spent the lion's time in the book of books. While classmates, throwing toys, cared for cute girls, a teenager was sitting in libraries and taught English.

After missing the most romantic period in life, Eugene dedicated himself to a career and, despite the solid appearance and wealth, could not get his wife. Judging by the photographs published in "Instagram", a man dedicates free time to travel through European capitals or communicating with family.

The press spread rumors about the unconventional orientation of Ponassenkov, but he left it without comment. Eugene is a public person and friendly with many celebrities, so it does not want journalists to envelop his personality lie.

Evgeny Ponassenkov now

Now Eugene's video blog is delimited by categories and is clearly structured. However, it was not always that - for example, in 2018, a video appeared there, as a maestro simply stroll through the park, "contemplating fine." No reflection was observed under this, nevertheless the roller received many reposts and went for jokes.

And only after 3 years, in March 2021, there was an independent meme with a strolling historian, literally glorifying Ponassenkov in the social network "Titstok". The meaning of the video was in pacification and non-density. And the talented Internet users began to use it in the context of a wide variety of situations where it is necessary to hurry.

In an interview, the writer commented on his popularity suddenly fell on him because the teenagers are now more "monkey", so the view of an ordinary person with an interesting gait caused such an excitement.

In May, Maestro starred in the Announcement of the Evening Urgant show, where he repeated his famous gait. Together with him slowly walking, trees were considered and listened to the singing of birds leading projects Ivan Urgant and Dmitry Khrustalev.


  • 2004 - "The truth about the war of 1812"
  • 2007 - "Tango alone"
  • 2017 - "The first scientific history of the war of 1812"


  • 2010 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 2010 - "Back to the USSR"
  • 2011 - "Poutine-5"
  • 2011 - "Fight with shadow 3D: Last Round"
  • 2014 - "On the razor blade"

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