Lindsay Stirling - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Sign 2021



Lindsay Stirling breaks stereotypes that the girl with a violin is a modest "nerd" in a gray coat. American violinist playfully plays a tool, while dancing and removes clips whose views on YouTube are calculated hundreds of millions. Experiments with sound and genres brought to her fame, which entrenched in the list of 30 celebrities forbes, which have achieved success under the age of 30.

Childhood and youth

Lindsay was born in the California city of Santa Ana in 1986. The girl was lucky to grow in an atmosphere of a friendly and loving family, and childhood recalls his violence with gratitude. Dance with sisters under the old plates became a holiday for her and forced once and for all to fall in love into music. The family lived is not bubbing, but all free cultural events in an affordable radius tried to ensure children.

After the concert of classical music, a 5-year-old girl came out in a silent shock and began to ask parents to teach her to play the violin. Naturally, none of the close tool has owned, but the persistent persuasion of Lindsay was forced to look for a way out, although the teachers took the money for the lessons for the family.

The teacher agreed to deal with Stirling for 15 minutes a week, believing that the child would soon be tired of coming. However, the girl was so imbued with the game that she became her favorite activity for the next 12 years. At the same time, young dating was another dream - to dance, but parents put tough conditions - or violin, or dancing. In the future, Lindsay managed to combine two types of art, and it became her "chip".

Musical classes The girl did not leave, despite the frequent moving. The family managed to live in Arizona, where Stirling graduated from school, and in Yuta, where he began to study at the university. Before you leave in Los Angeles, the violinist was engaged in a Christian missionary in New York. The girl belongs to the Church of Mormonov and repeatedly told how faith in Jesus Christ helped her to cope with the nervous anorexia, from which she suffered in the adolescence.

At the age of 16, Lindsay began to play a rock band and write songs, and in 2005 he received the title "Young Miss Arizona", winning the talent contest by the execution of a violin rock composition. All this time, parents supported daughter, and their care and attention she recalls constant thanks. Her Father Stephen was a Christian preacher and writer, died in 2017 from cancer, which became for the performer of the biggest life loss.

Personal life

In the personal life of Lindsay, there has been no change for a long time, at least the violinist itself does not speak. Her recent relations ended in 2013. About a year old girl met with the director Davina Gram, with whom he studied at one university and belonged to one church. The guy participated in the creation of video clips of the performer, including the "Crystaliz" track.

Since then, Career Stirling went to the mountain, and there is no information about his personal life. At the same time, Lindsay is not a closer: it actively leads "instagram", where it is divided by the facts of the biography, lays out its own portraits, pictures in a swimsuit and photos with nephews. There is no celebrity for their children, and she is still not married.


The path to the popularity of Lindsay began with participation in 2010 in the America's Got Talent show, where she conquered judges by the bold combination of dance and playing the violin. The Stirling project did not conquer, but the road to the listener was packed. In addition, the idea was ripened to shoot on the tracks of video clips, which director Davin Graham began to help. So the girl became a Youtube star, where he became famous for his own songs and kavevers on well-known compositions.

The American's discography opened in 2012 album Lindsey Stirling, which came to the first hundred Billboard 200. The plate struck by an unexpected combination of styles: elements of classics, dubstepa, hip-hop and electronics mixed up. Stirling was not the first one who wrote modern music for violin: David Garrett and Vanessa Mei had previously proved that through classic tools it is possible to broadcast an ultra-modern sound. However, the girl found his own style, and in combination with energetic dancing, he did not leave the public chance to remain indifferent.

The next disc of Lindsay Shatter Me came out 2 years later, and immediately took off at the 2nd line of Billboard 200. By the time the violinist became a recognized star, which won the love of listeners through solo compositions and joint work with other musicians. Success brought cooperation with Peter Holeles, together with which Stirling released the clips "Game of Thrones" and Skyrim. Collaborations with Alexander Gin (Stampede) and John Ledgend (All Of Me) were successful.

The girl became the winner of the music premiums, and the video on the songs of Roundtable, "Arena" and "Hymn of Bells" presented her hundreds of millions of views on YouTube. Subsequent albums just strengthened the conquered glory.

Lindsay Stirling now

Now Lindsay continues to play music, releasing albums and shooting new clips. The last release was Artemis, published in 2019. Speeches are speeches with a constant marriage. Fans of the performer are scattered around the world, including in Russia, where she was waiting for her concert in Moscow in 2019. In the 2020th stirling gives a large tour in South America, where it presents the last album and executes the best of the repertoire.

Last Visitors on "Yutiuba" continue to beat records of views: for six months, almost 10 million users have watched video on the "Underground" track. On the channel, the performer lays out clips and streams, and shooting from concerts of 2019 fans are found in other sources.


  • 2012 - Lindsey Stirling
  • 2014 - Shatter Me
  • 2016 - Brave Enough
  • 2017 - Warmer in the Winter
  • 2019 - Artemis.

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