Victor Pavlov: 2020, biography, personal life, death, movies, wife, children


On October 5, 2020, Viktor Pavlov would celebrate the 85th anniversary. Different artist remembers several generations, ranging from the role of oak in the film "Operation" s "and other adventures of Shurika" and ending with the cult series "DBM" and "Brigade".

Interesting facts from the life of the artist - in the material 24cm.

1. Life Blider

In his memoirs, the daughter of Artist Alexander admitted: "Father was a bump." About the versatile qualities of the artist remember and colleagues on the workshop.

Celebrity's mother worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist. The medical specialty young Victor did not choose, but all his life was fond of alternative medicine. Viktor Pavlov believed that in the palms was kept by life, and healing the hands around him. It was often treated for help, and the children brought sick cats, dogs, pigeons, so that the celebrity cured animals.

2. Not an easy character, but a devotee

The character of Viktor Pavlovich, as it should be a creative person, turned out to be difficult. He was hard to get along in the troupe. The reason for conflicts was the decency of the actor, who could not silently look at a bad attitude towards colleagues on stage.

But in the personal life, the actor kept enviable constancy and lived in a soul with his wife Tatiana speaking 40 years, which is rather an exception from the rules than pattern.

3. Role as a reward for audacity

After the war, the Father Celebrity became an influential official, which was reflected in the behavior of the heir. By the 8th class in the biography of the future actor, an unpleasant incident appeared with the alarms, to get out of which influential dad helped.

Later, the explosive reaction to criticism brought a young man to rabies, which turned around the fight. In one of the boots, the right ear Viktor Pavlovich was injured and began to hang out. When Gaidai was looking for a performer for the role of "oak", the "hooligan" appearance became the argument in which the artist was approved for the role.

4. "Bird sings once"

A couple of Tatiana and Victor considered an example for imitation. However, there were passion between lovers. Somehow the wife has rolled his hysteria and hinted that before the husband cared, gave flowers and exported to kebabs. To which Pavlov looked concisely: "Bird sings once," and left the apartment. And after a while invited a spouse to Mangalu, who organized right in the courtyard at home.

Viktor Pavlovich considered a business man, however, it was not always beneficial to the family budget. Once he started a business and brought from abroad the box with discounted shoes hoping to resemble more expensive and get dividends. However, the "commission" assortment was not appreciated and refused to take shoes and shoes.

And once Tatyana offered her husband to divorce fictitious for the sake of improving housing conditions. But Viktor Pavlov refused, fearing that his wife would not marry him again.

5. Melpomen and Pigeons

Love for puzzles from the actor was born from orphanage. The passion was so strong that Viktor Pavlovich managed to persuade the art of the Small Theater Yury Solven to allow to make a pigeon in the attic.

The flock of flying birds could determine that the actor is already in the workplace. By the way, each pigeon had their own name in honor of the artists. Igor Igor Igor, Elena Gogolev, Mikhail Tsarev and many others flew in the "pigeon troupe".

6. "The artist's fate should only be bright"

For the series "Adjutant of His Excellency", formerly nominated by three performers: Yuri Solven, Vladislav Stroilchik and Viktor Pavlova. However, at the last meeting, they decided to reward two people from the "camp of the enemy" would be wrong, and Pavlov in the award was denied. In relations with colleagues, it did not affect the relationship, and in the image of the gangster Mirone, the actor managed to transfer criminal youth.

7. Fast slave

The actor died almost on the hands of his wife, surviving 4 stroke. On the day of the funeral arose constant delays, the road was blocked. And when the coffin was finally installed for a farewell in a small theater, it turned out that Viktor Pavlov was crying after death to the coffin. And the widow later told: "Indeed, the cheek vitanya lean flowed. And he did not die at all ... "

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