TV series "High rates" (2015): 2020, release date, actors, roles, NTV


On August 17, 2020 on the NTV channel showed the TV series "High rates", the release date of which is November 2, 2015. Actors, roles and interesting facts of a multi-sized film - in material 24cm.


The TV series "High rates" affects the life of the criminal authority of Yuri Sergeeva, who owns a casino. The shadow world is in the epicenter of dramatic events in which players and staff are involved. Radom to illegal gambling business enters Kirill Borzov. However, with his appearance in the Empire, the excitement and crime begins turmoil.

Actors and roles

Starring starred:

  • Alexey Nilov - Yuri Alekseevich Sergeev, owner of a casino named Cosmonaut. The artist brought fame The image of Larina's operative in the multi-sized film "Streets of broken lanterns". In 2020, the actor starred in the main role of the Ment Server 2, where he created the image of the crow.
  • Sergey Gubanov - Kirill Borzov, who set aside for Sergeyev and hitting a job to authority. The actor is known for the Löwin investigator in the Miser's Miscellaneous Project. Among the notable works of the artist, in the role of which "Skuskari" can be noted by the franchise "Thro. Simple guys "and the series" Paradise knows everything! ".
  • Maxim Dakhnenko - Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov, Head of the Security Service of the Cosmonaut. Among the work of the actor, in recent years it is possible to note the retroserial "Kupchino" and a multi-detective detective "implementation", where the performer creates the main characters.
  • Oleg Meteliev - General Cherepanov. Actor of secondary roles are known to be the works in such serials as "Irckka", Balabol 3, "Internal Investigation". The 2020th was successful for the artist who took part in 9 film projects at once.
  • Ekaterina Zorina - Prostitute Vera. The actress debuted in the Mother Series of Special Purpose 2. In 2018, the spectators saw the performer in the lead role of the one of the one "one, and a year later in the comedy TV series" There are nuances. " In 2020, prepares 7 projects with celebrity projects.
  • Sergey Mishanin - Singer Blouth Chanson Misha Tagansky. The actor debuted with episodic work in the TV series. In 2020, the TVPremper of the Multi-Series project "Admirals District" took place with the participation of the Contractor.
  • Elena Donina - Administrator. The actress is known for work in the melodrame "Tekchina Pancakes", as well as detectives "Magnificent Five" and "Aquatorium". In the last, the performer plays the main heroine.

The film also starred: Jan Leonchenko, Ivan Glibin, Ksenia Beloborodova, Kristina Dasarskaya, Konstantin Tkachenko.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of the film became Bogdan Drobizkoko, famous for the series "Beach" and the franchise "ambulance".

2. Andrei Tumarkin became a screenwriter of the project. The author is known for the series "Implementation", where Maxim Dakhneco and Oleg Metelev performed the main roles.

3. The spectators of the multi-versa film said the musical accompaniment of the project, which was composer to Denis Davydov.

4. The author of the idea Andrei Tumarkin came up with the plot even during the time when the casino was legal. However, the story of the underground business to the creator seemed more interesting.

5. Help in creating criminal intrigues provided a consultant to the series Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Arshansky.

6. The prototypes of the characters have no series. However, each hero is a collective image.

7. The series "High rates" liked the audience so much that in 2018 the second part of the franchise "High rates was released. Revenge". However, according to the audience, the success of the first sequel season could not repeat. Fans noted that the change of director and the screenwriter went not to benefit.

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