Victoria Di - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Dom-2 2021



The "House-2" reigns its laws. Fans have become accustomed to, for example, a certain couple gathered in the registry office, as a result, officially will not officially leak off their relations, and the lovers will disarm. But, as they say, the "holy" place is not empty, and it often happens that the old one comes to the project for abandoned participants. In the 2020th Ilya Grigorenko, swaying with Alena Ashmarina, was preparing to substitute the shoulder Alina Galimova, whose chief of Nikita Rudakov switched to Victoria Di.

Childhood and youth

Beauty Victoria is a real female riddle, because of her biography, unlike most residents of "House-2", information is provided with extremely few.

It is only known that at the time of the arrival at TV origin, she was 27 years old, it comes from Kazakhstan, but now lives in the Siberian city of Tomsk. The participant's real surname prefers to hide, hiding behind a short pseudonym di. However, the media put forward the assumption that her generic hereditary name sounds like Dilar.

Thanks to the obviously sublighted page in "Instagram", it turned out that the ascending star TNT has an older sister whose pictures of a naplie in the social network are more often the rest. In addition, archival children's photos of girls are published there.

The main passion of di still from 5 years of age was dancing, the girl did not leave the beloved hobby even while studying at the university. Becoming an engineer-geologist, she abandoned the diploma far to the regiment, without the day without worked on the acquired specialty and very successful as a tattoo master.

Personal life

Once upon a reality show, the young woman slightly touched the subject of personal life after the perimeter. A miniature brunette with an accurate figure (height of 165 cm) demonstrated in all sorts of swimsuits, said that for six years she met with a boxer.

As a result, the lovers decided to part. Despite the longitude of years, the ex-partners have found the strength and wisdom to preserve friendship and respectful attitude towards each other.

Vika loves to travel (in August 2019, he visited the Chechen Republic, and even earlier - Phi-FCI island in Thailand, etc.), adores animals, raising Spitz with rudge, and writes lyrical poems. Bright photocuration is stored in a personal account in "Instagram".

"House 2"

TV viewers met the new member of the Kazakh nationality in the 10th February Day 2020. The burning brunette came to the project in the company Tatyana Yakimova, Dmitry Kovaleva and Roman Bogdanova. And the guys on this day are lucky: the leading Olga Buzova canceled the traditional vote, giving a chance to build love to everyone from the newcomers.

Victoria from the threshold declared his sympathy for Alexander Botnar. He attracted her attention to nobility and attitude towards the opposite sex, as well as the eyes of heavenly color, a fashionable beard and a sports body. Di told that she was from a friendly family, so I hoped that the Krasnodar would be to behave just like her father with his mother.

However, something went wrong, and after a week, a slender beauty was called a provocateur of a fight between Nikita Platonov and Ruslan Kozhukhov, which did not even condemn Vlad Kadoni.

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Then the woman managed to smell and arrange a romantic dating Fedor Rodkov and Daniel Sakhnow. In addition, she quarreled with the Anita Kobelev and upset a couple of Alina Galimova and Nikita Rudakov, about which the abandoned celebrity stated in Storsith. With the last worker Victoria even spent the night at the hotel without cameras.

"Nikita and I first communicated just in a friendly, and then suddenly showed me sympathy. He suggested going to the hotel without cameras, I did not refuse. I knew that nothing would be between us. We went there to exhale and talk to each other, in fact, it turned out, "she argued.

But, despite all the activity, Tomichka more than once got into the top three on the departure: the rest of the residents of "House-2" did not believe in the sincerity of her intentions to someone.

"I do not know whether Victoria wants real relations. That she likes the Sakhnov, he is like a friend to her, then she is sympathetic for her housings, then someone else. Platonov makes ugly actions, but he at least cares for girls and arranges a date. And Ruslan is cool, and it is necessary to leave it, "said Selena Mayer.

Victoria di now

Despite all the impermanence, complexity in relations and even the presence of a child (son) per perimeter, Victoria does not cease to remain in the Men's Center.

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It was reported that in mid-April 2020 Sergey Zakhayesh (fish on the sign of the zodiac) on Seychelles found an ambulance replacement Ales Semenko, switched to di. Cute Belarusian tried not to refuse anything - and the coffee was preparing, and rode on kayaks, and she grabbed his stay on the island in every way.

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