Series "Biohakers" (2020): Release date, actors, Roles


"Synthetic biology has turned us from creatures in the creators. This is the future not only medicine, but also of all mankind, "the beginning of the lecture of the professor specializing in biotechnologies, in the trailer of the new German project. Netflix introduced the series "Biohakers" with an intriguing plot. About how the film was filmed and what actors participated in the creation - in the material 24cm.


Mia Akerlund is the primar of the Freiburg Medical University. Acquaintance with classmates turns out to be stunning: studying biotechnologies, young people do not hold back and apply knowledge on themselves and surrounding objects (for example, biopianino from the plant).

The mysterious classmate offers Mia to see his home laboratory. Seeing in the eyes of a girl genuine interest, the young man helps Akerlund to get a biotechnological company of Professor Tanya Lorenz, opening the main heroine of the secrecy of genetic engineering. Mia guesses that this ambitious woman is involved in the death of her brother, and therefore it is time for its own investigation.


The key roles performed:

  • Moon Weller - Mia Akerlund, Fryurburg Medical University. The girl is trying by all ways to win the confidence of Professor Tanya Lorenz, as I am sure that it is somehow connected with the death of her brother;
  • Jessica Schwartz is Tanya Lorenz, Professor at the University of Freiburg. A woman is sure that the future is behind the biohackers. In addition, Tanya Lorenz plans to use genetic engineering to change the world forever.

Secondary roles were distributed as follows:

  • Adrian Julius Tillaman - Jasper, a mysterious new friend Mii Akerlund;
  • Karo cult - Lotta, a neighbor Mia on a room in a hostel;
  • Thomas Ranne - Niklas, the mysterious neighbor of Jasper;
  • Jiang Xiang - Chen Lu;
  • Sebastian Doppelbauer - Ole;
  • Eleanor Daniel - Heik.

Interesting Facts

1. Date of release of the series "Biohakers" - August 20, 2020. Spectators will be able to watch the six episodes of the first season on the website of Netflix.

2. The series "Biohakers" was filmed in Germany: Freiburg University, studios and surroundings of Munich (Germany) were the main locations. The film crew began working in May 2019 and finished in September.

3. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the creators postponed the premiere of the Biohakers series, scheduled for April 30, 2020, due to scenes in the first series, which could be incorrectly interpreted in the light of the latest events (for example, the organization of illegal parties).

4. The director of the Project Christian Ditter so described the advantages of the new series: "Stories in which ordinary people have to deal with exceptional circumstances, always fascinated me. Working with Netflix allowed to build an exciting plot focusing on multi-layered and plausible characters. "

5. Actress Karo cult so responded about his character: "In fact, Lotta is the only one who does not engage in biohaking. This is a feminist, which is free and strong. She just lives the lives that she wanted to live. "

6. Moon Vler played the first role in the movie earlier than the beginning to learn acting skills. The future actress filed his first application, hardly she turned 14 years old, at the shooting of AMATEUR Teens (2015). For 2020, in the filmography of the Moon, the wizer is already 14 filmmakers and 4 awards.

The series "Biohackers" - Trailer:

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