Regina Mills (character) - photo, series, "Once in a fairy tale", Lana Paria, actress, history


Character History

Regina Mills is a character of the American television series "Once in a fairy tale." The image of the evil queen is based on the literary prototype, which was the stepmother of Snow White. The heroine "moves" into the modern world, trying on the amplus of the mayor of the city. The confusing plot line allows you to look at the antagonist at a different angle.

History of character creation

The series in the fantasy genre started on the ABC channel in 2011 and lasted until 2018 (7 seasons). The authors of the paintings, Edward Kitssis and Adam Horowitz, planned a fairy-tale film recovery in 2004, but work on other projects did not allow the shooting.

The magic story sheltered forgotten, but still popular characters known to everyone since childhood - Snow White, Red Hat, Pinocchio, Robin Hood and others. The famous heroes received unexpected images and were able to express themselves in a new way within the framework of the modern world.

High-quality advertising of the pilot series gave excellent results, having collected a record number of viewers near the screens. Then the reviews were falling - so contradictory that was difficult to judge the success of the project.

Nevertheless, the film was in demand, so almost immediately the authors "Once in a fairy tale" announced the yield of the 2nd season. Songs and musical topics, written by Mark Ashim, were awarded a separate album.

The popularity of the series is the absence of cliches and templates. Viewers have repeatedly seen how ordinary people fall into a fairy tale. But never happened inverse. Now the events turned out to be turned upside down, and the characters of the stories for children suddenly moved to the usual world. At the same time, I do not remember who they really were.

The authors can still be accused of easy plagiarism. The concept of jumping from one location to another already familiar to the audience on the series "Lost". But considering that Kitssis and Khorowitz in that project performed with screenwriters, it is not surprising that they decided to use a successful reception in a new television series.

Regina Mills played American actress Lana Paria. The evil queen, the domineering mayor and suffering from the tragic love. Woman in the performance of Lana won a prize in the category "Favorite villain". In Russian dubling, Elena Schulman voiced the role.

The name of the main antagonist was not chosen by chance. Regina in Latin means "Queen". But the surname Mills literally - "Melnik". Such a strange combination becomes clear if you know that the mother of the heroine is a daughter Melnik.

The external description of the character changes when changing location from the majestic fabulous government in royal clothes to a restrained, powerful policies with a sophisticated style. At the end of the 7th season, the villain is renamed Roni and more than one amplua - the owner of the bar in Seattle.

Image and biography of Regina Mills

The main antagonist of the series is the daughter of Henry and the bark. The harsh mother marriage in the Crown Prince went to an expensive price. Therefore, she was eager for Regina the Great Future, did not happen for this for this methods, even a deal with a dark magician.

The girl grew up with meek and good, and the power for her did not have any meaning. A wonderful feeling arose between her and Konya Daniel, but the bark was opposed to the Union. She came up with a cunning plan, knowing the nature of his daughter and her willingness to help.

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When Daniel did a beloved sentence, the girl saw a carriage horse with a little girl. She managed to stop the animal and only later he learned that the rider was the daughter of the King Leopold. In gratitude, the Supreme Ruler of the Enchanted Forest asked her hands.

The bark was rejoiced, and the unfortunate bride wanted to escape with a groom, deciding to leave parents. This was prevented by Snow White, seeing the kiss of his Savior with Daniel. The girl told about the collusion of Mother of the Mother of Regina, thinking that it would be right.

The bark decided to act immediately and escaped the heart of Danieyl in front of the death of his daughter. The tragedy has become a turning point in the biography and marked the beginning of the transformation of a girl from a good princess in the evil queen.

Under the influence of the Mother's Char, she married Leopold, but every day she hatched the place of revenge against Snow White. For this, the young queen has concluded a contract with Rumpleshtiltshen, comprehending magical knowledge. The conversion of the girl's soul reflected and dress on her manner. Now the majestic lady began to walk in black and blue dresses, demonstrating danger to all his appearance.

Hate forced the heroine to make brutal things, and her husband became the first victim. Regina enjoyed the tears of Snow White during the funeral of her father, but this was not enough to calm the soul. The queen declared Paderitsa to the traitor, causing to escape from the house, and after he began to put the murderers to her.

So failed to overcome the snowmall in the enchanted forest, Mills, with the help of a curse, transferred all the inhabitants to the new world. It did not have the place of magic, no one remembered his life before the transformation. According to the prophecy of the Rumbylshtitzhen, the spell would be removed after the 28th day of the Birth of Emma Zapon (Snow White Daughters).

The evil queen became the mayor of the storyboard. Externally, the politician has little reminded that the most vengeful government. Now it is a collected woman with a neat haircut, preferring to wear strict skirts and jackets.

The mayor has a foster son Henry. The boy remembers the past and knows that his native mother - Emma Swan, Snow White daughter. Regina tries to protect Henry from communicating with Emma and even performs murder attempts. But the love of the boy to the mother forces her to unite with a hated woman in order to confront a more dangerous enemy - Zelin.

The main problem of Regina went inside her. Mills was able to endure the cruel of Jackail with Jackail Serum, thereby going on the path of light and good.

The heroine is a bright and ambiguous personality, an excellent tactic who knows how to lose it with decent. Rationality and pragmability are poorly combined with obsessive thoughts of revenge, but thanks to the emotional sustainability, the woman can be maintained and stubbornly move towards the target target.

Weaknesses of the nature of Regina - excessive self-confidence and inability to recognize errors. The mayor prefers drinks from apples - cider or tea, sometimes smokes, loves horse riding.

Outdating Mills manages only to the series final. This is a tragic and heroic person, which manifests itself differently depending on the circumstances. On the one hand, she is a poison-barbed, on the other - a responsive and kind.

Duality of nature, commitment to many years of struggle and at the same time the desire to be stopped forced the audience to guess what quality will win in the end.


"Sumy to find the courage to break the wall for which you are hiding". "The kiss of true love will remove any curse." "Evil does not always look like evil. Sometimes it looks right on us, and we don't even understand it. "" How many good do good, all one, suffer. "

Interesting Facts

  • In the evil queen all the decorations are Indian.
  • Henry Daniel Mills - so called the mayor of the story of the adoptive son in honor of the Father and the Beloved.
  • Heroian houses in the fabulous and real world of diametrically opposite colors - black and white.
  • The mayor in each room hangs the mirror - this is a reference to the beloved object of the evil queen, with which she followed the enemies.
  • The final moment of transition of Regina on the dark side was marked by her quote: "The queen is dead. Long live an evil queen! "


  • 2011-2018 - "Once in a fairy tale"

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