Persity Shelly - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Books



Percy Shelly is a British poet, a promoter of radical views, who has repeatedly cast a challenge to public opinion. In Russia, adapted works of the writer appeared thanks to the translation of the authorship of Konstantin Balmont.

Childhood and youth

Percy Bish Shelley appeared on August 4, 1792 in the village of Field Place, Sussex county. The father of the future writer was a rustic accumulation who dreamed that his children would be able to break into the Higher Society. Subsequently, Shelly Elder became a baronet.

The boy rose to a passionate dreamer, emotional and active in nature. Children's years he spent a grandfather in the sister's estate. Here, the young Torvan was indulged by the stories of terrible fairy tales to young children, chemical and electric experiments. They were fond of in the Town School.

From the school, Shelley did not have the best memories, because there they mocked him and mixed up in fights. Allusion for this period will later fire in Laon and Citen. The need for creativity appeared at the young man in recent years of study. He referred books, got acquainted with classic and modern works.

In 1810, Shelley became a university student at Oxford. There, he became interested in the theory of the political justice of William Godwin and began to relate to the number of Volnodims. In the spring of 1811, the student was excluded from the university for radical views and rebellion, as well as for the publication of Pamphlet "The need for atheism". It was distributed among students. The deduction was the reason for the disaster with the Father, which kicked out a young man from the house, however, prescribed content in the amount of 200 pounds.

Personal life

The first spouse poet became Garryet Westbrook. She accounted for a friend of the poet's sisters and studied with them in the guesthouse. The girl was a daughter of a rich innkeeper, who, by rumors, provided usury services.

The novel of young people rose when Garriert was 16 years old. Persie Taita took her from home to Edinburgh to Thomas Hoggu, where the wedding of lovers took place. Shelly seemed that he saves his wife from the tyranny of the elderly father, and in this writer saw his own heroism.

The parents of the writer were outraged by an unequal marriage, as the daughter-in-law came from the lowest class, so they suggested Percy to refuse inheritance. This approved Shelly in loyalty to his intentions, and in Ireland he began to spread the brochure about the equality of Catholics. The radicalism of the poet caused a negative response of society.

Being married, Persity started a novel with an 18-year-old girl and went to her from the family. His wife at that time was pregnant with the second child. In 1816, the spouse of Percy Shelly was drowned. The father-in-law fell on him and forbade children to raise children, being confident that the atheistic views of the relative would be bad influence on them.

Mary Godwin, in marriage Mary Shelley, became the second spouse of the writer. Like the first sweetheart, Persity stole her from his native home, so the Poet's personal life was constantly condemned by relatives and society. The writer's wife also was engaged in literary activities.


The creative biography of the poet originates since his study at the university. He published the poem "Posthumous Notes Margarita Nikolson". The poet experienced an acute need for a public statement, which provoked the yield of the "necessity of atheism" brochure.

The first verses of Shelley have already carried radical and revolutionary moods. He was a companion of the National Liberation Movement of Ireland and even had connections with the organizers of the uprising. In 1810, the writer published the novels "Konazzti" and "Saint Ivan", which became a bright example of romanticism.

After leaving the university, he turned out to be granted himself and preferred socio-political activities. Already having analyzed the status of the starring, Shelley took the image of a fighter for the truth, justice and freedom.

In 1818, Shelly left the Native Great Britain. At first, he settled in Switzerland, and then moved to Italy, where he spent 4 years. Here in the 1821st "liberated Prometheus" and "Chengchi" were published, but they received the recognition of the public after the death of the author.

Early works promoted the renewal of the world through pacifist progress and moral growing. But afterwards the author came to the idea of ​​the legitimacy of the crime. The poet chased freedom devoting her poems and OD. Bright examples are "Oda Freedom", "Oda defenders of freedom."

The work of Shelly permeated with thoughts about utopian socialism. The poet believed in the victory of good evil and chased an optimistic worldview. In the poems "Queen Mab" and "Islam Uprising", references to these ideas clearly. The romantic poet often used symbolism, metaphors and allegories in the works, resorting to the description of mythological and biblical images.

In the sonnets of the author, nature is endowed with the magic force of movement and constant change. These phenomena are described in the works "to the lark", "variability", "Oda Western Wind". The philosophy of Plato is often chased in the author's lyrics. Characteristic for the author of the work of the format of love lyrics published in the collection "Philosophy of Love".

The bibliography of the writer contains not only a poem. He also created plays, among whom "King Edip, or Tirant-Tolstonog", "Elda".


In 1822, Percy moved with his family to the island of spices, where with a friend, George Byron acquired Schunu "Ariel". One day, together with his friend Shelley went on his ship in Livorno. He was not the most experienced seating, so when a squall wind flew on the ship, the poet failed to escape from the shipwreck.

After a few days of the body of two passengers, the schooner was carried away. The cause of the death of the poet was to enter the lungs. The man drowned. Prahi Percy Shelly was transported to Rome and was buried. The grave of the British is located on the Protestant cemetery.

Photo by the author does not exist, but it is possible to restore its image in the pictures of contemporaries.


  • 1810 - "Building"
  • 1811 - "Saint-Irwin"
  • 1811 - "The need for atheism"
  • 1813 - "Queen MAB"
  • 1815 - "Alastor, or Solitude Spirit"
  • 1817 - "Laon and Citen"
  • 1819 - "Masquerade Anarchy"
  • 1819 - Chenchi
  • 1820 - "Liberated Prometheus"
  • 1820 - "Peter Bell Third"
  • 1820 - "King Edip, or Tirans-Tolstonog"
  • 1821 - "Elda"
  • 1822 - "Protection of poetry"

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