Serial "Epidemic" (2019): director, how to removed, Wagner, idea, preparation


On October 12, 2020, the spectators saw the audience on TV-3 channel "epidemic". The project also acquired the Netflix platform, where he entered the top 5 best films. What remained behind the scene of a multi-sized film, which in a sense became a prophetic after the premiere on November 14, 2019, and how the apocalypse was removed in Russia - in the material 24cm.


The epidemic series was born on the basis of the novel Yana Wagner "Wongozero". The author of the scenario Roman Kantor admitted that the adaptation required to change the characters and plot lines. Prior to this, the idea of ​​creating a project based on the work appeared repeatedly, but the material did not manage to do the material to the format of the multi-sized film.

The screenwriter admits that some changes were conscious, and some are forced. One of the copyright finds was the lack of a key hero, whereas in the novel the situation is perceived through the inner monologues of the female character.

The director of the project Pavel Kostomaarov chose the shooting of "epidemic" from 5 proposed scenarios and admitted that he saw human relations in the storyline. And the global catastrophe turned out to be a catalyst, exacerbating the experiences of heroes.

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In addition, the screenwriter Roman Kantor tried to register images so that in the face of heroes could be seen of neighbors, acquaintances, relatives. The director successfully implemented the author's ideas, and after the situation with a coronavirus infection, the colleague was taken by the series as a prophetic and asked to remove something vitality.


The creators of the project in one interview admitted that in the preparation process for a long time they could not find an artist to a major role. I was looking for an unrivalent actor. But there are no such persons among performers for 30-35 years.

A portion of the casting conducted a director who was happy to work with selected celebrities. "They were beautiful, and if they were taken away at the time of filming their damn" Iphons "and" Instagram ", they would become even better. But I did not decrease on it, "Pavel Kostomarov ironically emphasized.

By the way, it was in excellent physical form and actor Yuri Kuznetsov, who brilliantly coped with the filming in a difficult winter expedition. In order for the artist to be comfortable, the scenario was adapted to it, and it turned out even better than expected.

The creators sought to reveal the atmosphere of chaos and horror. This helped the coordinated work of the artist-director of Maria Ricksha and the operator David Haiznikova.

"We were lucky, and quickly managed to find picturesque, cold, places gloomy, but at the same time the most beautiful northern landscapes in the city of Onega," said Pavel Kostomarov's memories. The locations of the series also began the backyard of Moscow.


Directed by Pavel Kostomarov for 1.5 months before the filming gathered a film crew to hear the offers of actors. The epidemic series was removed in 66 days. Of these, 16 days were pavilion or interior, and the rest - in conditions of harsh winter weather. Sometimes frost kept up to -26 degrees and technique faced. Already by the 15th day of the filming had to change the cars that "worked" in the frame.

Interesting was the fact that in the forests of the Arkhangelsk region, where the shooting was carried out, the flock of wolves met the group, and the actress Victoria Isakova had a chance to see Lynx.

The executor of the role of Sergey, Kirill Kyaro, said that during the shooting process a lot was changed to the go. And he had to argue with the creators about his character. The actor seemed that he was stronger than it was spelled out. But not all proposals were taken due to the upcoming scenic moves.

Share the impressions of the shooting and director of the project, which was aware of the boundless immersion in the character in the scene with the participation of Maryana Spivak. "There I first saw what acting genius," the director admitted and added that he was worried about whether the actress reincarnation was converted on the film.

Author's reaction

The author of the book "Wagonero" Yana Wagner described the series "Epidemic" as a "loud genre project, ambitious and bright, with star composition of actors and a talented director." Yana admitted that the multi-sieuled film took place, although the focus was shifted and the story became male.

According to the author, she did not take part in the work on the scenario, but expressed their wishes and hopes that some of them were helpful. Male castor The creator of the novel called unmatched, and the performer of the heroine turned the genre framework and managed to reveal the drama of the situation. But the appearance of the Chinese military in Karelia, the creator of the book took as curious.

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