Haza Office - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Songs



The Israeli singer of the Hazu region was called the "Madonna East", because this extraordinary person conquered hundreds of thousands of people. The American National Academy of Art and Science Revococial awarded the performer by the Grammy Prize for the implementation of author's ideas.

Childhood and youth

The Haza Office was born in Tel Aviv on November 19, 1957 in the family of emigrants from Yemen, where there were already 8 children. Father and mother did not have the qualities inherent in Jewish nationality. Rising numerous offspring, they survived a number of hard days.

The future star of the Jewish scene grew in a disadvantaged area, but thanks to a good-natured surrounding, did not come down from the right path. From an early age he is fond of music, the girl dreamed of the career of the singer, but seriously did not hoped that popularity expects her ahead.

Mother who spent in small restaurants as a soloist of the concert group, noticed that the youngest daughter had a nice voice and acute hearing. She taught a 5-year-old baby to fulfill folk melodies that attracted attention and fascinated all around.

A neighbor on the street, Betzalel Aloni, appreciated the abilities of young fromra and introduced a 12-year-old girl to the society of creative people. Becoming a member of the local theatrical troupe, the Israelites of Yemen's origin first appeared in performances for poor adults and children.

In the same period, young artist began to develop vocal data, and it was recognized as a peculiar leader of the amateur team "Khatikva". The girl composed songs for himself and colleagues in the project, and everyone who heard them admired and said warm words.

Collaboration with Betzalel, Aloni, in childhood, influenced the further biography of foreheads, since, because of this she fell into the field of view of representatives of musical circles. Her compositions appeared on the collections that reigned and approved the capricious public in the late 1960s.

But the real path to glory began with a song contest, where the head became the best of many representatives of Israeli cities. True, during the first solo speech, to maintain peace of mind on stage was worth the young sympathetic artist of incredible efforts and great difficulties.

Personal life

Judging by the photos, the offra was a very beautiful woman, so even unfamiliar people stretched to her. Despite this, the singer did not hurry with the arrangement of his own personal life, limited to the society of parents, colleagues and the nearest friends.

Over time, the girl had a desire to make a family and become a mother, and at that moment she met a wealthy Israeli businessman. Soon the fans learned about the star's wedding scene with the Ashkenazi Doron. The celebration promised happiness, well-being and a number of pleasant changes in the life of the artist.

Haza's Office and Husband Ashkenazi Doron

At first, in love with days and nights spent each other in the company, but then due to the erratic ties of her husband between them, the disorder began. The absence of children aggravated the relationship, and then the singer learned that she had a deadly disease.

Relatives who did not trust the businessman said that he was sick of AIDS, but until the last days of life openly did not blame him in anything. Along with this, there was a version that HIV in the body of the famous singer got due to blood transfusion made by an inexperienced physician.


At the 19th age of the office began a solo career and, signing a contract with a recording studio, released a debut album. At this time, a special popularity has acquired a composition with social topics, which the singer gave the name "Confession of a Prostitute", or The Tart's Song.

At first, the girl sought to forget about roots and origins and presented songs of a dance genre for mature and young people. However, the Israeli public did not immediately appreciate the potential of the performer, which at the initial stage was engaged in the development of author's ideas.

The absence of radio resources badly affected the promotion of the native Tel Aviv. Despite this, her lyrics gradually crossed the ocean. Texts in Arabic and Hebrew, filled with deep meaning, touched the hearts of the sophisticated public from European and Far Eastern countries.

Albums Bo Nedaber Hai and Pituyim, who came out with solid circulations, became a worthy result of many years of hard work. The OFPA was repeatedly recognized as the best executor of Israel and reached the world musical level in the early 1980s.

The artist in the status of the owner of gold and platinum certificates took part in the Eurovision-1983 music contest. The song "alive" from the same plate has become a visiting card of the concert program and thanks to the talented feed received high-grades of the jury.

After that, the composition of the Haza began to fall on the top of the charts. More than others were famous singles based on the ancient Yemeni poems. The single "Im Nin Alu", who loved the inhabitants of Germany and the UK, opened new horizons for the singer and became the first in the chain of famous hits.

At the end of 1980, the Israelite, who toured the world was awarded the prestigious Tigra and The New Music Award. The SHADAY record, published in Europe, praised foreign critics, and thanks to this, many songs went to the people with time.

The peak of the musical career of the performer was the receipt of the Grammy statuette for the original album Kirya, presented in the 90s. Participation in the shooting of a video clip on the composition of the famous John Lennon strengthened the position of the chase in elite musical circles.

At the same time, the plates of Oriental Nights and Kol Haneshama appeared, as well as duets with Goran Bregovich and a number of popular groups and singers. Then the girl was honored to fulfill the National Anthem of Israel, uniting men and women from villages and cities.

Over time, the popular actress disappeared from the field of view of the foreign public to record the "Song of the song of King Solomon" and "Golden Jerusalem". In this tour free period, the period of the official participated in the national show and worked on soundtracks to a number of American paintings.


In the late 1990s, the singer infected with a virus incompatible with life did everything to continue working and overcome the terrible ailment. She attended public events and performed in concert halls, despite the perspective and warnings of her husband, relatives and close girlfriends.

In February 2000, the official, who was in Tel ha Somomer, felt a serious malaise. The last time of life, the performer conducted under the supervision of doctors. The death of the artist because of the inflammation of the lungs became the tragedy for Israel, and therefore hundreds of people attended the ceremony near the grave.


  • 1980 - Al Ahavot Shelnu
  • 1981 - Bo Nedaber
  • 1982 - Pituyim
  • 1982 - Li-Yeladim
  • 1983 - Hai.
  • 1983 - Shirey Moledet 1
  • 1984 - Bayt Ham
  • 1984 - SHIREY TEYMAN (Yemenite Songs)
  • 1985 - Adamah
  • 1985 - Shirey Moledet 2
  • 1986 - Yamim Nishbarim
  • 1987 - Shirey Moledet 3
  • 1987 - Album Hazahav
  • 1988 - Shaday.
  • 1989 - Desert Wind
  • 1992 - Kirya.
  • 1994 - Kol Haneshama
  • 1995 - Queen in Exile
  • 1997 - Ofra Haza
  • 1998 - AT MONTREUX JAZZ Festival

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