Alison Dudi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Alison Dudi is a popular actress and model, one of the most beautiful performers of Western cinema is considered. On the account of the spectacular blonde with model parameters, many bright and exciting films of different genres. And now Alison continues to play in the cinema, creating strong and colorful types on the screen.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born in Dublin on November 11, 1966. The girl was the youngest of three children in the family. Joan's mother worked as a beautician, Patrick's father was engaged in real estate and agriculture. Alison became a student of High School Mount Envil, a Catholic general education institution for girls during the monastery. After graduating from school, Dudi enrolled in the National Art College in Dublin. However, in a short time, the girl decided to seriously enjoy the model business and left his studies.

Personal life

The personal life of the artist was dramatic. In the early 90s, Alison, being by the time the star of the film screen, met Gavin Orei. Orei had to the son of the Irish industrial and media signal Sir Anthony Orey. Gavin himself at the time of dating was engaged in business. In 1994, lovers got married. Dudi gave her husband two daughters - Alan, born in 1996, and Lauren, which appeared in the 1999th.

Being in this marriage, Alison was practically not shot in the cinema, devoting himself to the family. The woman moved from the states to Ireland, settled with Gavin and children in a big house. However, family happiness lasted long. The spouses ceased to live together in 2004, and a couple of years later, a formal divorce followed. After parting with her husband, the actress continued to work in the film industry. In 2011, blonde beauties started a novel with businessman Douglas de Jager.

The couple met in South Africa, where Alison came to shoot a melodrama "Beaver Falls". Relationships developed rapidly, but in 2012, the magnate died from a heart attack. From 2014, the actress meets with Tadchg Giri, the former owner of Pallas Foods.


The beauty of the girl possessing model parameters attracted the attention of film director. In 1985, Alison, who at that time was 18 years old, received an invitation to play in the film "A view of the murder." The picture was the 14th ribbon in Bondian. Agent 007 was last played by Roger Moore. Dudi got a small role of Jenny Flex. In the history of Cinema, Alison remained the most young performer, who played the Bond girl. After the release of the film about Blond Irish, they started talking as a promising actress of Western cinema.

In 1988, Dudou plays the role of Charlotte in the picture "No choice". According to the plot, the protagonist Mark Tuffin performed by the pier of Zasyanan protects residents of the city from corrupt criminals. Once a guy helps Charlotte, Barmers, and soon a novel is tied between young people. The girl supports tuffin in dangerous affairs, and justice finally triumphs.

The real popularity of Alison brought work in the film "Indiana Jones and the last crusade", published on the screens in 1989. It was the third picture of the adventures of the archaeologist. In the center of action - the search for the main hero and team of assistants of St. Goral. In Kinolent, Dudy played the role of Elza Schneider, the Austrian archaeologist and the secret Nazi agent, which is also looking for an ancient relic. The actress created on the screen the image of a fatal blonde beauty, which does not stop on the way to achieve the goals.

After a break associated with the birth of children, the actress returns to the screen. The performer filmography is replenished with an adventure project "Sink King Solomon". Here the Dudou plays a major role, and Patrick Swayze becomes partner of the Irish beauty in the picture. In the plot, Elizabeth Maitland hires Allan Kuotermene, so that he helped the heroine to find her father abducted by one African tribe. The fact that the girl's father had a map leading to the ancient treasures, also know in Tsarist Russia. The picture turned out to be exciting thanks to the game of actors.

In subsequent years, the artist was filmed in films and television series, creating different images on the screen. In the creative biography of the performer, there were ribbons in which she starred with Hollywood Stars Michael Kane, Charlie Tire, Mickey Rourke and others. Alison, during the filmary, remained correct to the rule, voiced in youth - no erotica, photo of her nude, filming in the "playboy".

Thin harmonious features of the face actresses prompted fans to compare the favorite with the beauties of the world film screen Catherine Denovev and Grace Kelly. Unlike many Hollywood stars, regularly falling into the headings "to plastics / after plastics", the Dudy has the natural beauty of her parents.

In 2019, the film "Zakhar Berkut", shot by Ukrainian and American cinematographers, was released on the screens. Dudi performed the role of Rada, the wife of the main hero of Zakhar and Mother Military Military. The events of the picture refer to the audience by 1241 and narrate the time of the wars of the Mongolian tribes with the Slavs. Alison created a organic image full of drama.

Alison Dudi now

In 2020, the actress continues to be filmed in the series. Alison admires fans a perfectly preserved figure (height - 175 cm, weight - 70 kg). The news about the work in the movie Dudi is divided with fans in "Instagram". On the personal page, the performer lays out photos and video from the shooting platforms, appears before the audience in elegant images and rarely shows pictures in a swimsuit. Irish also has its own website.


  • 1985 - "Murder View"
  • 1987 - "Mysterious Garden"
  • 1988 - "No choice"
  • 1989 - "Indiana Jones and the last crusade"
  • 1991 - "Duel Hearts"
  • 1994 - "Higher League - 2"
  • 2004 - "Caver Solomon"
  • 2007 - "Resecting the Dead"
  • 2009 - "Clinic"
  • 2019 - "Zakhar Berkut"

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