Film "Gentlemen of Good luck" (1971): Interesting facts, actors, curiosities


In 1972, the leader of the Soviet film distribution was the film "Gentlemen of Good luck", ahead of possible competitors and immediately came to the folk masses, starting with ordinary workers to the most significant party ranks. Years passed, but the picture shot in 1971 remains among the favorites and at the current spectator audience, continuing to give joyful smiles and the warm feeling of the holiday.

On interesting facts associated with the film - in the material 24cm.

For the sake of a friend-director

The painting "Gentlemen of Good luck" is practically all without exception to the filmography of the famous Soviet and Russian director Georgy Dellai. But no! In his favorite all Russians since childhood, Delelia spoke not so much by the director as the author of the script and the artistic director.

And to participate in this project, Georgy Nikolayevich decided for a friend with whom he agreed on top directorial courses, "Alexander Gray remained unemployed after serving a four-year term for a fight. Deltera wanted to return his companion by participating in collaboration, for which he arranged all this goards, becoming an articulated picture, to directly, was to be gray.

Double bottom

The film "Gentlemen of Good luck" immediately after entering the screens of Soviet cinemas instantly scattered on quotes. And some of the phrases in the film also had an incomprehensible viewer subtext.

For example, the words about the cement, so good, which is not washed at all, was so good, they sounded amazingly sincerely: "Solution" created from bread from a bump with a onion essence and dye, so that it smelled this matter to the odors terribly and washed off Then the clock.

There are rumors here and there

About how they removed the film "Gentlemen of Good luck", walks the mass of all sorts of rumors of varying degrees of truthfulness.

So, they say that Evgeny Leonov on the set managed to catch the lice - stroked a pretty donkey, who in gratitude shared with the actor's own bussy "buddies." So, to the camel, which was charmingly rounded Leonov and to scribe, it was not so simple, the artist approached the slippery. As a result, the next curiosity happened - to shoot the necessary perspective had to take it, putting Leonov on the shoulders of the trainer.

Also walk hard rumors that it was not tried with the proud humpback animals and Savelia Kramarova, who allegedly shouted in front of the shaggy "partner" on the set, that he still spat. However, this is only a fun legend, born or in the midst of the cinematographers themselves, or who came from the outside, already from the audience.

In the falsity of the story described, it is easy to make sure: camel saliva distinguishes a characteristic greenish tint, while on the face of Soveliya Kramarova in the frame well noticeable foam of radical white - from the shampoo.


After the Sovelius Kramarov left the USSR, going to seek creative happiness in the USA, Soviet filmmakers wanted to first cut his character from the painting. And it is not entirely clear how it was assumed to be done - whether they wanted to make the episodes with the actor, or simply throw away all moments with the participation of the "traitor of the Motherland".

In any case, George Deloteia managed to save the "Gentlemen of Good luck" from such a mockery - he suggested that the leadership confined to Kramarov reconsider the picture and pay attention to the fact that the actress and so already plays the role of the bandit and renegaden.

Both on!

The audience probably remembers the little boy of Igorka, who read poems from the face of the "evil and terrible gray wolf." For a long time in the media, information was replicated that the performer was Igor Karolnikov, who himself confirmed this version. Studying, however, that I do not remember anything from the shooting, because it was too small.
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In fact, it is obvious that the ex-leading transmission "Both!" I could not be at the place of the boy - it does not pull that on ninetyle. And just so much turned Golnikov in 1971, when the picture was shot. However, the executor of the role was still found - they were not a well-known resident of Moscow Igor Dryga, born in 1967. By the way, his mother even retained after filming the same jumpsuit in which her son played.

With great benefits

The film "Gentlemen of Good luck" thanks to their own popularity has become a sudden gift for the speculators flying from cinemas. The queues for the sessions of the comedy people were built out extended, which could not not attract the attention of the "shadow merchants", which began to buy tickets from 20 kopecks in the morning, and then sold 2-3 rubles during the day.


It is said that the artists decided during the filming of the scene with gymnastics in the cold did not undress contrary to the will of the director. However, the performer of the role of Vasily Alibabaevich Radner Muratov, who joined the team with some delay, "merge" with comrades in the site "at the ideological level" did not have time. And therefore the requirement of the head of the shooter was still fulfilled.

Catching the acting jealousy forced the other artists to throw off the warm glasses, which they, of course, did not want to them. So the scene with routine Ali-Baba Snow is a kind of revenge from Kramarova, who organically supplemented George Vicin, who began to truly Cavern Viktorovich. Thanks to this interaction, the film "Gentlemen of Good luck" is an unforgettable funny episode.

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