TV series "Warranty New World" (2020): Release date, actors, roles, peacock


The series "Warranty New World" - a fantastic drama, authors and directions of which Owen Harris, Ifa Makardl, Andri Paren, Craig Zisch and Ellen Kosras. The 9-serial film became another screen release of the popular novel in the genre of Aldos Huxley Antiutopia "On the wonderful New World" of 1932.

The release date of the mini-series - July 15, 2020. The premiere was held at the American Stregnating Service Peacock, as well as on the Kinopoisk HD platform. In the material 24cm - interesting facts about creating a picture, plot, actors and roles.


Viewers are in New London: the city - the state from the distant future, the XXVI century. In this world there is no love, art, culture, marriage and family values. Machines perform all work, and people are born and grow in special bottles-incubators. Humanity is divided into 5 castes, the highest of which were "Alpha", and the lower - "Epsilons". To know the happiness to residents of the New World helps a narcotic substance, and the purpose of life becomes infinite consumption of all and all.

According to the story of the series "Warranty New World", two main characters of Linajna and Bernard are outside the hometown and fall into wild lands, where a bloody uprising is in full swing. Acquaintance with the noble savory john helps them escape from trouble. The couple takes John to the capital, where it turns out to be the focus because of his faith in love and outdated primitive looks for life.


The main roles in the series "Warming New World" performed:

  • Olden Ereraike - Skar John, who falls in love with Linain's girl and saves her and Bernard from the epicenter of the inside;
  • Jessica Brown Findlay - Linaina Krane, nurse, a resident of the new London;
  • Harry Lloyd - Bernard Marx, the Linane satellite, with whom she goes on vacation outside the city;
  • Demi Moore - Mother John, a former resident of the new London, who escaped into wild lands to give birth to a child.

Minor roles in the picture played : Kylie Banber, Hannah John Camemen, Joseph Morgan and other famous actors.

Interesting Facts

1. The plot of the paintings is almost identical to the events described in the book. However, the creators still made some changes in the images of the main characters and allowed themselves a little otherwise to express accents. For example, in the book, John's mother after escape became a representative of the "Ancient Profession", and the authors of the screening of 2020 made it an ordinary drunkard. Also in the center of the narrative on the screen - the relationship of the main characters and a love triangle, and not reasoning about the collapse of mankind described in the novel.

2. For the filming of the series "Warranty New World" Architects created the decorations of the anti -utopic city. According to the idea of ​​the creators, the new London was built all immediately using artificial intelligence. It should organically unite the ideas of the future and past. Modernist Brazilia and Valencia, as well as the Gardens of Great Britain became the prototype of the city.

3. The series "Warming New World" of 2020 has become the third on the account of the novel "On the wonderful New World". Despite the popularity of the book, attempts to transfer the plot to teleexpar was not so much. The first test was the same name of the 1980th director of Bert Brinkheroff. The second attempt in 1998 made directions of Leslie Libman and Larry Williams, who adapted the plot closer to the modern world. Also in 2017 in the Moscow Drama Theater "Modern" there was a premiere of the performance on anti-nightopia.

4. Ridley Scott and Leonardo di Caprio also expressed a desire to shield a well-known antioticopia in 2010, but left this venture, and without finishing the shooting.

5. The series shows a global social network with elements of augmented virtual reality, the idea of ​​which the authors have learned from the project "Taste of Gaduki".

The series "Warranty New World" - Trailer:

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