Marat Karimov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books, Poems 2021



At the beginning of 2020, Bashkir printed and Internet editions were literally exploded from congratulations to the People's Poet of the Republic of Belarus Marat Nabievich Karimov with a solid anniversary - he was 90 years old. The authors of articles, accompanied by archival photographs, reminded readers about the important points of the biography of Aksakala national poetry - childhood, creative path, the main literary works, translated works received by the titles and awards.

Childhood and youth

On the second day after the Orthodox Christmas of the 1930th in the family of the Karimovov, who lived in Kugarchah Bashkortostan, there was a joyful event - the son of Marat appeared on the world. The boy inherited the boy inherited from the Father - a famous teacher and a well-deserved teacher of the RSFSR Nabioles Himadislamovich.

At the end of the seven-year-old, the teenager entered the school, first in Tatar-Bashkir in the Orenburg region, and then in Zilair pedagogical, which successfully graduated in 1947. Returning to his native village, the young man got a teacher to a local school, and after the instructor and the head of the Zianchurian district of Komsomol.

Having gave the debt home and served in the ranks of the Soviet Army, Marat in 1953 stood on the writer's path, being an employee of the Leninet newspaper. Later, from there, he moved to the Satir magazine "HENEK" ("Wiles"), where he began with the position of the head of the literature and fechens department, he had reached the editor post. As for education, he studied at the journalism of the Central Komsomol School under the Central Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Central Committee and the highest literary courses in the literary institute named after Maxim Gorky in Moscow.

Karimov was referred to the number of Pioneer and Gasyr Publishors, the State Committee of the Bashkir ASSR on TV and Broadcasting and Bashneft, was the leader of the Litobyment of the Tatar-language writers of the Union of Writers of the Republic and worked by the Consultant of the Writer Organization.

Personal life

The main support and support of the poet, translator and satiri, both on the creative path, and in his personal life remained the favorite spouse of Zemfira, who gave her husband to her sons, subsequently lived and worked in Canada.

In 2015, on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of Marat Nabiyevich, a solemn evening was held, where the members of his family were present - the wife and junior heir to Rushan.

The friendly relations of Karimov supported with colleagues on the writing workshop Musta Karim, Rami Garipov, Rafael Safin and other talents.


By 1948, Marat Nabiyevich declared himself as a talented poet: the first poems that appeared in the press were favorably adopted by the public and criticism. In 1956, the Light saw debut "Burөlәr" ("Kidneys"), filled with works that the life and work of contemporaries, love for their native land, which is a house, but at the same time carefully and disponsidate the flavors of the flavors and the unacceptable deeds of individuals.

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An open review called "Letter Marat Karimov", which included in the "Proverbs about the three brothers", wrote to the book of colleagues himself Mustay Karim, who did not praise on a high rating and laudatory feedback:

"On the courtyard of the Crack of frost, and I read the" kidney "and as if I felt the breath of spring. I am glad that another sensitive athowing poet came to Bashkir poetry. In your poems there are novelty of thought, the warmth of the immediate feeling, and where they perform together, the poetic truth appears. "

In the future, the bibliography was replenished with new works - "the continuation of the song", "saw a new star", "My youth", "closer fingers", "spring kidney", "svzvuki of my days", "a bright my world", "with a smile", "When you have", "the ball of life of my life", "I remember, I still remember" and Satyric collections "God shelma Methit", "Favorite Write Self", "Stitching", "false trail", etc.

Folk poet Bashkortostan Marat Karimov

In addition, Karimov is known and its translations. On his national language, he shifted the creations of Penels Brovka, Mikhail Dudina, Dmitry Poroskova, and his writings were published in Bulgarian, Kazakh, Polish, Ukrainian and other languages.

During the years of stubborn labor, the literary master was awarded the Fatiha Karimov Award, the titles of the Honored Worker of the Culture of the Republic of Belarus and the People's Poet of the Republic of Belarus.

Marat Karimov now

Marat Nabiyevich, despite the solid age, and now continues to lead an active public and literary life. For example, in 2019, he was one of the honorary guests of the presentation of the film "Stories about Musta", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Mustra Karim, and also took part in the Educational Promotion of the Tatar Dictation, held in Ufa BGPU named after Miftidin Akumulla.

A year earlier, a man was present at the opening of the memorial corner of the People's Poet of Dagestan in the Metropolitan Model Children's Library No. 30, where she shared memories of Rasul Gamzatov.


  • 1956 - "Kidney"
  • 1959 - "Continued song"
  • 1961 - "Spring Kidney"
  • 1962 - "I saw a new star"
  • 1965 - "My youth"
  • 1968 - "God shelma Methit"
  • 1972 - "Favorite Write Self"
  • 1974 - "Light My World"
  • 1981 - "Outflows of My Days"
  • 1987 - "False Trail"
  • 1990 - "With a smile"
  • 1994 - "rolls the ball of life of mine"
  • 1998 - "Stitching"
  • 2005 - "When you are"

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