Money Saving: 2020, ways to learn how to financial pillow, reserve


Saving money does not lose relevance at all times, and especially people are interested in this topic during the crisis of 2020, when enterprises and organizations go to the "remote", reduce employees and experience serious material difficulties.

How to learn how to save and create a financial airbag for the future, in the material 24cm.

1. Food and Drinks

Homemade food and drinks have always been and remain cheaper and more profitable than restaurant dishes, fast food and finished products in supermarkets. Saving a tangible amount will turn out from those who abandon the order of lunch to the office or home and will take food with them from the house, and also prefer "home tea" from the thermos drink from the machine.

In addition, it is useful to remember the method of competent savings tested by women and the mistresses of several generations. We are talking about home billets, which are significantly cheaper than the cost of shopping semi-finished products.

2. Failure to brands

Products of companies that do not spend unthinkable amounts for advertising, often no worse than the "promoted" brands. Buying products "with the name", you overpay for a recognizable logo and said brand. At the same time, the differences in quality, technical characteristics and other parameters are difficult to find.

This applies to products, household and digital technology, medicines and other things. If you wish, you can easily find a suitable similar product and not overpay.

3. Refusal to participate in "Shares"

Marketers know how to attract the attention of the buyer and make a person acquire a "unnecessary product". Many people know that the offers in the style of "3 at a price of 2" or "only today a 40% discount" makes a deception, but often the visitors of the stores are still unable to resist the temptation and buy more than planned.

In order for saving money to be tangible, do not participate in similar "promotions" and acquire only what will be needed in the near future.

4. Purchase of clothes "Not in season"

However, there are cases when the promotions can save, if we are talking about seasonal sales on clothes and shoes. Brand stores and firms are "getting rid of" from the remnants of the collection, make significant discounts.

Of course, the choice in this case will be small and in the store may not be the desired size, but if you are lucky, you will acquire a high-quality thing at a reduced price. Before buying, it is still worth thinking if you need a third winter jacket or another pair of sneakers.

5. Contribution to the Bank

Competent savings implies the creation of a cash reserve, which will be regularly replenished. From each salary, postpone a small percentage or fixed amount. Spending accumulated funds permissible in unforeseen or emergency cases.

Money is better to put on the bank account, so you will also receive interest on savings. Plus - there will be no temptation to spend the accumulated capital on a momentary desire.

6. Refusal to car and taxi travel

If you consider the costs that your personal vehicle requires, it becomes clear what kind of money will save in case of refusal of this article costs. Fuel, technical inspection, replacement of spare parts, insurance, straws on the roads take away the "lion" part of the family budget. This also includes regular trips for a taxi, especially in incidental affairs and for short distances.

Recover approach to movements around the city, if you have time and conditions - more go on foot or purchase a bike. It is useful for health, and much more profitable financially.

7. Mobile applications for expenses

In 2020, a lot of technologies have been created that simplify the life of the average city inhabitant. Mobile application for saving money installed on a smartphone will help control the costs, plan purchases, draw up lists of necessary acquisitions and follow the material well-being of the family.

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