Ken Kizi: 2020, biography, personal life, books, over a cuckoo nest, death


From under the feather it was published books that became signs for hippies and sympathizing and identifying the era in general. The name of the writer is inextricably linked with the generation of hipsters, asked the vector of development for informal currents, movements and formations that differed in ideas and ideals from the typical worldview of US residents of the US 40-60s.

September 17, 2020 turned 85 years old from the time Ken Kizi was born. On curious facts from the personal life and the biography of the writer - in the material 24cmi.

1. Pathways

After graduating from school Ken Kizi escaped from home and traveled for some time in the company of classmates. During this warhead Ken for the first time and met the hippie culture, he was impregnated with her ideals and became Yarym Motion admirer. Also, this time was the period for the first literary experiments, while still confused and mess, but allowing the writer in the future to choose the path in life.

Well, as for the norm of Fei Haxby, who accompanied Kizi in the journey, then her author himself and years later repeatedly called the greatest love of life. Such an approval confirmed the reluctance of the writer to part, even without the official design of relations, with a woman who gave him as a result of three children, who called Jed, Zayn and Shannon.

Also Fay allowed his chosen one to "make" a daughter and Caroline Garcia (formerly at the time of Adams), with which Ken also tied romantic relationships. Sunshine's baby's education was subsequently engaged in her mother and stepfather - Musician Jerry Garcia.

2. View from the cuckoo nest

The most famous novel of the writer "Above the Cukushkina Nest" appeared, in fact, thanks to the launcher - in his student years, the author lacked cash. In order to correct the financial situation, Ken Kizi settled on a part-time job for veterans, where she worked as an assistant psychologist.

Another income in those years for the writer was to participate in experiments with psychedelic drugs - including Kizi became a volunteer in the experiments on the study of the impact on the psyche and the Mescaline and LSD.

The listed subsequently influenced the fact that in the novel "Flying over the nest of the cuckoo", people with mental disabilities became heroes. Yes, and in other works of the author of "specific" characters enough.

3. "Oh Sport, You are the world!"

Although subsequently, the lifestyle of the writer became difficult to refer to healthy, in the youth of Ken Kizi seriously engaged in freestyle wrestling and even won the state championship. Also, the author went twice to the final of the competition of the Pacific coast and tried to the Olympic team, but as a result he left the sport.
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4. Merry ledge

Almost unlimited access to the "substances" could not but affect the lifestyle of a young man. So in 1964, Kizi acted as the organizer of the hippie commune, which was called "merry peasants". The musical parties of this community were distinguished by the fact that the drugs were invited to them for free for free.

It is noteworthy that Ken Kizi in 1965 staged his death when he was charged with the use and storage of drugs, and disappeared forwise for eight months. However, "Returning to Life", the author was still behind the bars.

From the conclusion of Ken Kizi freed in five months, after which he moved to a family farm located in the town of Pleazent Hill, which in Willemett Valley. And preferred more from there not to get out to his very death.

5. Motion ideologue

Kizi is among the main writers who had in the 60s key influence on the formation of the hippie movement and the culture of his followers. At the same time, the number of works written by the author in those years is very small and limited to a pair of novels and a comparative number of essays and stories - the rest of the art has already been to a later period: a number of books have come out already in the 80-90s, so the impact on the Hippie ideology is unlikely Lee had.

Yes, and, for example, the third novel of the author's "Song of the Sailor", who came out after almost three decades after the previous major work, did not use much popularity.

6. Unacceptable cinema

It is curious that from the adaptation of your most famous work, literally "sprinkled on the quotes" in the film, for many sought to imitate the picture, Ken Kizi was not delighted.

The director of the film Milos Foreman decided that the story should not be conducted from the face of Bromden, and the emphasis shifted to Randla Patrick McMephi. Such a move led to the fury of the writer, who tried to sue the film company, but in the end he lost and did not look at anything to look at what his work turned out after a similar abuse.

7. Insensible consequences

It is worth noting that the stormy youth and passion for banned drugs and marijuana did not pass for the writer in vain. The last years of life proceeded for him under the sign of the disease - the body attacked numerous aids, among which - liver cancer and diabetes mellitus.

Without problems with the heart, it also did not cost, as evidenced by the experienced stroke, even the operation did not help, after which two months after which the author's condition had worsened again. Ken Kizi died in 2001, when he was only 66 years old.

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