Movie "Dune" (2020): Release date, actors, roles, USA


In the fall of 2021, the audience will see the fantastic film "Dune", which is based on the same Roman Frank Herbert. The film will reveal the content of the first book and will talk about political intrigues and the formation of the young sex of Atreydez. Actors and roles, as well as interesting facts of the upcoming project - in material 24cm.


In the center of the futuristic plot, a young aristocrat Paul Atreydees, which has a unique gift. To ensure the future of your people, the young man and family goes to the planet Arrakis, rich in spice, helping to overcome the space.

The battle for the resource of the planet against the family of Atreydesov, the Klan Kharkonnenov is, as a result, only the floor and his mother, who managed to escape in the desert and join Fermen. The desert people saw the potential in the young man and take the side of the floor in the struggle behind the planet.

Actors and roles

  • Timothy Shalama - the heir to Atreides's house, arriving on the planet Arrakis. He is convinced that he has time to gain experience next to his father, but the situation changes and grow up earlier than planned. The Hero is awakened by the ability to foresee, but the future Kvisatz Haderyu will have to withstand the tests.
  • Oscar Isaac - Summer Atreides, Father Paul, Managing Planet Arrakis, She is the same dune. The aristocrat entrusted to control the extraction of spices. However, the fishery is complicated by the presence in the sands of giant worms.
  • Rebecca Ferguson - Paul's mother, Lady Jessica - Senior Winner of Duke Atreides. It consists in the Order of Ben Hesterite and with the help of mysticism affects the political situation. The lady also teaches women to martial art and human voice management technique.
  • Stellan Skarsgard - Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. The villain enters into a fight with the Atreide family and wins. In its methods is sophisticated, and in the fight against the enemy uses intricate tricks. However, it is too early to rejoice.
  • Zendai - Chani, Aboriginal Girl, which dreams of the floor. The beauty appearance is unusual: like all the inhabitants of the desert, there is a Disticcomb, a fully closing body from moisture loss, as well as a tube in the nose. "Uniforms" is intended to transform all liquids to the water that highlights the body. Sieglase girl helps the floor to know the culture of Fremmen.
  • Javier Bardem is the leader of Fremmen and Uncle Chani, who recognizes the Film Film from Legends and provides support in the fight against Harconnene House.
  • Dave Batista is the nephew of Vladimir Harkonnen and the ex-governor Arrakis, who received the nickname beast for the sadistic inclinations.

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the project for the Russian viewer was scheduled for December 17. The world premiere was supposed to take place on November 19, 2020. However, the show was postponed to autumn 2021 due to coronavirus infection.

2. Director of Denis Villenev Already Now the film "Dune" called the "project of the whole life."

3. The director of the painting was worked on the script, as well as Eric Roth ("Forrest Gump") and John Speits ("Mummy", "Passengers", "Dr. Strandzh").

4. The composer became Hans Zimmer, who wrote music to the films "Gladiator" and "not time to die." The trailer plays a cover on the song Eclipse Pink Floyd.

5. Judging by the scenario idea, the film "Dune" in the plot will be close to the original spirit of the novel. The director announced that it counts on shooting two parts of fantastic history, otherwise he would refused to work on such a large-scale project. Also in the production of the series "Dune: Sisterhood", whose pilot series removed Denis Villune.

6. This is not the first screening of the novel. In 1984 there was a failure formulation of David Lynch, in which he distracted from the plot line of the author's work. And in 2000, John Harrison released the eponymous series, which did not reach visual effects.

7. The shooting of the US project was held in Jordan and Budapest.

8. In the ambitious plans of the director - to create "Star Wars for Adults". The film will present spectacular visual effects, tough and shocking episodes, as well as affected the themes of policies, gender roles, ecology and the development of society.

9. On the creation of gigantic worms, the director of the project spent the year. The film crew studied the structure of the skin and movement while opening and closing the graze of worms.

10. Scientific fantasy, going on the background in political history, after the "Game of Thrones" turned out to be in demand. The film "Dune" goes to rental with an expectation rating of 96%.

Movie "Dune" - Trailer:

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