Stars on vacation: 2020, without children, Russian, Hollywood


At sea with his family, it's great, especially when parents have already managed to relax and make a pair of privacy weeks after a couple. About how stars relaxed on vacation without children were relaxed - in the material 24cm.

1. Anna Khilkevich

"A happy mother is equal to happy children," the Russian star of the series "Univer" Anna Khilkevich confesses in an interview. In the habit of celebrity - at least once a year to go to Thailand, where she and his spouse appears the opportunity to escape from children and enjoy solitude.

Such a selfish step of the actress considers "faithful and beautiful." After recreation of the Childfrey format, the couple returns home updated and with burning eyes.

2. Megan Fox.

Hollywood beauty Megan Fox, famous for the roles in the "Transformers" and "Ninja Turtles" franchises, also prefers to relax without children. The cause of such a decision was the age of sons.

"Who has children, they understand that it is quite sad - to fly with them, and I try to avoid such situations," says Megan. And adds that she also did not tear off the elder child. The concern for the children star was overwhelmed by the Father, and herself was not enough under the rays of the sun.

3. Ksenia Borodin

TV presenter "House-2" Ksenia Borodina prefers periodically to rest together with her husband Kurban Omarov. Ksenia believes that romantic walks help restore life tone and rested back to work. The celebrity is also sure that only alone the couple turns from parents to a man and a woman, which favorably affects relations.

4. Maria Kozhevnikova

Stars on vacation often lay out joint photos with children from vacation. But even the most reverent parents need a passage.

Large mother Maria Kozhevnikov in the summer of 2020 was restored away from his men. And so far, the sons remained under the supervision of the Pope, the Russian actress, judging by the comment in Instagram-Account, "I drove for three days ... with books and girlfriend." Subscribers expressed guesses that the star rests at the cottage or in the Moscow Health Center.

5. Daria Pynzar

Stars Sergey and Daria Pynzar on vacation Time is not losing, even on a romantic walk in France. The spouses dreamed of inspecting the sights of Paris, see the Louvre and spent shopping on the Champs Elysees. Resting, lovers did not forget that they have two sons, and ran into Disneyland for exploration. The plans of the couple - return to Paris, but already as happy parents.

6. Elena Podoznskaya

Actress Elena Podikynskaya for six months before the birth of a third child went to an independent trip without children. A feature of such a holiday, Elena named the minimum of things and the absence of a bag with snacks. The journey left the star mixed feelings: on the one hand, she missed the children, and on the other hand, he experienced a stormy delight from the trip.

7. Jigan.

The first dare without children from Oksana Samoylova and was held in 2016 in Ibiza. The time spent at the resort made it possible to remember what freedom and romance. After the star on vacation, they tried to hold together at least a couple of days. During the breaking, Jigan more and more "relaxed" without a family. However, in the summer of 2020, the missed and spent time next to the children.

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