Maurice Meterlink - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Books



Maurice Meterlink was the Belgian author of the Pieces, philosophical essays and memoirs, who received the Nobel Prize in literature. In addition, a talented man was awarded the Order of the Honorary Legion as a sign of respect for works and writing work.

Childhood and youth

The boy, the full name of which sounded like Maurice Polydor Marie Bernard, was born in a wealthy mellink family in 1862. The family house in the center of Ghent reigned the atmosphere of the eternal holiday, because people who lived there are not accustomed to deprivation and work.

Mother Matilda, Franção college, was the heir of a solid state, and Father Pulty worked as a notary in the Central Belgian Court. In his free time, the man was fond of horticulture and agriculture, so flowers and shrubs grew in the family mansion.

Having received primary education from the governess, Maurice entered the Jesuit school, where they banned the books of romantics written in French. Children were forced to teach quotations from the Bible and poems about the heavenly benefits, fastening knowledge with the help of punishments and comments in the diary.

Because of this, in childhood, Meterllink turned away from teachers and the Catholic Church than to largely upset pious father and mother. He composed the secular novels and short poetic works, which on the advice of classmates once decided to write down.

Gradually, it became a habit, and the teenager was plunged into creativity, distracted from the intense psychological situation and uninteresting educational topics. But when the time came to take exams, Maurice took himself in hand and received a diploma of education, without experiencing problems.

In the early 1880s, his father identified the Son to the University of Ghent, and the Junior Will-Neils had to study history and law. At the end of the prestigious institution, Millink did not become a professional lawyer, and went to Paris to get acquainted with the symbolists and work in writing craft.

Personal life

Judging by the preserved photographs, Millink was an attractive young man, but despite this, in early youth it did not manage to establish a personal life. Only at the age of 33, he gave the heart of the young actress, who noticed attachment and smiled by a man because of the Kulis.

In 1895, Maurice gathered with the Spirit and appointed the first date by Beauty Georgette Leblan. A versatile developed girl loved painting and music, and the Belgian writer immediately understood that he got into the love trap.

The executor of roles in the Gent Theater was ready to marry officially, but her spouse and the Catholic Church did not allow a divorce permission. I had to live in a civil marriage, at first a condemned society, and then Madame Meterlink managed to calm the talkative people.

The actress became the Moris Museum, his editor and a true friend, helped to negotiate with the publishing houses about the publication and selling of the Pieces. But philosophical topics were not popular during the heyday of romanticism, and the absence of any fees caused family stress.

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Over time, Georgette is tired of financial restrictions and, starting to pay for expenses, forced the spouse to divide the budget. The woman acquired dresses and expensive accessories, and the man in his pocket often had only a few small coins.

Because of this, in the 1910th relationship of the writer and the actress collapsed, fortunately, at this moment young Rena Daon appeared in the life of Meterlink. The girl played in the play on the work of the Belgian, and he, noticing her attention, was extremely flattered.

Further relations developed rapidly, and soon the writer married a girl who had a good character and supported her husband in everything. When Maurice was forced at the beginning of World War II to leave Europe, René without the slightest regret broke up with acting craft.

For many years, in the depths of the soul, a couple dreamed of children, but in the end they had a premature dead son. The woman persistently moved the loss, and a 73-year-old man could not get out of dark sorrowful depths until the end of his life.


In 1888, Meterllink published the book of "Orangeneie", where the poems were collected, written during the student years. Then there was a play "Princess Malen", sent by octave Mirabo for the review, and soon admiring the playwright and critic provided a positive laudatory answer.

In 1890, Maurice composed a number of works, which thanks to a unique style glorified him in literary circles. "Blind" and "Pellas and Melmonsinda", the symbolism pierced by the classic spirit, told about how indifferent people are immersed without love.

Similar ideas, Belgian expressed in a number of journalistic collections, the most popular of which became the "mind of flowers" and "life of bees". Philosophical themes and beautiful images in combination with the classic rhetoric touched and hurt everyone who has read them at that time.

Critics, positively recalled about Metherling, said that the writer was comprehended by the essence of silence, because his books were built on praise and dozens of underwent phrases. The metaphorical image of love and death, as well as the characters of the characters made the original and valuable any printed story.

The vertex of the literary creativity of the Belgian was the Piece-parable "Blue Bird", written and supplied in the theater in 1908. The playwright showed that happiness is with a person nearby, but many do not notice it.

The same idea appeared in the work of "engagement", which was created under the influence of the civilian wife Georgettes Leblan. The woman also put her hand to the "Mary Magdalene" and "Maria Victoria", wanting the author to ever wrote the author on their basis.

Meillink, who preferred small forms, did not exchange on a major essay and, despite this, received the Nobel Prize in 1911. In a solemn speech, the versatility of the playwright and the philosopher was noted, as well as his poetic imagination and the love of writing work.

Recognition spurred Maurice to move in the selected direction, and he replenished the bibliography near new plays. In the years of armed struggle with the fascists, the Belgian penetrate the spirit of time, and the military parable "Burgomaster of Stilmond" caused special interest.

In old age, metierlink departed from drama, engaged in poetry and journalism, and also created memoirs "Happy memories" (or "blue bubbles"). He spoke about his work and his own worldview, putting readers and critics to the place of an impartial jury.


At the end of his life, Meterlink built a chic residence in Nice, but could not enjoy comfort because of World War II. The owner of the Nobel Prize fled from the fascists to the United States and was there until 1947 in the society of friends and his wife.

When the case was introduced to return to France, Maurice did not think a minute, because he wanted to improve health on almost native hospitable land. But, being in his own home, he felt emptying and stopped writing poems, plays and philosophical essays.

By the spring of 1949, the health of the writer was finally deteriorated, and he could no longer do without the help of his wife and professional doctors. Death due to a heart attack Early in the morning of May 6 shocked friends, relatives and hundreds of inephorty people.


  • 1889 - "Oranges"
  • 1896 - "Twelve songs"
  • 1890 - "Blind"
  • 1894 - "There inside"
  • 1901 - "Life bees"
  • 1903 - "Miracle of St. Anthony"
  • 1907 - "Mind of Flowers"
  • 1908 - "Blue Bird"
  • 1913 - "Death"
  • 1916 - "Little War"
  • 1919 - Burgomaster Stilmond
  • 1926 - "The Life of Termites"
  • 1929 - "Juda Iscariot"
  • 1936 - "Shadow of Wings"
  • 1942 - "Other world, or sundial"
  • 1948 - "Blue Bubbles" ("Happy Memories")

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