Sailor Venus (Character) - pictures, cartoon, "Sailor Moon", Anime, Kunsite, costume


Character History

Sailor Venus - Warrior in Syroske, Character Franchise "Sailor Moon". The cheerful and positive schoolgirl became the 5th team in the team of young wizards, although before the rest received superpower.

History of character creation

The first appearance of the heroine happened in 1991 in Manga Codename: Sailor V, where her name sounded like sailor vi. The girl dreams of real love, is fond of sports and video games. But after a meeting with Cat, Artemis understands that she has a purpose - to become a defender of the Earth.

Najo Taheti came up with the continuation of this manga, in which there will be a whole team of girls-warriors. Naoco changed the concept, to bring to the main role to the best friend Minako Aino (real name of the warranty) - Usagi Zucino.

Both manga were published almost simultaneously, while the description of the character Aino is appearance and character - not much changed. Najo Tayti created the image Sailor Moon based on a picture of Minako from the comic, so the girls are similar.

When moving the heroine from Sailor Vi to Sailor, Venus Taketi took the costume of Codename: Sailor V. All warriors wear short skirts of different colors, and in school form the main gamma blue. A distinctive feature of Minako - a red mask and the same color of the Bow on her hair.

According to the tradition, each of the warriors in the sailorque corresponded to any planet in the solar system. For Aino, Venus was the patroner, which was the determining factor in the formation of a character. The girl is loving, often gets acquainted with beautiful guys and takes care of appearance and figure.

In addition, hieroglyphs in the name Minako have several meanings: "Love", "Beauty", "Child". The concept of Sailor Venus as a "beautiful child of love" Emko reflects its image in manga, anime and full-length films dedicated to metasry.

A month after the manga's release, Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon started showing anime series. From 1992 to 1997, it was broadcast, including 5 seasons corresponding to the plot arches of the comic. Total released 200 episodes, which made it possible to talk about this cartoon as the longest in the genre of Maho-Sydzo.

In addition, 3 full-length films came to the screens, which also belong to the canon franchise.

In the anime series 1992-1997, Aino voiced Rica Foli. In lively screening Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, the role of a warrior girl under the auspices of Venus played Ayak Komatsu.

Image and biography Sailor Venus

The magic story of a 13-year-old schoolgirl begins with a fateful meeting with White Cat Artemis, who told about the Great Mission. Minako and in the manga, and in subsequent screenings retains romantic and cheerful nature. But some aspects of her biography undergo changes.

In Anime, it is said that the heroine lived for some time in England, where he met with a guy Alan. One day, Minako turned out to be in a blown building, but she managed to survive. After that, Aino learned that Alan was found with her best friend. A schoolgirl decides forever to go to Japan, the rest thought that she died in an explosion.

In the first plot arch Anime Minako already knows about his past - before rebirth, she lived in the moon kingdom. But after the attack of the dark forces moved to the modern world. Sailor Venus knows that her new girlfriend Usagi Tsukino - Princess Serenity, and Mamoru Chiba (Taxedo Mask in the embodiment) - Prince Edimion.

Knowing about the danger that hung over her friends, in the first series Ayino trying to give himself to the princess, which is reflected in its appearance. She puts on the crown with a fake crystal, trying to confuse opponents.

As a warrior, Minako becomes more focused and serious. In the second season, anime in the character begins to prevail excessive arrogance and even nonsense. Spectators noted that in the quotes of the character there are funny errors. Going to the background, the heroine began to pay more attention to school life, friends and love hobbies

The girl is engaged in volleyball, trying to become a professional player. Favorite subject of schoolgirl is physical education, the most difficult to Ayino is given mathematics. In the usual life, the student does not fall out due to video games and runs for celebrities. The innermost dream of Minako is to become a singer. He considers himself an expert on romantic cases, although it has small experience in relations with the opposite sex.

The heroine uses a metal chain when attacking enemies. The main opponents of the team of warriors are four servants of Queen Beryl: Zoisite, Jade, Kunsite and Jedi.

Warm guide is pretty symbolic. In Japanese, the Planet Venus is pronounced as Kinsay and consists of two hieroglyphs. Separately, they are translated as "Metal" and "Heavenly Object". Thus, the instruments of the heroine attack is identified by a chain of love, and she herself in this aspect receives a reference to the Announced Ancient Roman goddess.

For the transformation, Minako uses the rod, which is no different from the magic artifacts Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and other soldiers in the sailor. In Manga Codename: Sailor V instead of this accessory, the schoolgirl applies Pudrenitsa. Having looked at it for the first time, young features sees a crescent sign on his forehead.

In the television series Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Aino is depicted by a famous star, and her first album comes out before she discovers magical abilities.

In the adaptation with alive actors, Minako has an incurable disease, accompanied by weakness, dizziness and fainting. Probably, the warrior suffers from Malokrovia. The girl is solved for operation, but the body does not stand up - she dies. The heroine is resurrected after Sailor Moon restored the world.


"That you've escaped, four hundred!" "I am the fifth warrior, and my name is Sailor Venus!" "Beauty is a terrible force." "I am Minako Aino, the Goddess of Love. I fell a chance to become happy. "

Interesting Facts

  • Birthday - October 22, Zodiac sign, scales, is under the patronage of the planet Venus.
  • Aino is the only girl from the warriors team who lives with his parents.
  • Growth Sailor Venus 157 cm.
  • Mamoru Chiba and Usagi Zukino in the future there is a child - Chibi Moon. Minako finds out that in the parallel universe gives birth to daughter Min Aino.
  • As a princess Venus character carries a yellow dress.
  • To transform into a warrior, the heroine pronounces the phrase: "Venus power, to battle!"


  • 1991-1997 - CodeName: Sailor V
  • 1992-1997 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon


  • 1992-1997 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
  • 1993 - Sailor Moon R: The Movie
  • 1994 - Sailor Moon S: The Movie
  • 1995 - Sailor Moon Superse: The Movie
  • 2014-2016 - Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal

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