Natalia Hapugina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Shaw "Last Hero" 2021



Natalia Hapugina - Tele Show Member "Last Hero", published in 2019 on the TV-3 channel. Now the woman is engaged in business development, raises children, and in Reftinsky, it will forever be remembered as a conqueror of a uninhabited island.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Hapuggy was born in the village of Urban-type Reftinsky, in the Sverdlovsk region, September 25, 1984. Her biography was not much different from the life of peers. The girl studied in a secondary school, was not seen in extraordinary activities and did not shine extreme talents.

Hapuguina received higher education in the specialty "guide", but did not work by profession. In Yekaterinburg, it turned out to be not easy to find the place of employment in the field of art, and the need for income dictated certain conditions for employment.

Personal life

About whether the heart of Natalia is free, nothing is known. In the "Instagram" account, she coquetishly calls himself a "dream woman", which means that representatives of the strong sex are open. Hapuguina brings up two children, son Nikita and daughter Agafia. Father in taking care of their participation does not accept, and the woman herself does not like to spread about who her husband was. Personal life did not work with him, but Natalia does not lose me because of this.
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Agafya goes to the garden. Nikita dreams of becoming a ship commander and is fond of research on the sea. To help the boy being closer to the cherished goal, the mother sent him to learn to the Cadet Corps. In part, the child motivated it to submit an application for reality "the last hero". The son was wondering if the mother could cope with the difficulties that would arise on the on-screen path.

Natalia consists of a local club entrepreneurs and turns to the Support Fund for Ural Businessmen. Her photos can be seen in various communities of the village on the Internet. Despite the sudden media, Natalia is happy to agree to support countrymen.


In the absence of help from Natalia Hapugina regularly in finding a profitable business. Charismatic and charming woman is easy to rise and is not afraid to dare. At the age of 35, many would be afraid of those steps to which businesswoman goes to provide a family and embody dreams to reality.

For a long time, Hapugina worked as a taxi driver. In 2008, along with her friend, she organized the sale of female underwear, having agreed with the warehouse. Women thought out the realization in the cities of Russia. A small business turned out to be promising, but did not survive the crisis.

Natalia also tried herself as a wizard for Shugaring and extension of eyelashes. In 2019, she began to engage in the supply of honey from the Volga region.

"Last Hero"

For 39 days, which Hapugina spent away from home, she had no opportunity to keep in touch with his family. The children were held in her lack of time, Mom told the remaining to look after the grandchildren.

Once upon a number of TV-3 channel project participants, Natalia joined the spectators team who fought with the stars team. "Features" of Hapugina did not have a shortage of provisions, since at the very beginning of the competition won a basket with products. For a while, the participants were provided with fruit and rice, and the fire had to be mined independently.

Great difficulty was life. Even the prepared participants faced unexpected troubles. However, Natalia tried to support comrades with humor and a good word. The participant told that it was difficult to abide by hygiene, and the dream turned out to be a test due to local animals and birds continuing the usual life.

On the island of Hapuggy showed himself as a resourceful and cheerful partner, skillfully pretending the interaction strategy. Natalia refers herself to the number of players who are not typical of hypocrisy and respectfully responds to the justice of the leading Yana Trojanova.

One of the bright moments of the show turned out to be the shake of Natalia Hapugina with Evgeny Papunaishvili. The dancer suspected a rival in his voice out against him. Evgeny allowed himself unflattering statements to the opponent, for which he was criticized by the participants of the show and the audience. Hapuguina touched the team against the offender, not embarrassed by the ideas of bribing with products. If a woman smiled at luck, perhaps she would have won an apartment in Moscow.

Natalia Hapugina now

Returning from the uninhabited island, the participant of the team of the audience attracted the attention of not only countrymen, but also representatives of the media of Yekaterinburg. In the first days after the filming of filming, Natalia had time to attend meetings with journalists, live broadcasts on radio and interviews with regional newspapers. The media person recognized on the road and in stores.

Having become a local celebrity, Hapuguina decided to use the resulting chance and tried the lesson to the blog. Participant of the show began to publish small videos with comments to each series of the project "Last Hero". In their accounts "VKontakte", "Instagram" and "classmates" she published news about the transfer and laid out the photo.

It is predictable that over time, Natalia subsides, but in 2020 she managed to take a maximum of it. Hapugina continues to develop as an entrepreneur in the field of beauty and health.

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