Boris Klyuev: 2020, biography, personal life, cause of death, in youth, illness


Glory to Boris Krauev came in 1978, when he, contrary to the circumstances (the candidacy of the young artist did not like the director), played a negative character - Count Rocheria in the teleepope "D'Artagnan and three Musketeers." In the new millennium, the rays of the Glory of the actor lashed the image of Nikolai Petrovich in the TV series "Voronina": the head of the family in Mike-Alcoholic and Black Trico (this costume came up with himself), with a sparkling sense of humor remains in the memory of the Russian viewer.

About how Boris Klavi lived and how his biography was folded, - in the material 24cm.

1. Relationship with family

Boris Klyuev at the beginning of 2020 became the transfer of the program "The Fate of Man", which spoke about his biography. During the conversation, it turned out that the childhood of the future star of the Soviet and Russian cinema was by no means happy. As soon as the boy turned 4 years old, his father died. The cause of death was called a heart attack.

Valentina Semenovna, the actor's mother, managed to combine three works to provide themselves, and son. Boris Vladimirovich confessed that he was grew by a selfish child and was against that his mother would connect life with another man. I regretted this until death.

2. Dreamed about the profession of the sailor

At a young age, someone said Boris Klyuev, that a sailor costume would go. As the actor admitted, this was enough to form a children's dream. However, she was not destined to come true: the family experienced an acute need for money, and therefore the 13-year-old young man was forced to unload wagons and work at the construction site.

In the 6th grade, thanks to the work of Claudia Polavikovikov (Mother Valentina Serovoy), a new dream broke into the life of Boris Klyuev - to become an actor. This happened in the light of the fact that the woman put the play "Black Mill", where the young artist shine.

3. National hero in China

Fortuna wondered Boris Kurai and in youth, and at middle age. One day, a man at the same time offered shooting in the USA and China. "I thought that I would ever have time to America. And then 2.5 thousand years of culture, a country, giving the world, compass, tea. The whole population of the city went behind me, where I was shot, "recalled the artist on the Golden Phoenix in 2014, chatting with fans. So high and static Soviet actor became a national hero in China.

4. Dream: Being a Pijon!

Boris Klyuyev repeatedly admitted that in the role and image of Nikolai Petrovich Voronina felt uncomfortable. The celebrity preferred to dress in the style of business urban pijone, as it gives the appearance of aristocraticness.

5. Children

When Boris Klyuyev learned about the pregnancy of the second chosen, the debt of honor ordered a man to marry. However, soon the marriage collapsed, and the Woman's condition was to limit communication with the son of Alexei. The artist recognized that because of this, there was no emotional connection. Alexey died at the 24th age. The star of the series "Voronina" refuses to believe that the cause of death became a heart attack, because the son was healthy and engaged in sports.

The widow of the actor, Victoria Klyuev, life dedicated to light athletics, and therefore could not get pregnant in marriage. Boris Vladimirovich took it, so no questions about the heirs no longer arose. "I could have gone on the side, but I understood that it would be very offended and insulted by Victoria," the man celebrated sadness.

6. Personal life

Boris Klyuev preferred not to extend about the details of his personal life, and therefore almost nothing about the previous official unions is known. "The marriage does not teach anything, this is an illusion," the artist responded concisely. In Victoria, the actor liked the feminine image, for which he was ready to go on the edge of the world. Relationships were built on trust and respect, but the artist did not consider the spouse to the other. And his friend from the 1st grade school was one - Mikhail Shabra.

7. Death

As Boris Klavov refused to believe that the cause of the death of a healthy and sports son was a heart attack, so fans and colleagues of the actor were unpleasantly surprised by the news about the death of artist on September 1, 2020. Boris Vladimirovich struggled with lung cancer from 2018, however, it was ready for death from the disease: "I am very calm about any option, I think that I lived a very good, interesting, beautiful life."

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