Rose Tyler (character) - Photo, TV series "Doctor Who", actress, Billy Piper


Character History

Rosa Tyler is a companion of the Ninth and Tenth Lord of Time from the British Scientific Fantastic TV series "Doctor Who". The character made his debut in the 1st episode after a 9-year break in a television show broadcast.

History of character creation

The plot of the film is built around the mysterious person, which calls himself a doctor. At the Spaceship of Tartis, he furries not only space, but also time, struggling against alien villains.

The first series of the most prolonged science fiction television show was shown on TV in 1963. For the age of 26, the series found the status of the cult, having collected millions of viewers from around the screens near the screens.

After a break in the broadcast, BBC One has released a pilot series of continuation in 1996. But the ratings were failing, so ideas about the development of the plot were postponed for another 9 years. Finally, in 2005, a premiere showing of the Rosa series took place. Officially, the television company considers the project to restart the universe, so the numbering of episodes began again.

The names of the main actors - Billy Piper and Christopher Eccleston - were first mentioned in the initial credits. The actress, which played the role of Tyler, until the moment of participation in the project could not boast an impressive list of works in the filmography, although it was known as a pop performer.

Interestingly, Georgia Moffett was initially for the role of a Mysterious Doctor's companion. Subsequently, this actress also appeared in the film in 2008.

The name of the heroine was not chosen by no accident. Executive producer Stephen Russell Davis considered him bringing good luck after the success of the Drama "Bob and Rose". In addition, Stephen was confident that it was time to break the tendency to appear in the picture of female satellites with boyish names.

As for the name of the character, Davis continued to follow the tradition. Fans of creativity Stephen could trace a fun trend - the Tyler family in the "spoiled product", Ruth Tyler in "Revelations", Johnny Tyler in the "Second Coming" show. As can be seen, this surname often appeared in Stephen's projects, speaking some mascot or a win-win option.

Shooting a new season of the show started in 2004. Teleproductor Julie Gardner agreed with the candidate of Billy Piper, considering that the former pop star is ideal for all criteria and corresponds to the image of a dynamic companion. The actress herself admitted that in her work she was helped by memories of their own behavior and thoughts in adolescence.

The new companion of the ninth, and then the tenth lord of time participated in the first 2 seasons. The last appearance happened in 2010. The scripts returned the character on the screens to complete the romantic line. In addition, Rosa marked in a special issue of the "Doctor's Day", where he took the form of an evil wolf.

Image and biography of roses Tyler

The girl was born in 1986 by Peter and Jackie Tyler. But the Father practically did not remember, because he died in a traffic accident. As a schoolgirl, heroine was professionally engaged in gymnastics, once ranked 3rd at competitions.

At the age of 16, he spun a novel with some Jimmy Stone, because of which she stopped attending school. As a result, I did not receive an education, I was getting at work in the department store.

The first meeting with a time traveler took place on New Year's Eve. Returning to the mother home, heroine saw her, a drunk man. He looked no matter, so Rosa approached, whether he needs to help. The doctor (the tenth embodiment) asked what a number today, and promised the stranger a wonderful 2005 year.

After 3 months, the sales assistant faced horror right in the workplace. Going onto the ground floor of the department store, it was surrounded by the revived mannequins (authon). The ninth doctor came to the rescue, blowing up the building along with plastic entities.

The girl dumbfounded and lost the work could not throw out the resulting out of his head, so at the next meeting with a mysterious man demanded an explanation. But he advised her to forget about it and left all questions without answers.

Then a curious heroine found a site in which information about the mysterious stranger was provided. Friend of Rosa, Mickey Smith, agreed to ride it to the owner of the Internet portal. Tyler talked with Clive, who believed that the lord of time was dangerous. When a shocked girl returned to the car, he was already waiting for a twin-auton in the image of a friend.

Together with him, she went to a restaurant, where, by a happy chance, a doctor turned out to be. He quickly figured autonom and neutralized it. But even without the head "Mickey" tried to catch up and kill a rose.

Tyler, together with the Savior, hurried to Tardis, where the man told the truth about himself and on time travel. Before them stood a difficult task - to calculate the location of the mind of Nestin to return this Smith.

Rosa showed courage and courage, throwing autons. However, he herself in Chan with consciousness, thereby provoking his death. She, Mickey and the Doctor managed to escape from the swear building.

After these events between Tyler and the traveler in time no longer had no longer anywhere. The man suggested joining him, and Rose, burning from curiosity, went into incredible adventures.

The heroine is very bold and childishly a nice person, although quickly focuses in new circumstances and bravely gives opposite to opponents. Being a companion of the doctor, often gets the details that a man misses sight of. Puppet appearance, miniature figure, bright makeup and trendy style in clothes create a deceptive impression of a frivolous character.

Alien threats The companion meets the brave, speaking faithful by the assistant's assistant. True, the fact of romantic relations between them is denied up to the 2nd season. Thanks to the opportunities that have discovered, she managed to save his own father, which provokes the occurrence of the time paradox.

The traveler sends a companion back to her world, although Rose wants to return and help the partner. For this, the girl looks in the heart of Tartis. A temporary funnel penetrates her consciousness, so the heroine moves to the future. True, such an effect is deadly. Doctor, to save the beloved, kisses her and regenerates himself.

In the 10th embodiment, he continues to communicate with the companion. Together they fall into the parallel universe, where Peter Tyler is alive. Because of the breaks in time, the girl remains locked along with his father, mother and Smith.

The return of the heroine happens in the 4th season. The former companion enjoys the resulting fault between the worlds and manage to save the beloved from distant. The final of the incredible history of the screenwriters made positive. Rose remains in a family with live parents and born brother, as well as with the human twin of the doctor who grew out of his sliced ​​hand.

Interesting Facts

  • By character, the character is often compared with Amy Pond (Karen Gillan). With Amy, the lord of time also traced hints of romantic relations, but the girl married Rory Williams.
  • In fan stories (fan fiction), fans develop the theory that Rosa, River Song and Clara Oswald is the same person at different times and in parallel worlds.
  • Kay McFadden from The Seattle Times newspaper compared the heroine with American Bridget Jones. True, according to her quotation, Tyler "expects it to be awakened by some Mark Darcy, but an embodied adventure."


"You can not just leave!" "If you are a new one, why do you say to Northerner"? "When he has stress, he likes to call names." "They evolve how they are supposed. And you stay in place. You made yourself not change - and what about this good for you? "


  • 2005 - "Clock Man"
  • 2005 - "Monsters inside"
  • 2005 - "The winner gets everything"
  • 2005 - "Anomalous Source"
  • 2005 - "just a person"
  • 2005 - "Thieves Grez"
  • 2006 - "Stone Rose"
  • 2006 - "FIRST ROOM"
  • 2006 - "Raising Tomb"
  • 2006 - "The Nightmare of the Black Island"
  • 2006 - "The Art of Destruction"
  • 2006 - "Paradise Price"


  • 2005-2010 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2013 - "Doctor's Day"

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