Taitle: Dance Show on TNT (2020): 3 Issue 7 Seasons on September 12, Casting, Participants, Speeches


Castings in the popular show "Dance" on TNT in 2020 continue. In the 3rd issue, the release date on September 12, the trio of mentors arrived in Novosibirsk to select participants in the last, expected and promising, 7th, season. This time the invited jury member was not. About how the castings in Siberia were held - in the material 24cm.

"All cool!": Past participants

Dima Levanov who already came to the show "Dance" on TNT in the 5th season, presented the jury experimental choreography. Plastic movements conquered the mentors so much that Miguel asked the participant to remind, for what reason did not miss the young man further last time.

Zlata Scriabin From Norilsk presented Break Dance. In an interview, the girl told that he had been sick since childhood. Despite the weak speech, Miguel could not refuse the Zlata: "And" No "cannot be said to you, and" yes "is dangerous. But you, of course, generally a heroine. "

Maria Arkhipova Awarded the Cottage Comment by Miguel: "Everything is cool! You were lucky: you just did it on the stage, what to tell you no - it is impossible, so you are in the "dance". "

"More in your life will not happen this": Past with comments

Tito Ihow. Presented the Waking House under the incendiary composition of Andrei Gubin "Dances" than caused admiration not only by Miguel, but also the audience. However, the eccentric mentor, and Tatiana Denisov noted that the level and amplitude of the speech did not have enough to go further. Contrary to the opinion of the judicial collegium, Egor Druzhinin missed Tito in the next stage, having parry: "Zador has the right to exist!"

Artemy and Maria Katashi - Brother and sister, who since childhood devoted the life to ballroom dancing. The couple was purely and emotionally, but the judges did not like that there were feelings between partners, and there was no sensuality. " Miguel missed Artemy and Masha further despite the remark of Egor about the fact that if the guys pass the selection, it would look like a chance.

Try your hand in the 3rd issue of the 7th season came and Egor Sushkov . "I do not understand where to go with him," the Druzhinine complained. The judicial board came to confusion, since the young man with an extraordinary manner and manner of behavior, which called himself "bits by the rapist", seemed to them strange. Egor selected passed due to Miguel.

The next participant of the casting of the 7th season of the show "Dance" on TNT in 2020 introduced a dance in the style of hip-hop. Lera Zubrilova Several times "did not get into music," for which he received a reprimand from Miguel. However, an extraordinary appearance became for the girl's pass to the next stage of the project.

Semen Dadonov Gave a deep and emotional interview before the speech, which forced members of the Judge Board and the audience to believe in the sincerity of his feelings on the scene. Tatiana Denisova made a comment to the young man: "The legs are weak, not dancing. And then I looked up: there you are very honest and convincing, "however missed the seeds in the next stage of the 7th season.

Performance Evgenia Perminovova Druzhinin and Denisov criticized: mentors noted that the girl was not "in the image", and the choreography was mediocre for the last season of the show. "This will not happen in your life anymore. You're in "Dance", "Miguel summarized.

Number Tanya Zyryanova I am struck by the audience: enthusiastic exclamations came from the hall. "You are very beautiful, everything flies in different directions. I always take for beauty. The season is the last, but I do not change my preferences. Vogue disgusting, of course, you are in "Dance!", "Tatyana Denisov said.

Experimental choreography Diana Zuununova It was not impressed by the jury, among the nuances, the mentors called the weak fullness of the number: "Dance you need to teach. There was little dance here. I want to check you on some particular choreography. We will try, "said Tatiana and told the girl cherished" yes! ".

Lion Zimin Lined the speech under the alignment composition. Despite the originality of the performance, Tatyana Denisov and Egor Druzhinin doubted whether casting had a young man from the village. Thanks to the favor of Miguel, the participant passed the next stage. "You are so cool! You are the truth of mega-class! ", - summarized TV presenter Laysan Urtyashev.

"It was possible to watch forever": Best performances

"Your room was so convincing that it could be watching it forever. I would remember another hour and a half, "said a comment to the number Arina Akhmetova Mentor Druzhinin. Thus, the participant from Nefteyugansk automatically, without any questions, took the 7th season of the show "Dancing" on TNT in 2020.

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Father of two children Viktor Smerakov Already on Casting in the show "Dances" on TNT and returned again. In an emotional interview, a man stated that he dedicates the number of mom, from the house of which he left for 15 years. The piercing composition in combination with the technical performance of the artist brought Denisov to tears. "So much desires, so much passion! You deserved!" - summarized the mentor.

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