Timati and Anastasia Rytova: Love Story, Parting, 2020, Reason, News


On September 11, 2020, it became known that Timati and Anastasia Ryutov broke up after 6 years of living together. This was announced by the elect Raper in his instagram account. The couple has a joint son, to bring up whose mother promised in love for his father. How the story of the love of the musician and the instadivities developed - in the material 24cm.

Love story

Since 2012, Timati has been in relations with Alena Shishkova. In 2014, the daughter of Alice was born. And after a year, the rapper and the model broke up. The press appeared in the press that Yunusov left the family to the new chief of the model of Anastasia Ryatova, behind which the status of "deliberate" was immediately entrenched. However, according to the fateful brunette, the meeting occurred when Blackstar was already free.

Young people presented a friend at one event. "From the first day it became clear that we will be together," then Anastasia told Anastasia.

Lovers have not advertised. Around the couple went gossip about the korear girls. Fans embarrassed the difference of 12 years. It was rumored that this is a PR-move, and Rakevo attracts the financial well-being of Timati. By the way, the female rapper did not really bother. A year after the meeting, Timur Yunusov gave the original ring expensive, and in 2017 - a luxury car.

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Dispelled doubts about the sincerity of the senses herself Anastasia Ryttov. "For me, he ... The best man and 100% winner." And in 2017, the pair appeared together on the music premium. Nevertheless, with an ex-passion, Alena Shishkova Timati, also retained a warm relationship, appearing with his daughter's mother in secular events than rumors about the "divorce" and comparison of blonde and brunettes are not in favor of the latter.

In 2018, at the Muz-TV awards ceremony, Ksenia Sobchak publicly humiliated Anastasia Rutimov, hinting at Mother Timati's discontent, Simon Yakovlevna, Son's relations. Nastya during the fallout of the scandalous journalist kept silence and smiled. "One of the most useful skills is the ability to quickly forget everything bad," after said the unmatien model.

Timati responded to the lunge, but discontent more concerned the operation of the channel. And the potential mother-in-law emphasized that he loves her children too much, and therefore the choice of his son takes. After the scandal, the topic of parting a stellar pair began to reveal again. However, instadiv dispelled doubts when the joint photo was put on the review with the signature "25.08.2018". Folloviers spoke about the engagement.

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New Year's holidays Timati and Anastasia Ryutov spent in France. Fans began to suspect a secret wedding. True, this or speculation - it remains a mystery. The pregnancy was hidden as much as possible, but the addition of lovers commented on friends, and Ex-Passia Alain Shishkov confirmed the news.

On October 16, 2019, Anastasia Rtytov gave birth to the Son, who was called Ratmir. Fans waited for a marriage ceremony or announcement of the secret union. Nevertheless, the marriage did not follow, and the residue began to call the "eternal bride." "I am married," Anastasia answered ambiguously on the marital status, continuing to enjoy maternity.

A break up

The new 2020 couple met together, and the summer vacation has already spent separately. Instady's subscribers suspected the coming parting. "Do not heal," Anastasia asked and explained the separate rest of the unfavorable emotional state, which required a change in the situation.

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Как бы это не было печально для вас и наших близких... Этот год стал тяжелой проверкой на прочность для многих, но наш союз ее не выдержал. Мы больше не одно целое, не муж и жена, не живем вместе. Это были прекрасные 6 лет с момента нашей встречи и до этого лета. Мы были лучшими друзьями, любовниками, партнёрами. Между нами было многое и это было прекрасно!! Эти отношения были очень многогранны, наполнены и эмоциональны. Но в этой жизни нет ничего вечного и все имеет свойство заканчиваться. Я изменилась и мои взгляды на жизнь тоже. Во избежание грязных сплетен, говорю сразу, что здесь не замешаны посторонние люди и про «бумеранг» можете тоже забыть. Так как было тогда и сейчас знаем только мы и объясняться подробнее не вижу смысла. Я не знаю что будет дальше, но на данный момент хочется всю свою энергию направить в иное русло. Я верю что удастся превратить наши отношения в идеальный родительский тандем ради Ратмирчика. Спасибо тебе за то, что ты сделал для меня, за твою Любовь и бесконечную поддержу. За то, что вырастил из дурной 18 -летней малышки меня такую какая я сейчас. Прости меня за все былое. Я обещаю тебе воспитать нашего сына в любви к своему Отцу.

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And on September 11, the "Instagram" appeared a statement about parting. "I changed and my views on life too. In order to avoid dirty gossip, I say that there are no extraneous people and about the "Boomerang" about the "Boomerang" here, "Rutov said.

In Anastasia plans - to switch attention to another channel, and the relationship with Timati translate into the parent union.

Haters saw the reason for the gap in the mother of Rapper, Simone Yunusova. A woman in her instagram account was accused of a desire to destroy the Union of the Son, they reproached that the children grow in incomplete families, and Timati called "Mamienikin Son." In response, Simon Yakovlevna closed comments. Timur Yunusov still keeps silence and only put "heart" to the post of ex-chosen.


The public news was excited about the public. In the approximate circles, the couples say that in love was initially difficult to build family relationships: Timur preferred to pay time to personal growth.

"Timati and Deutsova are the last drop in the ocean!" - noted Agat Minkiezetse, who recently survived parting with her husband with Pavlil. The actress stressed: after star divorces, weddings will follow, where you can come "with your stool."

The scandalous blogger Elena Miro compared Timati with the Sultan and stated that "the giving birth Timurka does not want," and Deutov also made a mistake and spoiled relations with Mom Yunusov.

Alena Shishkova from comments abstained, posted on the page advertising coat.

The announcement of the separation of Timati and Anastasia Rtyttov disappointed fans who ask Rapper to return the mother of the Son and consider this news sad.

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