TV series "Return" (2020): Release date, actors, Roles, Russia-1


October 12, 2020 - the date of release of the melodramatic series "Return" on the TV channel "Russia-1". In the center of the plot paintings - the story of a woman named Irina, which turned out to be superfluous and unnecessary in the life of loved ones. Despite all the tests, the heroine seeks to become happy and wants to return himself true.

In the material 24cmi - the plot, the actors, the roles they executed, as well as interesting facts about the picture.


Young woman Irina 7 years ago lost a child and sacrificed for the sake of happiness of his beloved man. The feeling of loneliness and guilt did not leave the heroine for many years, but she believed that such a punishment got her deserved. 7 years old Irina pounded in the Golden Cage, hating his own husband, which was a real monster.

Once, not withstanding, the heroine one shot kills the spouse and runs there, where no one will look for her. However, returning to last life does not bring happiness, but destroys the illusions finally. A woman learns that many years ago became a victim of deception: her husband betrayed her, and the child she considered the dead, alive. Irina will have to cope with the shock to re-return to himself, she decides to go to the end. After all, the tears of loved ones and blood enemies now in her world are equally.


  • Julia Sessea - Irina Boytseva, who, killing a hated husband, is forced to return to last life, where she once, albeit not long, was happy. However, fate prepared for her a lot of unpleasant events and heavy tests. The heroine will have to go to the end to return to itself. Actress is familiar to the audience for roles in the films of "Psychologies", "three in one 7", "Ivanov-Ivanov" and others;
  • Alexander Nikitin - Peter, Husband Ira, Tyrant, mocking over his wife, whom she killed. The actor also starred in films and TV shows: "New Husband", "Unknown", "Beggling", "Personal Accuses" and others. In 2020, Alexander Nikitin is involved in the filming of 9 film projects;
  • Dmitry Miller - Oleg, Male Vicky. The actor remembered on the roles in the TV series "Nevalyashka", "Relief", "Holy False" and other works. In the 2020s, Dmitry Miller starred in 8 films;
  • Lyubava Greshinova - Vika;
  • Alena Yakovleva - Elizabeth Pavlovna, Mother Oleg;
  • Alexey Kirsanov - Ivan, the younger brother Peter;
  • Maria Romanova is the investigator Solomatina.

The TV series "Return" also starred: Tatyana Vasilyeva, Mikhail Wheat (Maxim), Roman Levkov (Egor), Ksenia Uneven (Camilla), Evgeny Shirikov (Roman), Irina Ivanany (Domrabota) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Sergey Lyalin became the director of the dramatic series "Return", which is known to the audience for such work: "blind", "death to spies", "brother", "gold Scythians", "Fernal Flower" and others. In 2019, the TV channel "Russia-1" also showed the series of director Lyalina "Pure Psychology".

2. Alexander Kusheev, Anastasia Kavunovskaya, Gregory Akopyan became producers. The scenario was written by Evgenia Mikhailov, Vasily Pavlov, Larisa Stepanova. The production of the series was engaged in a film company "Babbbles", "Griffin" and "Kaleidoscope film".

3. There is the same-sized art film director Andrei Zvyagintseva, shot in 2003, which tells about childhood of two brothers. Also in 2019 in Ukraine showed a series with the same name, which describes the lives of two sisters with different characters and fate.

TV series "Return" - Trailer:

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