Series "Mosgaz. Vesti Formula "(2019): Interesting Facts, Actors, Curious


From October 5, 2020, the series "Mosgaz. Formula Vesti. Franchise exists from 2012. During this time, 7 stories were prepared on the investigations of charismatic Major Ivan Cherkasov and his search for happiness in his personal life.

As the project was filmed, as well as curiosities and interesting facts - in the material 24cm.

The wind of change

According to the story of the heroine Marina Alexander Sonya, the faithful assistant Cherkasov, managed to burn, was married to the subordinate, who could not stand the powerful character of his wife, and then hit the love triangle, where former husband and colleague competed.

And in life during the filming, Marina Alexandrova became a mom twice and changed the image specifically for the role. She had to make a car, and then become a blonde.

Gleb Zheglov new format

Inspiration for the creation of Ivan Cherkasov Zoya Kudrya picked up in the TV series "The meeting point cannot be changed", and the prototype served Gleb Zheglov. The modern character was also not left without a headdress. However, in Cherkasov in each season, the hat is changing.

By the way, the history of the life of the investigator, discontinted the Mosgaz case, Vladimir Chvanov, was interested in the time of the Wainers brothers, who created Gleb Zhuglov.

Klenchka Mosgaz killer

The plot of the first part of the Mosgaz franchise is based on real events. The series reveals the first case about the serial maniac of the USSR. The horror that covered in Moscow, the creators of the film were delivered significantly. And it is not by chance.

It turns out that Andrei Smolyakov, who performed Major Cherkasov, remembers the word "Mosgaz" and the fear that the neighbors experienced, discussing the events of those years. And Marina Aleksandrov before the filming accidentally saw the transfer of a loud business and the sample came already in the material.


In the frame of the Franchise, the audience see bright stars in secondary positions. In one interview, Andrei Smolyakov joked that he envies the invited stars of the series. "Because they come, they have bright roles, very distinct - and I'm still the same, everything is in the same hat," performer expressed his opinion.

Mark on history

The decorators of the multi-sized film tried to reliably convey the atmosphere of the Soviet era. However, the series "Mosgaz. Vesti formula "fitted the creators in history. At the poster of a non-existent performance, the "elementary particle" indicates the names of the director, the author and artist who worked on this part.

Cruelty in the frame

In the Multi-Sewing film "Shakal", the scene of violence on the screen on the 10th minute became needed to warm the interest of the audience after part of the "Spider", which critics met coldly. To bring the audience to the atmosphere of horror holding from the first episodes, as it was in the parts of the Mosgaz and Palace, the creators refused to write a group approach to writing a scenario and added brutal episodes.

Major Cherkasov Women

The image of Ivan Cherkasov performed by Andrei Smolyakova turned out to be convincing. In the plot, the hero lost his wife and son during the war and found consolation in the arms of the beauty of faith in the execution of Catherine Klimova. The woman's feelings of the investigator did not appreciate, and the couple broke up.

Then life prevents the heartly confusing case about Mosgaz and Margarita (Daniela Stanovich), the mother of Slavik, with which he built the Cherkasy family. Nevertheless, that the family duet does not borrow, the authors introduced a "fool with frost", as his heroine Maria Andreeva calls, who performed a journalist Oksana Demidov. And after the divorce, Major Cherkasov is found in the next business with Galina.

All the ladies of Ivan Cherkasov will gather in the frame of the series "Katran" 2020, associated with the activities of the underground casino.

Hippodrome and jumps

The main part of the franchise relies on loud things. Series "Mosgaz. The formula of revenge "- artistic fiction, which is based on a real story. Shooting on the metropolitan hippodrome helped to achieve reliability. To convey the atmosphere, horses were filmed from a mobile operator crane. The hippodrome provided 10 purebred horses and organized 800 meters from arrival.

Wardrobe Cherkasov

In the wardrobe of the investigator does not have a cardinal change of image. This is due to the fact that the character costumes are stored, although usually props are given to other shooting sites.

Prostitute from boredom

The creators of the film are worried that performers of key roles do not bounce, therefore surprises are presented. Especially for the actress Marina Alexandrova in the part "Satan Operation" "invented a storyline, where the heroine had to learn the gait of a prostitute and become a blonde.

In Podolsk with nostalgia

In Shakal, one of the scenes was filmed in the city of Podolsk, where Andrei Smolyakov spent the orphanage. As a location, the house was accidentally selected, where the actor in 1958 brought the newborn. Participation in the shooting was not without sublimation.

About titles

The name of the parts of the franchise carries underway the hidden meaning. The story about a machine-gunner was created with the desire to show a terrible film that "not wanting to live." So the "executioner" appeared. "Spider" - according to the plan of the creators, tells about the criminal who lures the girls to the web. And the series "Mosgaz. Revenge formula "hides two meanings in the title. On the one hand, the formula, and on the other - the revenge of heroes for tragic events.

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