Evgeny Dodol - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist, "Look" 2021



Evgeny Dodolov - Russian journalist, leading television programs and columnist. For his career, the media manager managed to be implemented as the chief editor of large newspapers and publishing director of several magazines. Dodolis is the author of a number of popular journalistic works.

Childhood and youth

Eugene was born in Moscow on June 11, 1957. He was the only child in the family of a journalist and a teacher of mathematics. Having received a certificate, Zhenya entered the ITI of Lenin. Becoming a student of the mathematical faculty, where the mother taught, he regularly attended lectures. But, having received a diploma, I realized that it does not want to develop in a specialty. The guy is to journalism.

The writer's writer's talent became known even during training: Dodolis became a freelance correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, where his father worked. The young man participated in the development of the heading "Scarlet Sail".

Later, Eugene received a degree of MVA in the field of business administration and was certified on the editor-in-chief in the United States.

Personal life

Evgeny Dodolov does not apply to personal life. In many interviews, the publicist made it clear that this component does not have such a high significance for him as accepted in society. Nevertheless, Evgeny is married to the journalist Natalia unknown. Before marriage, she was in relations with Viktor Tsoem, the frontman of the "Cinema" group. Two children were born in the dodol family.

Evgeny Dodol and Wife Natalia Razlogova

Like most media persons, the publisher is active in social networks. He has personal profiles in Facebook and Instagram. Eugene publishes personal photos, funny finds made on the Internet, and the pictures of people who collaborate.


The creative biography of the author began to actively develop in 1985. He began to cooperate with the publication "Moskovsky Komsomolets". Here Dodolis showed professional individuality, taking only for those tasks that were of interest to him. The editorial office provided freedom of action in this regard and oversaw only one project - released in 1989 Bulletin "Top Secret." Materials for it were developed in collaboration with Alexander Pleshkov.

Dodolov acutely felt the era and its capabilities, was interested in social changes and in his texts reflected innovations in the field of literature, theater and cinema. The journalist style was characterized as a consonant time. He was in coalboat with people implementing ambitious projects in the press and television.

The writer Manera Evgenia was compared with examples of classical Russian literature. In 1986, for a number of materials, he received the title of "Best Journalist of the Year." Two years later, he managed to repeat the triumph. To this period, Dodolis was the leading transfer of the "Look". The guests of the studio became popular personalities, the view and expertise of which a wide audience was focused. Among them were publicist Alexander Nevzorov and the KGB officer Oleg Kalugin.

Having left for the USA, Evgeny collaborated with the Air Force Channel. Threads that caused the response to the audience in their homeland were in demand and abroad. Together with foreign partners in 1990, he released a film called Prostitutki.

Dodolum was among the journalists who created trends in the professional field. Evgeny Rosla's popularity, he was among the fellow in Peru, which was removed the draft of the first channel "Press of the USSR". Working with private media, Yevgeny Dodolov became the creator of the magazine "New Look". Soon the eponymous publishing center was organized.

In 2005, the journalist acted as Columnist "SK-PRESS", developed the subject of tourism and travel. Being engaged in innovations within the direction, the author reduced the volume of licensed materials used, worked as an advertising strategy and managed to increase the edition of the publication. He belongs to the idea of ​​cooperation with Dmitry Bykov and Kirillo Blown. Dodolis also invited famous photographers to the creation.

The interests of the publisher applied not only to the entertainment sphere. He worked on the release of the newspapers "Career", "Company", adapted version of the Business Week and Moulin Rouge magazine. In 2009, Dodolis took the post of executive director in Publishing House Rodionova. He also found himself among journalists who were not afraid to cover corruption topics in state bodies and abductions of people related to crime.

Realizing as a master of a major form, Dodolov spoke by the author of several books. The main characters of his works became the famous personalities - Galina Brezhnev, Vlad Leaves, Boris Berezovsky. Arguing about culture, Eugene released a book about Alexander Gradsky and the material called "Time Machine: History of the Group." He published the memories of the "legends of our rock" in which he revealed the intrigue about whether the singer was Viktor Tsoi Agent CIA.

Dodolis and now stares the bright information reasons and personalities. So, after the antipatriotic statements, Alexey Serebryakov, who sounded in 2019, journalist Ucringe actor in duality of the position. He released a frank interview with the artist, offering justifying glances. In the same period, Eugene organized an interview with Tigran Keosayan and Margarita Simonyan, discussed modern trends with cultural figures.

Evgeny Dodol now

Having gained calling in youth, Dodolian continues to work in his beloved professional sphere. It consists in Russian creative unions and is part of the American "Committee for the Protection of Journalists." In the 2020s, Eugene remains a columnist of several publications, leads the author's blog in the magazine "However" and on the website "Echo of Moscow".


  • 2012 - "Vlad Leaves. Pribil Requiem "
  • 2013 - "Alexander Gradsky. The voice, or "Always in Eternity"
  • 2013 - "Furaic lemons. Big campaign on the Kremlin
  • 2013 - "The case of Galina Brezhneva. Diamonds for Princess »
  • 2014 - "Vlad Lystev. Field of wonders in the country of fools »
  • 2014 - "Maiden Novodvorskaya. Last Festival of Revolution "
  • 2017 - "Berezovsky, disassembled by letters"
  • 2017 - "Legends of our Rock"
  • 2017 - "Musketeers Perestroika. 30 years later "

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