Ima Sumy - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Songs



In the 1950s, Ima Sumax, confused by the fans of the princess Incas and the goddess of the Andes, was considered the brightest figure of exotic - a musical genre that combined jazz with opposition countries of Oceania, Africa and South America. Among the set, the singer was highlighted primarily the voice with a range of five octaves. For example, Montserrat Caballe could only boast four.

Childhood and youth

The name of the singer - Socyla Augusta Empress Chavarry Del Castillo - was always surrounded by a multitude of secrets and rumors: the discrepancies are found in the date and place of birth, and the peres are not affordable.

For example, in open sources it is indicated that Ima Sumka was born on 10 or 13 of September. The year of birth is also "floating" - between 1921 and 1929. In the inaccuracy of the latter, probably, the singer itself is to blame: it is not excluded that she "adjusted" his age, trying to seem younger or older.

Most Internet sites adhere to the opinions that Ima Sumax was born on September 13, 1922.

Causes disputes and place of birth. According to the official version, the birthplace of the Incas Princess is the village of ICHACAN, which is not far from Mountain Caucharock in the north of Peru. Others believe that the singer is a native of Lima.

Ima Sumy is the youngest of six children of Public Worker Sicto Chavarry and Teachers of Emilia Del Castillo, Peruvians by nationality. The family was surprised how exactly the girl was able to parody birds, as her voice sounds thinly. Moreover, the singer herself did not realize his "highlight". She did not know note literacy, did not study the vocals, but one sound could bring the listeners to tears.

Personal life

On June 6, 1942, Ima Sumax married Vivovko's composer. He "restricted" the voice of the singer, taught her notice literacy. In 1949, the spouses had a son Carlos. The singer gentlely called the baby Charlie - on the American manner.

Ima Sumka, distinguished by a foolish character, then the matter sat down with her husband's scandals. For example, the singer accused Moises Vivanko in the encroachment on her vocal works. In 1957, no longer transmitted, the spouses were separated, but they soon came down. Finally, the marriage of Ima Sumax and Moises Vivanko collapsed in 1965.

After Moises, Vivanko, the Inca princess rose a novel with an American pianist forest Baxter. He did not receive the continuation: as from the side of the former spouse, Ima Sumax felt the pressure on her creativity from the new beloved.

On July 22, 1955, the singer received US citizenship.

The character of the Ima Summia really did not differ in progress. They say that the singer often canceled concerts if the audience was not happy enough to her, swore with imaginekers and managers who sought to adapt the beauty of the singer to the standards of Hollywood.

Approximate argue that often the requirements and failures of the princess Inca were quite reasonable, but the question remained in filing - the diva literally fell into hysterics.


In 1942, IMU sumax was invited to radio Argentina. The listeners were fascinated by her voice, literally poured the station with letters. A year later, Princess Incov recorded about 20 Peruvian folk songs on the Odeon label. She accompanied by the Moyazes group Wivanco Compañía Peruana de Arte.

Despite the protests of the parents, in 1946, Ima Sumk left Peru. She spoke at the South American Music Festival in Carnegie Hall and was expected to love. True, none of the producers knew what to do with such a powerful range: without any difficult difficulties, the singer could move from baritone to soprano. Especially this talent is observed in the "Hymn of the Sun" (Taita Inty), "File of Condor" (El Cóndor Pasa) and Gurba Bumba.

By the way, the shape in the range of the summa can give rare performers. Among them, Whitney Houston and Gloria Heinor, the leader A-HA Morten Harket, Dimash Kudibergen.

In 1950, the Buster Forest convinced the singer to sign a contract with Capitol Records. The Debut Album Voice of The Xtabay (1950) laid the beginning of the history of the mumax - diva and "exotic fever".

Songs Ima Sumka loved in the UK and France, they danced in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Thailand and in the Philippines, residents of Australia were trying to told them. Popularity in Greece, Israel and the USSR stretched 2-week tour of 6 months.

Thanks to Mambo albums! (1954) And Fuego Del Ande (1959) and the bright clips are the popularity of Ima Sumka grew, but the financial situation has deteriorated. Unable to pay even taxes, the Peruvian Diva went to a 5-year tour. In the USSR, for example, she spent half a year, giving concerts in 40 cities.

They say Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the USSR, loved Imu Sumka very much. From the state treasury, he paid her fees. Therefore, the country around the country and turned out to be so large-scale - the diva was needed. Who knows, maybe she would have a third citizenship if not cockroaches.

Once in the room, Ima Sumka met this insect and, insulted by the conditions in which he lives, with the scandal left the USSR. Nikita Khrushchev was so indignant by the behavior of Peruvia, which forbade her songs in his country.

By the beginning of the 1970s, the popularity of Ima Sumka disappeared as quickly as arose. The singer gave rare concerts, but more and more often mentioned as a legend. The peruvian even rejoiced.

"I sang and traveled all my life, distributed millions of autographs and posed for a million photos. It was great, but now I have other priorities, "she said in an interview.


Even in old age, Ima Sumka could boast of strong health. She said that the whole essence is in proper nutrition: instead of fried meat and singer's singer ate fruits and vegetables, especially garlic, saw vitamins. Day at Peruvia began at 5 o'clock in the morning.

The biography of Princess Incans ended on November 1, 2008 in a nursing home in Los Angeles, California. One of the causes of death was the progressive cancer of the colon.

The body of Ima Sumk is resting at the Hollywood Forever cemetery, in the Sanctuary of Memories Sanctuary.


  • 1950 - Voice of the Xtabay
  • 1952 - Legend of the Sun Virgin
  • 1953 - Inca Taqui
  • 1954 - Mambo!
  • 1957 - Legend of the Jivaro
  • 1959 - Fuego Del Ande
  • 1961 - recital
  • 1971 - Miracles.

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