Vsevolod Shahaans - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Husband Anna Bashchikova, Lawyer 2021



Vsevolod Shahaanov does not like to disclose the details of their biography, but his name still remains hearing. The man gained fame as an American lawyer and husband of the Russian actress Anna Bashchikova.

Childhood and youth

Vsevolod Yakovlevich Shahanov was born on August 16, 1970 in Pskov. About his nationality, early years of life and parents of information. According to the spouse, the man was educated at Harvard. Other sources argue that Vsevolod studied at the University of New York, and then graduated from a private law school in Brooklyn.

Personal life

In 2005, a man flew to Moscow, where he met with the star of Cinema Anna Bashchikova. Since Shahaans lived in the US, he did not know that the future chosen was a popular actress, but quickly realized that they had a lot in common. A woman has conquered his own English language and erudition, which brought them closer after one meeting.

An interference to the emergence of mutual feelings did not even become the presence of the Vsevolod of the stamp in the passport. He divorced the first wife and finally moved to the Russian capital to be closer to the beloved. For a woman, marriage also became the second - before that she was married to the singer Maxim Leonidov.

After 2 years, the lovers celebrated the wedding, and soon after that, their firstborn Mikhail appeared. In childhood, the boy hit the surrounding intellectual abilities - loved hiking in the museums, was interested in history. And at the age of 10 years he shone on the TV program "Best of all!", Where I impressed the audience with knowledge about the biographies of celebrities.

The second child - the son of Alexander was born in 2009. Unlike his brother, he began to show interest in sport, carried away by football. According to the wife of Vsevolod, Misha is more like it in nature: it is stubborn and demanding, and Sasha, on the contrary, dying and calm.

Despite family happiness, Anna dreamed of her daughter, who was born only in 2017 and received the name Maria. The girl from an early age was creative, and at 3 years he made his debut in the cinema - played the son of the Bashchikova in the series "Iznikka".

All this time, Shahanov remained a non-public person, but Anna, on the contrary, laid out family photos in "Instagram" and gladly told about the news from their livelihood. However, in 2019, the name of Vsevolod began to actively mentively mention, wrote about the upcoming divorce of the pair and about the debts of the second husband Bashchikova.

"Express Gazeta" published excerpts from legal opinions, according to which a man repeatedly took loans and refused to return. As a result, by decision of the court, he was obliged to pay the plaintiffs about $ 400 thousand.

Anonymous sources reported that the money for the repayment of Shahanov's debts took from his wife's personal funds, which was the reason for the conflict and the subsequent divorce. According to another version, the spouses decided to disperse, because Vsevolod learned about the treason of Anna.

Later, the rumors were denied the director of the actress. He stated that in the personal life of the bankname everything is in order, and the husband often comes to her on the shooting of the "Izkanka", which just at that time were held in Gelendzhik. But the discussion of the scandalous news has not subsided for a long time.


She knows about the career of Shahanov, according to Anna, he was engaged in business in New York, then opened the case in Moscow. Unlike the star spouse, a man is less tight schedule, so he often takes family troubles and care for children. A man visits theaters, museums and parks with them, trying to come up with something cognitive.

Vsevolod Shahaans now

Now Shahanov continues to lead a closed lifestyle, rarely appears in the public and does not interview, while the wife enjoys laurels after the release of the 4th season "Irckaki", the premiere of which took place in 2020.

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