Philip Glass - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Composer 2021



Composer and Pianist Philip Glass is considered the most influential musician of the end of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Despite the age, the author of "music with repeating structures" continues to create and delight listeners.

Childhood and youth

The composer was born on the last January day of 1937 in Baltimore in the family of immigrants from Lithuania, Ida Gulin and Benjamin Charles Glass. Interest in the notes of Philip originated thanks to his father: a man not only owned a music store, but also convinced buyers to get acquainted with new products, and evenings spent by listening to Sonat and Symphony.

The guy studied at first in College at the University of Chicago, then in the Juladsk School of Music and, finally, in Paris at the composer, conductor and pianists Juliett Nadi Bled. An Indian musician Ravi Shankar was rendered to the strongest influence on the young chapter.

Personal life

Like a colleague, Maxim is Dunaevsky, living in Russia, Glass loves to join official marriages. The first wife Philip - theatrical director Joann Akalaitis - Learn now. Spouse-peers gave life to two children, Juliet and Zakhari, but divorced in 1980.

The second marriage with any Burtyk also ended for Philip-based divorce. With the third companion of life, Artist Candy Jernigan, the composer issued a relationship, lasted for many years, only a few months before the death of a woman from liver cancer.

The fourth spouse is a restaurant of Holly Crychtlow - at the beginning of the third millennium presented a elderly musician for two more children, the sons of Cameron and Marlow, but Philip divorced with her. In November 2019, another changes have occurred in the personal life of the composer: a man married the artist Saryari Tsukad.

Photos of significant events of Glass lay out in "Instagram". To be as vigorous as in his youth, Philip helps a vegetarian diet.


One of the most famous works of Glass is the second part of the triptych about people who changed the world, the Opera "Satyagraha" ("desire for justice"), which the composer created in 1979. The first part of the trilogy was the Opera "Einstein on the beach", and the third - Ehnaton dedicated to the Egyptian pharaoh.

Libretto Satyagrahi is written in Sanskrit by the musician himself in collaboration with Constance de Jong. The opera consists of three acts ("Lion Tolstoy", "Rabindranat Tagore" and "Martin Luther King"). The Russian premiere of the work took place in the fall of 2014 in the Ekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater.

Quote from Satyagrahi Philip reproduced in music to the film Stephen Doldry "Watches" nominated for Oscar. The fragment is also known as an etude for piano "Dead Things". Soundtrack Glass for the pictures of Martin Scorsese "Kundong" and Peter Wira "Show Truman" also moved to the American Film Academy Award.

Music from Ehnaton, Andrei Zvyagintsev, used in Leviathan. For the painting "Elena", the Russian director borrowed fragments of Symphony No. 3 of Glass.

Documentary tape of the director Earol Morris with Southtember Glass talks about Randall Adams, sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime he did not. The picture caused such a resonance that a man was released. The music of the composer sounds in such different films as the romantic comedy "taste of life", the Thriller "Taking Life", the Biography of Misima: Life in four chapters, "Detectives with elements Slavpanka" Candimen "and" Candidim-2 ".

Philip Glass now

On January 10, 2019, the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra presented a new product of Philip - the 12th Symphony. In February, a concert was held in St. Petersburg Philharmonic, which united the "American seasons" of the Glass and illustrations to the "Misley" George Sviridov. In November, the works of the Americans sounded in Moscow at the music evening of the memory of Kancheli.

December 19, 2019 it became known that the composer would receive the Grammy Prize for Lifetime Achievements. The ceremony of the presentation was scheduled for April 18, 2020 in Pasaden. Simultaneously with Philip, the same award was to receive vocalists of Iggy Pop and Robert Flack, Country singer John Pri and the rock band Chicago.

On the same day (April 18, 2020) on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater of St. Petersburg as part of the Dance Open festival, the Dutch Dance Theater had to show mini-ballet to the music of the violin concert of Glass. For the spring of 2020, the Children's Music Theater named after Natalia Sats planned the premiere of the opera of the American composer "Brutal Children" based on the works of Jean Cocteau. Unfortunately, some of these events did not take place due to the coronavirus pandemic, confused many plans.


  • 1975-1976 - "Einstein on the beach"
  • 1978-1979 - Satyagraha
  • 1983 - "Ehnaton"
  • 1985 - "Juniper Tree"
  • 1987 - "Fall at the House of Ashers"
  • 1991 - Orpheus
  • 1994 - "Beauty and the Beast"
  • 1996 - "Terrible Children"
  • 2000 - "In a correctional colony"
  • 2002 - "Galileo Galilee"
  • 2005 - "Waiting for Varvarov"
  • 2007 - "APPOMATICS"
  • 2009 - "Kepler"
  • 2011 - "Perfect American"
  • 2014 - "Process"

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