The film "After. Chapter 2 ": Plot, Actors, Interesting Facts


In 2015, the writer Anna Todd became a celebrity: her novel "After", published on the Whattpad platform, scored 1.5 million readings and became a bestseller. Fans from all over the world were waiting for the continuation, and by 2018 there were already 10 novels dedicated to Hardin and Tessa.

In 2019, the light saw the film's first book called "After", and in the 2020 US ready to submit the second film - "after. Chapter 2. The editorial office 24cmi prepared material on how they were filmed and what actors played roles in it.


In the film "After", the audience witnessed the origin of love between two at first glance incompatible personalities. Tessa and Hardin live in parallel universes, but a random meeting divides their lives on "to" and "after."

According to the trailer, the film "After. Chapter 2 "will tell about conflicts arising between lovers. In addition, the Tesa has a new fan - Trevor, which will threaten the relationship with Hardin.


The main roles performed:

  • Josephin Langford - Tessa Young, student. The girl was brought up in an exemplary family. Tessa ambitious, but modest. In her bold dreams - to finish learning and build a brilliant career;
  • Hiro Fayns-Tiffin - Hardin Scott, charismatic student. The young man boasts a mind, attractiveness and talent, however, internal conflicts interfere. Hardin seems to be a self-confident rebel.

Secondary roles were distributed like this:

  • John Jackson Hunter - Hardin in childhood;
  • Dylan Aproot - Trevor. The young man is ready for all the sake of attention Tesa, despite the fact that the girl has a lover;
  • Candace King - Kimberly Vance;
  • Charlie Weber - Christian Vance;
  • Louise Lombard - Trish Daniels;
  • Innana Sarkis - Molly Samuels;
  • Rob Estes - Ken Scott, Rector and Father Hardina;
  • Karim Westbrook - Karen Scott;
  • Pia Mia - Tristan.

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the film "After. Chapter 2 "in Russia - September 17, 2020. The world premiere of the picture will take place on October 8.

2. The director's post of the project was taken by Roger Cambinis, whose debut work was becoming a film "Brutal Games" (1999). It is noteworthy that Jenny Gage worked on the first part of the melodramatic film, and information about changing the director appeared a week before the official start of the shooting process. It is known that for the film "After", producers specially searched for a woman, as the story was carried out on behalf of the Tesa.

3. The film "After. Chapter 2 "began to shoot on August 12, 2019 in Atlanta (Georgia state), as they wrote in the official community picture in Twitter. The University of Emory served as a prototype of a fictional educational institution, in which heroes study. Work on the film was finished in September of the same year.

4. It is noteworthy that Anna Todd is actively involved in filming movies. The creators of the film are confident that the fans are important an exact image of the heroes, their costumes and distinctive features. Actor Hiro Fayns-Tiffin in an interview with "Around TV" confessed: "Very cool, when the creator of all this story is near. You can ask him something about your character, which is not even in the books, but what she thought. She always had answers to all questions. "

5. The prototype of Hardin Scott was the soloist of the One Direction of Harry Stiles. Anna Todd was inspired by Fandom Music Babe, which began to write fan fiction, with the arrival of popularity turned into 5 full-fledged novels.

6. Experts note that the plot of films "after" and "after. Chapter 2 "Reminds the cerebral version of the Soviet film" Girl "and American" fifty shades of gray ".

7. In September 2020, it became known that the film crew is working on the 3rd and 4th units of the franchise. This was reported by the leading roles - Josephine Langford and Hiro Fayns-Tiffin.

The film "After. Chapter 2 "- Trailer:

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