Igor Demarin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Between the Day of Defender of the Fatherland and the Great Victory Day in the 2020s, the organizers at the 23rd time they were preparing to hold an open festival-competition of the army song "For faith! For depiction! For love! " in Sochi. The role of a harsh jury should have made well-deserved workers of the Russian Federation - artistic director of the Aleksandra Aleksandrova ensemble Sergey Galkin and the author of Viktor Trofimov, as well as singers Sergey Bystrov and Igor Demarin and his wife. Unfortunately, at the specified period, the event did not take place due to the coronavirus pandemic

Childhood and youth

Some geographic objects are amusing that they have edible names. These include the settlement of Kalach-on-Don, and the village of Porzas, Chickens, Cherry and Drying, and the River Big Chicken, and the city of Raisin of the Kharkiv region of Ukraine. The latter is also notable for the fact that in it at the end of October 1959, the 22nd, Igor Demarin appeared on the light.

Despite the fact that the mother's love of Andreevna in the specialty was a chemist, she faithfully served as an actress in the folk theater. It was from her that her son took over the thrust to the stage, carried away by melodic art in childhood. Father Boris Mikhailovich worked all his life by an engineer.

The interests of the child did not hide from their parents, and adults gave it to the local music school to study the Azam game on the piano. But this is not the only tool in the arsenal of celebrities: already at 10 years old, he independently mastered the 6-string guitar. After 3 years, the teenager was surprised again surrounding, under the impression of the creativity of Batyr Zakirov, writing his first single "many years."

In writing, he practiced throughout the school pore, participating in extracurricular and district events. So by graduation, the guy has accumulated a lot of hits, performed and now, - "Ballad about an unknown soldier," Julia "," Ivanna "and other.

The next section of the biography turned out to be an Artemov Music School, at the end of which young man was taken to the army. Here, the talented Demarin easily fell into one of the oldest teams of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the ensemble of the song and dance of the Red Blue Black Sea Fleet.

Stay in it did not pass in vain. Demobilized, Igor became a student of NMA named after Peter Tchaikovsky and found himself under the wing of the famous lion composer bow. The mentor influenced the ward that he, having settled in Via Korchagintsy, began to make timid steps in creating a rock operator.

Personal life

Romantic relations with Irina Swedovaya, who became the first spouse Demarin, were struggling in Kamchatka, where they were sent "to entertain" the drifting in the ocean of fishermen. Young people met in 1984 on the farmhouse of Cultationalate ship "Kortchagin" on the floating house.

And after they did not part in Kiev, while playing the wedding for the next year and together holding a daughter's rapidness from the previous marriage of a woman. Thanks to Igor Borisovich, his spouse became famous. For her, the man wrote 100% hits "America-Relief", "White Waltz", etc. But later it was exactly the cross on their personal life.

"Everything went awry: someone had to play the role of the second violin, but I did not decide to sacrifice the career for the sake of the family. The divorce was worried very hard, it seems to understand that the relationship was outlined, and the love was not held for a long time. Now we are in good relationship with Igor - and how otherwise? " - Shared singer in an interview in 2014.

Shortly before the divorce, the composer was lucky - in early spring right on Khreshchatyk, he met his soul mate. But the deliberate girl, who at that time was only 15-16 years old, was not: the spouses had already accepted a firm decision to disperse, and Irina spoke a young fireman.

Choir gave birth to his beloved two sons, Roman and Ignat, at the time of the younger, by the way, Demarin was glad. And he, in turn, "presented" to her the formation of guitis and the profession of his own producer.

"The main thing in the family is that the children see that Dad and Mom love each other. We love children and each other. Igor is a good father. If there is a free minute, he takes sons from two years to skate, play hockey. In the summer - football, swimming. I think our relationship will continue for a long time, "Natalia told.


In 1986, all-Union love and glory were collapsed for Demarin, which contributed to the enchanting performance on Jurmala - from there a happy contestant drove the audience prize sympathy. The following year, the performer flashed in the "song of the Year", and then reinforced the success of the "Crimean Crying" Grand Prix and receiving the title "Honored Artist of Ukraine".

With the help of the "Focus" and "Jordano" conquering a festival in Sopot, often compared with Eurovision, and releasing the "midnight snow" record, the singer at the very beginning of the 90s decided to move to Moscow. And again he smiled good luck: Pala, struggled by talent, "Step to Parnassa."

For two years, Igor, Igor, with his wife Irina, balt listeners of native Ukraine and Russia, the concert program "Two people walk through the world", afterwards again returned to the writing of the rock opera. So, in 1994, the light saw "Saga about a soldier", and in 2007, "Perfumeer", later realized on ice.

The latter impressed not only the sophisticated public, but also on the very creator of the literary work. Patrick Zyuskind, who forbidden to embody his novel on the theater scene, eventually surrendered and blessed the composer to produce.

Many essays of the author, cozy, settled in discography near the "begging" and "Invite the Father on White Dance," soon moved to other celebrities. The star of the Soviet pop Valery Leontyev breathed the second life in the "Doctors - Time", the Queen of Chanson Lyubov Uspenskaya virtuoso coped with the "abroad" and "Votik".

Also in zero man revealed several albums, the musical "Adam and Eve" and invented music to the children's spectrum "Mumina-Troll and Comet."

Igor Demarin now

The first channel is trying to remember the legendary Michael Tanic every year, organizing evenings in honor of the poet, demonstrating documentary films, fragments of the TV shows and record a concert dedicated to his 85th anniversary. A large-scale show was not without the participation of Demarin, who performed in a duet with Tamara Gladenzitel "Golden Heart".

Igor Borisovich, surprisingly fans in 2019 New Year's Opera "Miracles in two hours," continues to seek to act as a jury of musical competitions. So, he, together with Oleg Ivanov, Yuri Schivrin, Marie Karna and others judged the "song without borders", the next year appeared on the festival of army songs already mentioned.


  • 1989 - "Full Snow"
  • 1993 - "Leaves of the Summer Garden" (with Irina Swedovaya)
  • 1994, 2004 - "Zagranny"
  • 1994 - "America-Relief. Songs Igor Demarin "(with Irina Swedovaya)
  • 1995 - "cross" (with Irina Swedovaya)
  • 1999 - "Applause ..."
  • 2002 - "I love ..." ("List Fall")
  • 2010 - "Perfume"

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