Maxim Athenogenov - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Hockey 2021



As soon as Maxim Athenogenov began his skates for the first time, he realized that he would like to become a great hockey player. Thanks to the persistence and love for the profession, a man won the recognition of fans and the status of a star of sports.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Athenogenov was born on September 4, 1979 in Moscow. Parents since childhood instilled their son's love for sport. Mom was engaged in athletics, and then began to work by the coach, dad was an entrepreneur, but I was interested in hockey. At a young age, he wanted to become a professional hockey player, but could not achieve career heights, but Maxim did the dream. The sister of the guy also did not lag behind other family members - he was fond of tennis.

When the boy turned 4 years old, Mom took him to the rink. She worked at Dynamo and agreed that the Son was engaged in the club. The first coach of the little athlete became Victor Shkundyuk. Every day, Athenogenova was painted by the hour. He managed to visit the lessons at school, make a homework, go to hockey and swimming training, and still athletics.

Personal life

To arrange a personal life athlete, Alexander Stepanov, who invited Maxim to the tennis match held in Paris. There, the player got acquainted with the Olympic champion Elena Dementieva and soon the novel began between them. Lovers have long hid the feelings from the press and refused to talk about it in an interview, but 3 years after the start of the relationship, they announced the upcoming wedding.

The celebration of the celebration passed on the roof of the Moscow Ritz Carlton Hotel. Among the invited guests were closest newlyweds and sports stars. The responsibilities of the lead assumed the commentator Vasily Utkin, and Yuri Antonova called as a music artist. As a gift, lovers received video with congratulations on Tennis Champions, including Kim Cleasters and Roger Federer.

To be closer to the elect, Athenogen moved to St. Petersburg, and the girl decided to finish the sports career and devote the time to arrange the family nest. Soon the couple was born Veronica girl, and after 2 years, Sergey son appeared on the world. The daughter of athletes went in the footsteps of the mother and already at the preschool age began classes in the tennis section.

In his free time, the star visits the theater, loves to watch movies and listen to music. Maxim is interested in literature, on trips always takes books on a plane and to the hotel. Together with his wife, he suits home tennis tournaments and, according to Elena, copes well for a hockey player.


A young athlete's career began in the Moscow Dynamo, when he was 16 years old. The debut match took place in Kiev against the Sokol team. The father came to the game secretly from his son, who wanted to see the technique of Maxim with his own eyes.

In the metropolitan club, the guy spent 3 years. During this time he managed to participate in 103 games, gain experience and earn a reputation as a strong striker. This attracted the attention of representatives of the Buffalo Seibris team, which suggested athlete to perform in the National Hockey League. Then the Athenogen could only dream of such an opportunity and happily agreed.

But the guy failed immediately after moving to the USA immediately after moving to the USA. Felt fatigue after the victory in the youth championship of the world, where the hockey player put the maximum effort. By the decision of the team's management, he was sent to the Rochester American farm club, where he won the title of the best scorer and was accepted back to the "Seibris"

Light in the city of Athenogenov also turned out to be not easy. At first, everything around seemed to him gloomy, gray and boring. But gradually Maxim got used to American traditions, penetrating the local culture. He easily found a common language with the team, began to go beyond the limits of Buffalo, visited New York.

In subsequent years, the young man continued to play for the American team. He spent his best season in 2000-2001, when she scored 78 points and went out in the playoffs. During Locuut in 2005, Maxim managed to speak again for "Dynamo", that year the club won the main prize of the championship of Russia.

Athenogen was repeatedly attracted to the matches for the Russian national team. In its composition, he became a bronze medalist of the Olympic Games and won silver at the World Cup. Among achievements as a NHL player during this period - the legendary goal in the Gate "Tampa Bay" in 2003.

In general, Maxim spent 9 seasons in Buffalo, but in recent years, his playing statistics went to the decline in the club. Therefore, he decided to switch to Atlanta Tresherz, where she again managed to demonstrate the skill of playing hockey. But for a long time in the team, the champion was not delayed, because he returned to Russia.

After the return of Athenogen signed a contract with St. Petersburg SKA. Alas, to become a star of the Continental Hockey League (KHL), he was not destined, because in the biography of the player began a chain of injuries and failures. He barely managed to go to the ice and immediately went to the treatment. The main achievement during this period is to participate in the "match of all stars" in 2011. In the tournament, he sent 3 washers to the gate and made an assist.

But more to show yourself on ice Maxim failed, therefore, as a result, after 3 seasons, he switched to Podolsky "Vityaz". When choosing a club, its location played a key role - close to Moscow, where the star family lives. During his stay in Vityaz, the hockey player returned his former sports form and start bringing victory. And in 2018 he returned to the origins - to the Moscow Dynamo.

In the youth of Athenogenov, she conquered the fans with impressive speed and technique, for which he received the nickname "Mad Max", but even with age retained the title of one of the fastest players.

Maxim Athenogenov Now.

In 2020, Athenogen continues to play for Dynamo, pleaseing fans with new achievements. It does not apply to active users of social networks, does not post photos in "Instagram" and does not update the Twitter. Now fans will learn news from the life of the idol on the official pages of his sports club. The striker remains in a brilliant form and with a height of 183 cm weighs 85 kg.


As part of the Russian national team

  • 1999 - World Champion
  • 2002 - Bronze medalist of the Olympiad in Salt Lake City
  • 2002 - Silver winner of the World Cup
  • 2005 - Bronze medalist of the World Cup
  • 2008 - World Champion
  • 2010 - Silver winner of the World Championship

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