TOLLL: Dance Show on TNT (2020): 2 Issue 7 Seasons on September 5, Casting, Participants, Speeches


Mentors of the show "Dance" on TNT in 2020 continue to recruit participants in the team, and this time to admire the dancers to them in the northern capital of Russia. The invited judge on the selection was the blogger and the leading program "Eagle and Rushka" Nastya Ivelev. The release date of the 2nd issue of the 7th season is September 5, 2020. And for the TV viewers who did not have time to see the TV show, the editors of 24cmi prepared a review of the 2nd stage of castings.

"Designed to dance": Passing participants

Masha Fatah Already fortunate enough to open the castings of the 5th season of the show "Dance" on TNT, but then the excitement did not allow the girl to show his maximum. This time, a 20-year-old participant in the selections was moving on the stage technique. "You just broke through me! It seems to me that this energy has passed through me and passed there, to the guys! " - with admiration resurrected Nastya Ivelieva.

Participant Julia Boyko It turned out to be the subscriber of Nastya Ivleva in Instagram, but the blogger immediately warned that "the blatance would not work." However, the dance of Gopnik's Girls (so Julia herself described itself. - Ed. Ed.) It was about the jury to taste, and the dancer passed the casting. "I met the idol for the first time in my life! I treat many well, but so to dream, inspire, is only Nastya Ivelieva and, probably, Justin Bieber, "the girl behind the scenes gave a comment with tears in his eyes.

"You are straightforward to dance," said Miguel Tatiana wheat , the experience in the dance of which is small - only 3 years. The jury was struck and the form and preparation of the girl, so the decision was unanimous.

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Dancing on Pilon - a rather rare event in the show, and Julia Vikhova and Katia Alexandrova showed breathtaking tricks on it together at the same time. After speech, one of the dancers presented Tatiana Denisova gift - a mask and a chocher of handmade. However, the decision was made by Nastya Ivelev, approved their transition to the next stage.

"While more nerves than dance": those who have passed with comments

On the show "Dancing" on TNT in 2020, the beloved Masha Faytov Ilya Dubinin . Tatyana Denisova provoked a long pause in the judicial board with the comment on the fact that she did not have enough stage in the young man, but Miguel's favor became a pass for Ilya in the 7th season.

Yana Greasarova Pleased with the judicial board and spectators with a performance in the style of Frame Up under the lyrical composition. However, after the number, the girl heard "no" from all permanent mentors. Among the comments were: an insufficient presentation of technology, lack of sensuality and level, a worthy show. However, Nastya Ivelieva missed Yana further, but with the condition that she would prove the jury to be on the project.

Anton Elkin He made his own choreography, but Tatyana Denisov immediately saw the style of his pets - Drama Kings. It turned out that Anton is connected with this group of dancers, but flew out of the country when the team came to the show "Dances" on TNT. Mentors were strict, they did not have enough energy. Hiruy a friend of the young man said: "I'll take it!" "Are you responsible? Well, skip, "the mentor replied.

Miniature Anna Knyazev It impressed the members of the jury with the sincerity. Egor Druzhinin noted that the girl's speech looked rather a student than professional. However, Tatyana Denisova saw in the girl from the small town of Tosno Leningrad region the potential and invited it in the last season of the show.

Victoria Beresnev I received comments from two mentors, and Tatiana Denisov appealed: "While there is more nerves than dance," however, Nastya Ivelev, who was waiting for the speech of radiance, and not drama, missed the girl further.

Ivan Ishoev In the 1st season, the hopak danced, but the participant admitted that he was "raw." On the last season, a man prepared modern choreography, which allowed Herra a friend to say the cherished "you are in" dance "."

Before speech Sasha Monusova Miguel said: "It seems to me that Sasha will delight us," but this did not happen. At the conscience of the dancer herself Egor Druzhinin took a girl in dancing: "If you feel that you are not ready, then collect the thing, and while you are in the" dance "."

"Little, I still want!": Best performances

The most extraordinary participant in the selections in St. Petersburg has become Singa. , Representing a long-forgotten style of electric in new, progressive, paints. There was a conversation between the dancer and Nastya, the conversation, during which it turned out that the blogger is close to this direction (in the microblog of the spouse, Elder, laid out video with dances in the style of tectonics). The invited judge was so liked the performance that the legs were incurred by the girl on the stage - to dance with Singa. In addition, Ivelev called the participant with his favorite.

Spouse Alexandra and Semen Nicandrov Danced in Locking style, having charged the positive energy not only the audience in the hall, but also strict mentors. "Little, I still want!" - Egor Druzhinin exclaimed at the end.

RASH. Came to dancing from professional sports because of the injury of the bertovoy bone. However, the experience and his breathtaking hip-hop improvisation made a deep impression on the jury - the selection of the man was under the enthusiastic exclamations of Miguel "Daaa!".

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