TV series "Gadalka" (2019): 2020, season 2, interesting facts, actors, curiosities


It does not cost without memorable moments - in a process aimed at creating a film or a series, there is always a lot of funny flats, curiosities, incidents and all kinds of accidents. I did not exception and the series "Gadalka", the 2nd season of which - after a successful start in 2019 - the first channel presented on September 2820.

About how the detective mystical project was filmed, and on interesting facts, with it related, in the material 24cm.

1. under the roof and sky

The police department in which the main characters work, cinematographers created in the pavilion. At the same time, the artists tried that artificial location looks as plausible. But for home filming, the group had to be selected in nature - scenic landscapes found in the territory of the capital and Moscow region were included in the series "Gadalka".

2. Testers

The series "Gadalka" is sometimes confused with the popular project of the TV-3 channel among domestic housewives. Unlike the creation of the director Ilya Kazankov, the last, according to the applications of the creators, is based on real events of the cycle, in the manner of the documentary film telling stories, in reality, which occurred with different people.

With diverse troubles and problems faced by the heroes of the TV series from TV-3, we invariably help the fortune-tales, customer guides on the right track.

3. In the new format

In the 1st season of the series, two series was discharged for each case, which caused certain discontent among the audience. For many, such a format turned out to be uncomfortable - then the taste of another story from the life of the main characters will miss, then the end. Yes, and forget the peripetics of an entangled detective plot.

In the second part of the project, cinematographers previous mistakes took into account - now, in the best traditions of police procedures, in each series, the audience is waiting for a new investigation.

4. Independent sensations

According to Catherine Olkina, who performed the role of Lucy, the scene, in which her heroine passed in a dream a kind of test for her for a long time, will remain a scene. According to the scenario, the artist character was supposed to go in one nightie on the construction beam, heavily resembling a gymnastic log, for and there and there is not easy to resist.

The shooting took place at the construction site at night, in that spring, when after sunset, the frost is still not uncomfortable. According to the actress, it is the cold, first of all helped cinematographers. After all, in the view of Olkina, genuine despair was read. Recountered horror echo, remaining after awakening from a terrible nightmare. And perfectly fit into the mystical atmosphere of the episode.

5. Your no better

The creators of the series decided to prepare a surprise for the project fans and invited Marat Basharov in the 2nd season. The actor got the role of a new chief of the main characters, Colonel Shop. The artist himself claims that the character who got the character is a "pompous turkey", which is not able to recognize his own mistakes. And herself reminds of the Commissioner of Gerar Zhiber from the famous Taxi franchise, which Bernard Farsi played.

6. And so comes up!

Without lapels, the meticulous spectators noticed, the series "Gadalka", of course, did not cost.

This is an episode, where the protagonist, whose role was performed by actor Mikhail Porechenkov, draws the schematic location of children's disappearance in the notebook. In the upper mug of Potapov writes "Garden", but in the next frame there is already a word "house". And after another moment, everything is returned as it was.

And the pool of Colonel Bakhtin, which was played by Vasily Bochkarev, for some reason, wearing ordinary strips with a violation of official regulations, according to which the awards are posted on the left side of the nurse, and departmental signs are with the right, and not vice versa.

And you can not forget about the episode, in which the forensicperspert claims that the bullet fell into the head in the bottom, while the killer shot down the kill in the scene.

7. Operator name

Initially, the series "Gadalka" planned to be called differently. The working title was simple and consisted of the names of heroes - "Potapov and Lucy". However, then the decision was revised, for which they received the charge of discontent from the viewers. Those in search of information about the new teleporter have invariably stumbled upon the eponymous project of the TV-3 channel from 2012.

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