Boris Yulin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books, Historian, Publicist 2021



Boris Yulin is a historian, Columnist, author of books, videos and lectures broadcast in the Internet space. An expert in the field of military topics, economics and politics, it implements talent in modern format thanks to the author's Yutiub-Channel. The media person has fans and opponents who are criticized, so every man's performance becomes an informational reason for the audience.

Childhood and youth

Yulin was born in Khabarovsk in 1961. About the biography and children's years of publicist knows little. He studied in a secondary school, having received a certificate, went to the army. Having gave the debt home in his youth, Boris Vitalyevich entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, where he studied the specialty of the engineer-racket. The second higher education, the young man was already received in the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute.

Personal life

The publicist does not apply to what the speeches lives. Yulin is not a fan of social networks. The photo of the expert accompany the author's articles or interviews for the media.

Positioning yourself as a serious specialist, the writer does not apply to personal life and family. He gives the priority of professional self-realization.

History and publicist

Vocational formation Boris Yulin began in collaboration with Svetlana Samchenko. The expert projects were devoted to the study of the armored fleet involved in the battles of the First World War, as well as battles in the Russian-Japanese war. The man was interested in the study of military equipment. In videos, the author is immersed in this topic than the characteristic reputation conquers.

Yulin is the author of articles and several books. Among the first literary works of the publicist was the work of the Borodino battle. It did not constitute a deep study, and the circulation consisted of 4 thousand copies. The presentation was held in Moscow. The historian took the description of the controversial issues surrounding the battle in Borodino.

Experts are still not concerned about the statistics of the relationship of the forces of opponents and losses incurred. The triumph question in the Borodino battle is often subjected to a discussion, but in the classical version it is believed that the victory remained at the Russian army. The position that the author expresses on the pages of the book is an alternative and controversial. He confirms its facts as far as sources: Plans of the Napoleon Bonaparte and Mikhail Kutuzov, the Card of the terrain of that era.

In 2009, published the book "Myths of the Great Patriotic War - 2, written by Julino in co-authorship. She received a positive evaluation of critics. Within the framework of the project, the creators tried to refute rumors and unreliable facts that arose against the heroic period in the life of the Soviet Union.

Boris Vitalyevich was engaged in teaching activities in the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute. He also turned out to be among the creators of the textbook on the economy published in 2015. "Economic Security" combines the preservation of capital capital of states and organizations for managers and entrepreneurs.

In 2014, the military expert created the author's channel on the video hosting "Yutyub". Since then, he enjoys the interest of experts and lovers of history, which in vain arguing about the correctness of the broadcast facts and the depth of the writer's knowledge.

Boris Yulin now

In 2020, the researcher continues to keep a diary on the LiveJournal portal. In notes, he reacts to what is happening in the country and expresses his own opinion. During the coronavirus epidemic, comments about the connection between the virus and capitalism, as well as changes in the country's Constitution, appeared in the LiveJournal Epidemic. It was about them on the eve before the epidemic.

Now Yulin is a leading forum called "on a stupid". As part of the transfer broadcast on the Internet, the publicist invites the interlocutors to communicate on topics from the history of the Soviet Union and Russia. Goblin, Dmitry Puchkov participates in popular issues of the program.

Repeatedly during the filming, conflicts broke out between opponents, as in the case when the guest of the studio Egor Yakovlev discussed with the leading Stalinist repression. The topic provoked a video of Yakovleva, created on the basis of documents relating to the rearrangement times. In the same situation, Alexey Isaev turned out to be. Yulin accused the interlocutor in the overestimation of the number of those killed in the Great Patriotic War.

Boris Vitalyevich repeatedly acted as an expert of the "Union" heading. As an opponent, he argues about fascism, Russian armament, holodomor and other facts and phenomena. The publicist also works as a consultant and an expert of the FAQ of the Russian Academy of Sciences, holds the post of columnist of editions "however."


  • 1995 - "Descendants of the last Corsaars"
  • 2008 - Borodino Battle
  • 2009 - "Myths of the Great Patriotic War - 2"
  • 2015 - "Economic Security"
  • 2018 - "Milestones of Russian History"

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