The series "My" (2019): Release date, actors, roles, home


In mid-October 2020, the audience of the Canal "home" saw the melodramatic series "My". The plot reveals the story of a woman who, in order to save the family, adopts the child. However, the relationship with the baby is not soldered, and the difficulties frighten the husband, and he goes to another. The actors and the roles of melodrama, as well as curious facts about the shooting process - in the material 24cm.


Katya works by a journalist and prepares a report about orphans. Next to her, a loving husband Alexey, who a woman informs about pregnancy on the way home. From excess feelings, the future father loses control, and the car enters the accident. Kati had a miscarriage, she could no longer become a mother.

After sad events in the relationship of the spouses, a crack appeared. In the desire to save the marriage Katya offers to adopt the boy from the orphanage, where she made the plot. The husband agrees to the proposal of the wife, but asks to make adoption on himself, and after it goes to a friend, with which the Kate has changed.

Relations with a seed adopted by a boy, Kati do not add up. And as soon as the child admits a mother in a woman, the father of the child appears, who comes from prison, which intends to restore his right to custody. How events will develop in the future - tells the series "My".

Actors and roles

  • Anastasia Karpenko - Katya, adopting a child, but lost her husband. The woman entered into a fight for the foster son seeds with the father of the boy and does not intend to retreat. However, life presented a surprise. In the filmography of the performer, noticeable roles in the TV series "Dr. Kovalchuk" and "House of Hope". In 2020, a multi-metering film "Refraction" with the participation of the performer was released.
  • Gennady Popenko - Alexey, husband Kati. The absence of children oppresses a man, and he finds a dosushin in the arms of the girlfriend Kati. The actor debuted from the Motheric film "Taptation of Werewolf". Later, the work was noticeable in the series "Ambulance" and "Mental Wars. Odessa". In 2020, it is in the production of a multiserial project "Challenge" with the participation of the Contractor.
  • Sergey Malyuga - Anton, Father Seed, who recently freed from the places of detention. The actor is known in the work in the dentist and Souvenir from Odessa. In 2020, the premiere of the last day of war with the participation of the performer took place.
  • Philip Poteski - 6-year-old Semyon, whoes for the deceased mother. The young actor debuted with the role in the series "Eclipse". Later was the multi-meter project "Criminal Journalist".

The series also starred: Konstantin Koretsky, Olga Ztsilinskaya, Sergey Korshikov, Elizaveta Kozlov, Nikolai Kiy.

Interesting Facts

1. The production of film corrodes ended in 2019. Project release date - October 16, 2020.

2. The director's chair of the series occupied Oksana Tatarenko, known for the Multiserful Projects "Guardian Angel" and "Podlids 2".

3. The author of the scenario was Maria Shikhaleev and Kirill Olyushkin, who worked on the plot of the series "Where Love" and "Householder".

4. The series "My" prepared by Star Media. The project participated in the project Russian and Ukrainian filmmakers.

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