Sinji Ikari (character) - pictures, anime, "evangelion", depression, pilot


Character History

Sinji Ikari is the Evangelion Anime Protagonist and the Yearly Manga of 1995. The main character became the third of the children, a pilot of a biomechanical robot designed to combat angels.

History of character creation

The Japanese Animation Studio Gainax took over the development of a multi-sized cartoon in 1992. Anna Hideaki for several years worked on the idea, trying to bring something new in the genre of fur-anime.

The new TV series was a frozen project - Sicvel Aoki Uru, telling about the hero who got used to live past. The scientific fiction plot together with a deep psychological background led to the success of the franchise dedicated to the idea of ​​opposing people and angels.

Adding to the narration of Christian symbolism was allocated the creation of Ano Hideaki and Yuzi Enocido among such animated series in this genre.

The main character became inconspicuous, quiet and suffering from solitude Ikari. Hideaki argued that he himself became the prototype of the protagonist. The author splashed the accumulated state of depression in the process of creating a hero.

The plot concentrates around biomechanical robots, which are capable of writing angels only with a pilot. Only teenagers can manage modules, and against the background of a sharp decline in the birth rate after the second explosion there are not so many.

High-quality graphics, bright pictures and clear detailing with a lift of deep social problems of the late 20th century, allowed us to talk about the series as a masterpiece. Manga Yuzi Equido began to be published from the 1st series Anime, and the latest issues were published in 2013.

At the voice acting of the main characters took the most popular actors. So, Ikari's voice became Magumi of Ogata.

Up to the middle of the series, the scriptwriters adhered to a given concept. But with the 16 series focus of attention from the war moved to a psychological analysis of Ikari character. His internal problems and conflicts caused by children's injuries began to occupy almost the main place in the plot.

In addition, the anxiety fans about deaths and pain of key heroes increased with each episode. All this caused discontent and criticism, especially the last series, demonstrating exclusively internal throwing of Shinji.

Nevertheless, these factors did not affect the commercial success of the project. In the fall of 1996, Gainax announced the release of 2 full-length films. With a difference of several months, the audience saw Evangelion: Death and Rebirth and The End of Evangelion, the plot of which repeated the events of the series with an alternative ending.

Pilot Eva-01 (a reduction from the "Evangelion") became the subject of fierce disputes between the creators of the franchise. Yoshihi Sadamoto believed that it would be a young guy with female features, brought, but not resolved for suicide. Anko saw the protagonist calm, not childishly strange outside and serious inside.

The appearance of Ikari also underwent changes. In the initial sketches, he has long hair that closes the eyes into dramatic moments. Sadamoto as the basis took the appearance of another character, Nadia from Nadia: The Secret Of Blue Water, creating a male version from it.

As a result of some discrepancies, the character of the teenager has repeatedly changed. Nevertheless, the authors agreed in the main thing. Shinji is a deeply unfortunate child, who has a keen society, but dreaming about praise.

The name and surname of the character by decision Ano Hideaki were borrowed from two of his friends.

Image and Biography of Shinji Ikari

In the series and manga, the postpocalyptic world of the beginning of the XXI century was demonstrated. The society is trying to come to his senses after a global catastrophe that has killed half of the population of Japan and forever changed the fate of every person.

Shinji's birthday - June 6, 2001, on the sign of the zodiac he is twins. The boy appeared on the light exactly 9 months after the catastrophe, called the second blow. At the age of 3 years, the child is half orphaned. His mother Yui died during an experiment with evangelions capsules.

Father Gando, who headed the organization for the production of biomechanical robots, was not engaged in the education of the Son, giving him to the care of aunt and uncle. I remembered him when the teenager was already 14 years old.

In 2015, Gando called the guy to the city of Tokyo-3. Shinji, having arrived at the Father, found out that he was prescribed by the pilot Eva-1. The schoolboy did not want to agree on it. But seeing that instead of him, in this case, the control cabin will take the wounded Ray Ayana, gave a positive answer.

There was no instructor, because the guy immediately threw into battle with an angel. The newly connected pilot did not cope with the task, so Eva alone threw the attack. Nevertheless, everyone was amazed to synchronize Shinji with a robot. Unlike other children who needed months to workout, he felt the car immediately.

Misato Katsuragi becomes a teacher and guardian of the teenager, the daughter of the deceased head of the expedition, who discovered the first Angel Adam on the North Pole. The boy lives with her, and after the house comes another pilot - the second child named Aska Langley.

At school, the hero starts friends - Tuji and Kensk. With the first, however, the relationship was not initially rooted, because his sister was injured in the battle of Ikari with an angel. The character is difficult to communicate with other people for a number of reasons.

Shinji shy, does not appreciate his life, often dwells in melancholy. He is sure that he will reject his father, and this aspect in his biography does not give a chance to go further, love himself. The underestimation and inner cry of despair are forced by Ikari to make actions in favor of others. He is eager for recognition and praise and at the same time considers himself unworthy of anyone.

In his free time, Eva-1's pilot does everything to aggravate and without that sad position. He is often sad alone, listens to depressive music, plays a cello, although this occupation does not give the guy any pleasure.

Working a teenager does not like, but the abilities are manifested from the first minute of piloting. He is not difficult to get around the indicators of ASU. Despite the fact that a kiss happened between them, Langley could not be called his girl.

Shinji immediately aroused a close interest in the angels who were trying to destroy the young talent by any way. They can even introduce a core as a 5th child in NERV. Ikari, betrayed with the new pilot after exposing, was forced to kill him.

Continuing fierce battles, the guy desperately tried to find his place in life. And at this time, for various reasons, his friends and teachers left.

Salvation becomes the idea of ​​the main character to return human bodies to people. In the battle with Angel, Shinji dies and absorbed Eva-1. In an attempt to resurrect pilot, there is an oversight, the contents of the capsule appear. As a result, recreated Ikari becomes a copy generated by a biochemical robot.

The leitmotif of the series was love. The young man is desperately looking for her, forgetting that it is necessary to start with himself. Pity, indecision, fear - all this prevents Shinji to look into your own soul and believe in yourself, want to live, not looking for praise and recognition.


"Do not say that you have nothing else. Do not say "goodbye" when parting. It is so sad. "" Again this ceiling. My reward for piloting Eva. "" Life feeds on life, it is invariably. If you want to live - feed your life with the life of the enemy, the angels are suitable in this, because they are monsters. "

Interesting Facts

  • One of the quotes of the main character "I should not run away" on the recognition of the writer Ano Hideaka became the plot inspiration of the series.
  • According to Animage magazine, Eva-1 pilot became the best character of Anime in 1996.
  • Singer Magumi Ogata, who voiced Ikari, was born on the same day as he.


  • 1995-2013 - Neon Genesis Evangelion
  • 2007-2009 - Neon Genesis Evangelion: Gakuen Datenroku


  • 1995-1996 - Neon Genesis Evangelion
  • 1997 - Evangelion: Death and Rebirth
  • 1997 - The End of Evangelion
  • 1998 - Revival of Evangelion
  • 2007 - Rebuild of Evangelion

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