Ivanna Sakhno - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



At the end of 2019, a documentary belt "From Ukraine in Hollywood" was published in Ukrainian rental about Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol countrymen, who achieved success at the Dream Factory. In one row with Vadim Perelman, Anatoly Kokusha, Evgeny Mamut, Ilya Volokh and others turned out to be a young talented artist Ivanna Sakhno. The girl, outwardly something resembling Elizabeth Olsen, attentive viewers could notice not only in movies, but also in the music video of the Green Day group.

Childhood and youth

4 years after the spouses-cinematographers of Galina Kuvivchak-Sakhno and Anatoly Sakhno became the parents of the son of Taras, their daughter Ivanna appeared on the world. It happened on November 14, 1997. Subsequently, children went in the footsteps of the Father and Mother, choosing a creative path for themselves. Nevertheless, according to the recognition of celebrities, in childhood she did not think about becoming an actress, and dreamed of a taxi driver or figure skater.

Despite this, at the 8th age, the girl received a role in the Lesya + Roma Sitkom, convincingly reincarnated to the niece of the main character, which Irma Vitovskaya played. If you believe the publications in the media, the fees ascending a star did not spend on all sorts of little things and unnecessary things, and carefully postponed further study.

At the age of 13, Ivanna was in the United States, where she managed to visit the Seminar Jane Jenkins and Janet Hirsheson and get into the workshop of the latter. At the end of Beverly Hills High School, the graduate taught knowledge of the knowledge of Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute, as Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and Angelina Jolie.

Personal life

Personal life American actress of Ukrainian nationality now prefers to keep away from prying eyes. In its social networks, do not find photos where a potential beloved or future husband could be captured. But accounts are filled with snapshots illuminating working days. Ivanna willingly talks about "colleagues" and in an interview."We are with cute kunis unites not only that we worked on one project, but our childhood and the country from which we arrived. Even the details such as the cinema "Ukraine" in Chernovtsy: She remembered that in childhood there was watching movies with her family, just like me, "she explained.

Blonde beauty with a short haircut closely monitors fashion. The actress often flashes on the covers of glossy magazines and is divided into three components of their style "in the world": jeans, T-shirts and brand shoes Dr. Martens. Slim figure (height 173 cm with weight 52 kg) allows it to be placed in "Instagram" publications in open swimsuits or tight outfits, but it tries to refrain from this.

The girl is endowed with many abilities. She owns ballroom and modern dances and Russian, English, French, German and Chinese. In addition, it easily copes with driving a car, moped and bicycle, respects equestrian sports, swimming, hand-to-hand fighting and tennis.

As for the intimate question of happiness, Ivanna admitted that it was immersed in the state of Euphoria:

"Iceland and self-development that helps me understand yourself better than a person. And I also makes a happy borsch, honestly. Borsch leads me to the state of Zen: only I take the first spoonful of the welded soup, as all the problems of the world are departed into the background. "


Parents did everything in order for the public to remember their pretty talented daughter. The mother made a director, and the father - the operator of the Melodram "Women's Tears", "Music Teacher" and the Comedy "A man for life, or marriage," where their heir was shot.

Ivanna Sakhno and Elizabeth Olsen (similarity)

In 2009, the filmography Sakhno joined the "Just Foundation for Killing" with Svetlana Ustinova and Andrei Merzlikin and "Contract", marked at an international film festival in Kiev. In the next 2 years, the artist entrusted reincarnation in the main actors in the "Babi Lake" and "Frode".

Recognition abroad did not come immediately. Before geting a role in the second part of the "Pacific Rise", Ukrainian starred in a pair of low-budget paintings. But after entering the screens of the fantastic militant Stephen S. Denait on the girl sprinkled offers from directors. So, Suzanna Fogel invited her to "Spy, who threw me", and J.F. Ganiaon and his wife Geneva - in the "Convoy of Lovaganza".

Ivanna Sakhno now

In September 2019, for the first time in 1.5 years, Sakhno visited his native Ukraine - she was invited to become one of the members of the Jury of Odessa Film Festival.

On the day of all lovers - 2020, the creative biography of the performer has been enriched with a new project "Melomanka". The comedy melodrama was the germination of the bestseller of the 90s - touching and merciless novel Nick Hornbi about growing up, pop culture and searching for themselves.


  • 2005-2006 - "Lesya + Roma"
  • 2006 - "Women's Tears"
  • 2008 - "A man for life, or not claim to marry"
  • 2008 - "Music Teacher"
  • 2009 - "Good ground for killing"
  • 2009 - "Contract"
  • 2011 - "India Summer"
  • 2013 - "FDA"
  • 2013 - "Ivan Power"
  • 2016 - "Black Flower"
  • 2017 - "Mountain Lights"
  • 2018 - "Pacific Rubber - 2"
  • 2018 - "Spy that threw me"
  • 2018 - "Convoy of Lovaganza. Part 1: Follow your sunlight "
  • 2020 - "Melomanka"

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