Anatoly Truckin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Humanist



Anatoly Trushkin - Satir writer, writer of scenarios and pop pieces, creator of materials for the stars of the humorous scene and the performer of the monologists. The writer found a calling suddenly and still considers satire only a hobby. It did not prevent him from release a few books and for many years remain in demand by the writer.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Trushkin is a native of Chelyabinsk, Russian by nationality. He was born on October 28, 1941, in a wartime difficult for the country. The boy's family was in evacuation. In the mid-1950s, his father, the KGB officer, sent to the city of Ozersk. 8 and 9 Classes of School Anatoly ended here, in Lyceum number 23. He became a graduate, already living in Moscow, where the family returned at the end of the father's service.

To obtain higher education, young people preferred the Moscow Aviation and Technological Institute. He successfully combined with employment in the miniature theater. The epoch demanded relevant drama, and students independently wrote plays for productions. So the Trucin joined the literature. Gradually became clear that the main theme for the novice writer is Satyr. He settled to work in the "Student Meridian" edition, where he was looking for a humorist for visiting editors.

Anatoly Trucin and wife Natalia

After graduating from the Institute with a specialty "Engineer", Anatoly received an invitation to work as a editorial office at the headquarters of the student building projects of the Komsomol City Committee in Moscow. At first, he worked as a journalist, and soon became the chief editor of the press center.

When planning to be implemented in the profession received at the institute, and putting journalism for the second place, the Truckin settled on a military plant. True, Satir remained there. Nature took her. From 1971 to 1978, Anatoly worked as a speaker and screenwriter. By the time he had already managed to try himself as a director and the author of the literary foundations for telepostasov.

Personal life

The passion for theater and writing changed not only the creative biography of Trucchin, but also influenced his personal life. In the theater, a miniature, a novice author met the future wife. She became Natalia Romanova. Anatoly already had a solid reputation, was popular, received invitations on cooperation from professional theaters, conducted blue lights.

A trip to a sports camp, where Natalia spent the summer, turned out to be a fateful. In six months, a wedding of young people took place, and soon the girl appeared to the world, which Natasha called. Now Satirik's daughter is already an adult and herself raises children: Daughter Tatiana and son Nicholas.

The writer along with his wife lives in his own apartment in Yasenev. Close relatives bought real estate nearby, so the lack of attention from close Trucchin does not complain. Behind his shoulders left the experience gained in the youth of the accommodation in small rooms of hostels and removable apartments, so Satir's home loves his home. Together with his wife, he is on wood trim and to accessories from natural material, which is viewed throughout the interior design of the apartments of the couple.


Finally, determined with the case who wants to devote life, Anatoly Truchkin decided to change the qualifications. He entered the Institute of Literature, whose graduate became in 1974. The first humorous works of the author were extremely demanded.

Monologists of the writer from the scene voiced by Efim Shifrin, Mikhail Evdokimov, Roman Kartsev, Clara Novikova, Yang Arlazors and other popular artists. In the 1980s, the writer became the creator of materials for the magazine "Fitil".

Realizing that his texts were successful in the audience, Truckin decided to speak not only by the writer, but also by the Contractor. From now on, he regularly became a member of thematic television programs. The popularity grew. From 2003 to 2005, Anatoly was the creator of the concept of the transfer of "folk remedies" and performed her leading.

Gradually, the bibliography was replenished by monologues, which the author personally read from the stage at concerts and performances, stories and scenarios. The works of the writer entered one of the volumes of the collection "Anthology of satire and humor of Russia of the twentieth century."

Talent Trucinus appreciated experts and the public: he was repeatedly awarded the prizes and prizes of pop contests. In 2012, the writer became the winner of the Award of the Oleg Mightaev Foundation "Light past". Satirik was also repeatedly received the Golden Calf Award and the "Literary Newspaper" award.

Among the most popular monologues of the author, "who for 70", "a dating club", "a gift to his wife in the 60th anniversary". Sketches "Yes, you all", "Library", "But I don't have", "who is there" is also among the best works, as well as "instinct" and "telephone conversation".

Recording speeches Anatoly can now be seen on the Yutube service. Unlike most colleagues, a humorist does not conduct public accounts on social networks, so photos and news about creative achievements of the writer are published only in the media and the Internet.


10 Inya 2020 became aware of the death of saticaries. Anatoly Trucchin died at the 79th year of life. The cause of death has become complications against the background of coronavirus. For more than a month, the artist fought with the disease, but he was getting worse. Doctors had to connect it to the IVL apparatus, but unfortunately, the humorist could not cope with the disease.


  • 1999 - "208 selected pages"
  • 2001 - "You wake up more - smaller pay"
  • 2002 - "Lessons at the School of Fools"
  • 2006 - "Funny our life"
  • 2009 - "On the eternal: about love, on theft, about drunkenness ..."
  • 2010 - "Who is funnier in the world?"
  • 2010 - "Friday, 13 Number"
  • 2011 - "Sodom and Gomorra"

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