Motaro (character) - pictures, "Mortal Kombat", abilities, centaur


Character History

Motaro - Game Character in Mortal Kombat, originally represented by a centaur, and then - the two-legged humanoid minotaur. One of the most physically strong heroes, however, received many negative feedback, including from the fans of the MK Universe.

History of character creation

The first appearance is noted in additions to MK - Ultimate and Trilogy versions. In these games they fought on one side with a mountain against the earth warriors. In the future, the developers about him forgotten and returned to the Game Universe in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. It was caused by the requests of fans.

Initially, the hero of the Fighting was represented by the race of centaurs. But the four-legged character was inconvenient in managing and animation. Therefore, it was modified into a minotaur, while his combat characteristics have changed much. In 2011, the developers returned the initial appearance, however, in this version, Motaro appeared only in plot rollers.

Cynenoscience happened in the animated series "Mortal Battle: Defenders of the Earth." The character played an episodic role, participating in the events of the overthrow of Emperor Shao Kana.

Deron McBee performed the role of Kentaur in Sicvel "Deadly Battle: Extermination." In the film, this hero also spoke by Warrior Shao Kana and was bent with Shiva. At the end died, fighting with Jacks.

John Tobias, the writer, mentioned that the source of inspiration when creating was toy from childhood - a cruel dictator Baron Karz, which was supplied together with the horse Andromeda. Changing the appearance of the Centaurus in the MK biographies map was explained by the scary curse to which the whole race was undergone.

Feedback on the hero turned out contradictory. Some counted his dongy version of the worst. Motaro was also placed in the list of the most stupid characters "Mortal Kombat". At the same time, critics awarded it with such epithets as brutal, powerful and invincible.

Motaro image and biography

In the original chronicle Shao Kahn found new allies in the face of four warriors who ruled in the outside world. After overpowing to cooperate with Shokanov, the emperor decided to attract their sworn enemies in the face of Kintaro and Goro. After the death of Kintaro, Motary ascended in his place.
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He, together with several terrible representatives of the race amounted to a powerful detachment. His goal is the destruction of warriors, which resisted in the earthly kingdom after the invasion of the emperor. Thus, they strongly irritated Shao Kata by infinite threats. Motary proved that his combat abilities would allow him to suppress the uprising, because he had repeatedly won the earth warriors.

During the raid through the streets of the city, a four-legged warrior found Kano, who left Sonya Blade to die. Centaur cured and put it in the dungeon, realizing that Shao Kan would surely punish the warrior for failure of the operation.

Immediately after these events, Motaro killed Shiva, in the attack of rage due to the fact that Shao Kan decided to renounce shokanov. Subsequently, the emperor avenged her for the deed. So ended the mission of the ultimatum.

In Armageddon, the character returned as a minotaur. According to the version of the developers, it happened because the shokani imposed a strong curse on the opposing race, turning them into semi-bulls.

Missing Motary starts with a test that has prepared for him the fallen god of shinnok, checking the fighting characteristics of the warrior. In this mission, the hero dies during the battle at the Pyramid of Argus.

In the new chronology, the character is also declared as a general of the Emperor's army. He managed to defeat Johnny Cage. But these events foresaw Ridon, who flew to the place of battle and flew to the minotaur. The body of the fallen warrior was transferred to the Shao Kana Palace.

Like all representatives of the race of Centaurs, Motaro is extremely strong. One shot of this character leans the enemy for several meters. Despite the impressive dimensions (height 2 m 62 cm, weight 544 kg) It rapidly moves due to the power of horsepower. Another advantage of the warrior is the tail, sharp as a razor.

Motary has immunity to magic techniques, so it can only be defeated in hand-to-hand combat. Shells will fly back with a characteristic sound due to the reflective skin of the hero. Sometimes they fall into the one who released them - then the player hears the winning growl of the Centaur. In addition, a four-legged warrior owns teleportation. It instantly moves at the place of battle, unexpectedly arising behind the opponent's back.

In Armageddon, after Motary appeared a two-legged humanoid, he lost the ability to reflect the shells. At the same time, the attack enjoyed the same techniques as in an ultimatum. In MK 11, returned to the usual guy of the Centaur, but appeared to a non-character.

The hero has not so many specialists. Nevertheless, the developers have endowed it superior physical strength, at the same time presenting the battle techniques themselves. For example, it has only one fatality. Due to poor-quality animation, a picture arises, on which the hand of the winner and the head of the opponent is in different places.

Players can enjoy the "tail projectile" taking. Using it, Motaro releases a fiery ball from the tail. With the help of teleportation, the enemy is losing a centaution from the view for a second, at that time the warrior appears in an unexpected place and causes a crushing blow.

During running a four-legged character, tall an enemy shoulder. He can also hit the legs of his powerful limbs standing or from a seating rack. From the last position, the hero attacks his head.

Interesting Facts

  • The name of the character was picked up from Japanese folklore. But at that very Momotaro Centaur has nothing to do anything.
  • In different parts of "Mortal Kombat", the hero has green, then red blood.
  • In the animated series "Deadly Battle: Extermination" of Kentauri voiced actor Nill Ross.
  • The portal gave Motaro first place in the list of worst characters MK in the entire history of the game.
  • In MK 11, the hero itself is not playful. But his cracked horn is the most important artifact. Only with it can open the lair.

Computer games

  • 1995 - Mortal Kombat 3
  • 1995 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
  • 1996 - Mortal Kombat Trilogy
  • 2006 - Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

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