Features of women's appearance: do not notice men, beauty, figure, makeup


The chest, legs and color of the eyes - in such a sequence, a man looks at the stranger, and then perceives the image as a whole. Pink or burgundy lipstick will be equally red for strong floor, no makeup not fundamentally. It turns out the ladies in vain spend so much time in beauty salons. Features of women's appearance that men do not notice - in material 24cm.

1. Face features

The cut of the eye, the shape of the ears or the presence of a hubber on the nose is not interesting. Men attract the spicy features of the face, unless they are perceived harmoniously and served with taste.

By the way, and the pimple on the female face for the satellite is not a tragedy. So the "extension" of the lips is useless, as well as the creation of chubby cheeks and perfect nose.

2. Breast size

Men and breast size do not notice. Women with little breasts are complex and add completeness by a corrective bra or ruffles in the decollete area. However, the efforts are in vain. Strangers are more pleasant to see the elastic gland. And if you have to choose between the 2nd and 5th size, the strong floor will prefer a confident "deuce", rather than the vague "five".

And recent studies have revealed another interesting pattern: the full men prefer a small breast, and hungry love the shapes are soapy. And if you go from the theory to practice, then the most beautiful bust man will name the chest of his beloved woman.

3. Taffor

For men, a female tummy is an indicator of sexuality. The presence of extra 5-7 centimeters on the waist is considered attractive and subconsciously perceived as the ability to make healthy offspring.

By the way, and 2-3 extra kilograms scored for holidays, the man will not notice either. And some will perceive changes in the female figure as a gift and note the magnificent chest and the lack of placing ribs. After such an approval, the proverb "Man is not a dog, the bone does not rush" for women becomes more understandable.

4. Hairstyle

If the lady came out of the beauty salon, and the man did not notice the features of female appearance and the absence of 3 cm along the length of the hair is normal. You can surprise the satellite, perhaps extreme color or short haircut after a long chapter.

Otherwise - man loyal. Dirty hair, laid in a hairstyle, he will perceive as part of the image that threw up the tips - will not notice, and the seeding does not consider the changes in appearance.

5. Manicure

For a woman, the absence of manicure and pedicure is equal to the tragedy. And men are enough to observe tidy nails and a monophonic coating. And if there is a piece of varnish on some nail, then such a slight little thing, the strong floor will not even give the value. Therefore, a weekly manicure or cuticle on the left Misinza is not a reason to postpone a date.

6. Vegetation on hand and legs

To the touch, the power of the floor does not distinguish the perfectly smooth skin from the rough. And if the imperfection is noticed, I will forgive the elect, the presence of un andless hairs. It will not become more closely to look at the length of vegetation or measure it with a ruler. And therefore, if they missed the epilation procedure and went to a romantic dinner, there are no crimes in this. The main thing is not to influence the "snowbaby".

But the presence of vegetation in the bikini zone is an amateur. A delicate moment will have to be discussed with the chosen one, and at the same time find out the preferences of an intimate hairstyle.

7. Patenity

The lack of sunlight in winter times the ladies are filled with a campaign to the solarium to avoid pallor. However, experiences about the color of the skin are groundless. A man will not pay attention to the absence of a tan, as well as on dark circles under the eyes. But if the woman "failed" under the rays of the artificial sun or stopped with makeup, then such a miss will be noticeable.

And therefore, ladies, do not complicate your life. Stick up the naturalness, competently emphasize the features of female appearance, more often smile and create a good atmosphere of good. The strong floor loves his eyes, and chooses the one next to which is comfortable.

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