Joint children: questions man what to ask how to react how to prepare


"In order for the thrill to us all lived," not only in the honeymoon, but after the appearance of the heirs, it is worth agree with the spouse about how life will look like when joint children appear. What to ask for a man at the stage of pregnancy planning - in the material 24cm.

1. What will happen if the pregnancy does not come?

The most exciting issue for a pair remains "Will it get pregnant?". And even if the wedding passed a medical examination confirming the health of the spouses, anxiety remains.

Find out the spouse how to react to the situation in case of infertility. Will this adoption or the ECO procedure, and maybe, and together live well - to solve only you. Answers to questions about the planned pregnancy will drop anxiety, which will beneficially affect the reproductive function.

2. Will we give birth to a sick child?

At the end of the third month of pregnancy, future mothers are invited to pass the first perinatal screening, which helps to identify congenital pathology in the child. In the case of problems incompatible with life or leading to the disability of the baby, pregnancy interruption is recommended.

Each couple hopes for a positive event development scenario, however, discuss a joint decision until the woman is pregnant, still worth it. It will save the relationship from the rupture against the background of a hormonal surge of his wife and will help spouses to negotiate the ways to overcome the problem.

3. Where to get money?

So far, the pair of the budget, which, as a rule, is enough for payment of monthly expenses and entertainment, things are great. However, the situation changes when joint children appear and the wife appears on maternity leave. Family expenses increase. So, a man will have to make money for two.

Think up in advance how to prepare a family budget for the estimated costs, and also agree on when the wife comes to work.

4. Who will sit with the heirs?

By asking questions to a man, the discussion of the situation about who will sit with children, if they get sick or kindergarten to quarantine. To discuss this issue, you will also have to attract grandparents and find out how ready they are willing to help in the upbringing of grandchildren.

In a situation where there are no initiatives from relatives, consider the option with a nanny or think how to revise the working schedule. More often a woman sacrifices a career, and the husband throws all the forces to contain a family.

5. How do you call the boy and a girl?

The man is more difficult to abstract and choose the name of the child, which is only planned. Therefore, at the stage of agreements, it suffices to find out how the spouse reacts to those names that like the future mother, and at the same time clarify, for some reason or another name fell into the list of annoying.

6. How will your children bring up?

A man receives the status of the father "by default", so it is harder to realize that now in his duties also upbringing the heir. Knowing his spouse, formulate questions about the formation and development of children.

The answers should concern the single line of upbringing, religious rites, kindergartens and schools, as well as the first year of life, when men experience fear can not cope with the role of the Father.

7. How to keep love?

The emergence of joint children changes people. Women are exhausted with insomnia and breastfeeding. And men are waiting for the same attention, but they do not always get the desired.

Arrange in advance when and how you will find time for sincere conversations and romantic relationships. Find out how to build a sex life and who trust visiting children, while you will remember that you are loving people who exist together for joy in life, and not to kill the remnants of the forces with scandals and quarrels.

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