Luciano Pavarotti: 2020, biography, personal life, death, tenor, memory of Caruso


The unique voice of the tenor at one time did the created beam, the composition of the "memory of Cairos" more expressive. And after the death of the artist, the legendary "Ave Maria" Verdi sounded in memory of him.

On October 12, 2020, 85 years old from the day, as Luciano Pavarotti appeared on the world, a singer, whose name is forever inscribed in the stories of not only the opera, but also music at all. On the curious details of the personal life and the scenic biography of the famous artist - in the material 24cm.

1. Choice

It is curious that Luciano Pavarotti from the masses of hobbies, seriously held him in childhood and youth, chose the music. After all, a small future tenor adored football. And when the family during the Second World War was forced to move to the countryside and enjoy the farm, the boy is imbued with love and peasant labor, a difficult and time-consuming, but at the same time to deliver the true pleasure of the employee. And these are just a few examples.

However, there was a considerable effect on the formation of the consciousness of a young man that his father had loved his father to Opera - a man had an impressive collection of records with records of Caruso, Martinelli, Gieli and other famous performers. Yes, and himself occasionally performed in church church. In nine years, the company in the last lesson began to form the Luciano himself, demonstrating vocal abilities on Sunday services.

After the Pavarotti school, he was seriously thinking about becoming a goalkeeper - this desire took the top over the dream to be a farmer, during a certain period, which occupied the consciousness of the future star. But in the end, he succumbed to mother's persuasion and went to study at the teacher.

Over the course of two years after receiving the formation of Lucano Pavarotti, he worked as a primary school teacher. Also, already engaged in vocals, subsequently worked as an insurance company agent.

2. Treaty

In some moments, Pavarotti's own success is obliged to parents who gave consent, even if it is not too willing to support the Son in the desire to become an opera singer. The future star of the scene agreed with the mother and the Father, that those will support the offspring to its 30th anniversary - if until that time the Luciano did not work out, then the latter would have to be chosen from the current situation on their own forces, deciding how to further earn an existence.

3. Teacher

Arrigoa Paul is taught to train the Opera vocals of the 19-year-old Luciano Paul. And agreed to do it for free by entering the plot of the family of the pupil. Subsequently, Ettore Campogalkaliani came to change the floor that left abroad.

4. Records

The tenor has repeatedly honored the honor to be listed on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records. For example, as a performer, the highest number of the audience caused by the audience for a bow after the speech - in 1988, the scene of the Berlin Opera Luciano had to return 165 times. Moreover, the ovations of enthusiastic listeners were not cleaned more than an hour.

Or - as part of the team "Three Tenor" performed in the terms of Antoninian in Rome Aria Nessun Dorma. The recording of the speeches eventually became the most sold in the history of music.

5. Problem

Luciano Pavarotti received among the organizers of concerts speaking nickname - the king cancellation. So it was painted for rare undisciplinedness, to justify that only an exceptional talent of the singer was possible. According to the fault of the world famous tenor, appointed performances were repeatedly broken.

6. Gourmet

Lyuboving with akin to the snack, the opera singer not only appreciated skillfully and with the soul cooked dishes, but he himself was an excellent culinary engine. No wonder the statement of Pavarotti that the charming in life things should be attributed to the need to interrupt all sorts of affairs in order to pay attention to the meal, decorates the walls of a number of restaurants in the world.

7. Painful providence

It is worth noting that the most important milestones in the life of the famous tenor are somehow related to diseases. For example, Pavarotti received blood infection at a young age, playing barefoot in football. After recovery, the Father to support the Son, took the last in Opera, where the boy first heard Benjamino Gieli and seriously thought about the fact that in life, probably wants to do something else, in addition to football. Perhaps to become a singer.

Or another example. After six years of training, the vocals did not achieve the desired heights of Pavarotti seriously thought to tie with the stage, devoting himself exclusively to the work of the insurer, which was previously for him only to "support pants".

Confidence was undermined and the folds formed on the voice lines, strongly distorted the voice of the singer, for which his performances began to be severely criticized. It is surprising not even the fact that thickening on the bundles, which attacked the tenor in a longing, suddenly disappeared. And the fact that it was after this wonderful healing the voice of Luciano Pavarotti and acquired the striking depth that the opera fans on the whole globe would fit and appreciate.

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